(no subject)

Apr 16, 2011 03:17

It's incredible how much things can change in 365 days.  8760 hours.  525600 minutes.  It never seems like all that much could happen when you break it down to minutes.  It's not that much time, in comparison to a lifespan.  But everything can change in those handful of minutes.
How long do we sleep each night?
How often do we just stare at the clock, watching seconds tick away?
How much time do we waste?
How could things possibly change so drastic in 31536000 seconds?
But it always does.
Are you the same person you were a year ago?  Probably not.  You've seen different things, and you've heard different points of view.  Physically you might look the same.  Or you've gained or lost weight, or put metal or ink into your body, or formed an addiction, or quit an addiction, or you just have a different haircut.  Usually something has changed.
Physical changes are easy to spot.
Emotional changes aren't as easy to see.
It's a subtle shift behind the eyes.  A darkness or a brightness that most people can't detect.

There had been a point, and I can't remember what it was.
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