
Oct 11, 2009 13:07

I'm down with my second cold virus in three weeks' time... No fun! Hence the lack of posting. Also, still no muses (though that probably has to do with the colds, and the crazybusystress at work -- muses prefer happy environments).

In the meantime:
tanaqui has posted an awesome commentary on my Jericho story Home Brew that makes me sound a lot smarter than I think I actually am :-) But her commentary also gives some insight in how we work together in our shared 'verse, so someone might be interested in reading it.

Finally, OTW has started their October donations drive, so if you were considering supporting them, now would be a good time. More information on what's been achieved so far can be found in the drive news post. What I'm most tickled about is OMG servers of our own, and of course the Archive of Our Own being thisclose to going into open beta.

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otw, fanfic, health, real life, writerly thoughts

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