Jericho: Forever Never (General)

Apr 27, 2009 22:11

Title: Forever Never
Rating: General
Characters: Jake
Spoilers: 1.13 Black Jack; 1.19 Casus Belli
Word count: 281
Author notes: Companion piece to Girl Geek; references Put On Your Smiley Face. Thanks to tanaquific for the beta.

Summary: Learning about Heather's fate while in jail in New Bern, Jake has time for regrets.

Forever Never

"She's dead, Jake." Eric spoke so softly that at first Jake decided he'd misheard his brother. But the look Eric gave him confirmed it. Jake closed his eyes against the sudden sting and swallowed down the bile that threatened to rise in his throat as the meaning of Eric's words sank in.

Just for a few days.

He should never have let her leave. He should've stopped her. Or gone with her. Or, at the very least, he should've come to New Bern to get her when Constantino brought the first turbine to Jericho and Heather wasn't with them.

Just for a....

But he hadn't. And because of that, those few days had turned into forever: Heather wasn't ever going to come home to Jericho. She'd no longer teach kids the difference between right and left with a simple trick, or make more geeky references to fifties' horror movies, or sew smiley faces onto his socks ever again....

He'd never get to tease her about those flannel pajamas.

She'd left, and he'd let her go, even though he'd thought it a bad idea at the time. All because he'd been too cowardly to ask her to stay. And now he'd never have the chance to-

"You, up. You too."

Two of New Bern's deputies gestured for Jake and Eric to get to their feet and hold out their hands. And as the cuffs closed around his wrists with a soft click, Jake made himself a promise: no matter what it took, he'd get out of here, and get back to Jericho to warn them. He'd finish what Heather had started.

It was the least he could do to honor her memory.

Disclaimer: this story is based on the Junction Entertainment/Fixed Mark Productions/CBS Paramount Television series Jericho. It was written for entertainment only; the author does not profit from it nor was any infringement of copyright intended. Please do not redistribute elsewhere without the author's consent.

fic: forever never, fandom: jericho, status: published, rated: general

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