Some days, computers boggle the mind...

Jul 28, 2007 17:53

Remember that I was complaining I couldn't get any of the OpenID plugins to work on my WordPress blog?

Well, I shelved the problem and worked on other things, like adding a preview functionality and (those who are prone to typos will love this...) the option to edit your own comment, within a certain time frame after posting it!

Anyway, the OpenID problem kept nagging at me, so I thought, what the hell, let's give it another try.

And lo and behold! It suddenly works!

Unfortunately, I have no idea why. But obviously with all the messing around I've been doing, something somewhere changed. I just hope it keeps working... There's one aspect not working yet (using OpenID to sign in while writing a comment) but I hope that's a small thing to fix.

Still... between computers, software and the internet, I'll never stop being amazed.

wordpress, software

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