Drabble, double drabble

Apr 20, 2009 18:50

(Also, tanaquific and I are getting thisclose to posting the first of our post-series Awesome!Jakeverse (A!Jverse for short) Jericho stories. Squeee! I haven't been this prolific in, well, forever!)

But first:

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Watcher In The Shadows
Rating: General
Characters: Jess
Word count: 200
Summary: Even in death, Jess still cares for Sam.

Initially drafted while home sick with a headache and feeling like a zombie. I think it shows in that it's somewhat... weird. Tanaqui likes it, though, so I can't have gone wrong too badly :)


Fandom: Jericho
Title: Old Habits
Rating: Teen
Characters: Jake/Emily
Word count: 100
Summary: Most of his life, Jake has drifted into situations… and only realized he’s made the wrong choices far, far too late…

Already part of the Awesome!Jakeverse, in my mind, though it can be read separately.


jericho, supernatural, new fic posted

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