Title: A Hidden Note
Pairing: Inoo Kei x Inoue Mao
Notes: Prompt was "creating a song". And my friends and I have the most random pairings.
Summary: Songs always try to tell us something.
"Be honest. It sounds awful, right?"
"Well, I've heard worse..."
"...Forget it, I shouldn't have asked you in the first place." Mao said in a huff, gathering her papers together.
"Will you stop acting like a spoiled brat and let me finish, Inoue-san? You're pretty good considering it's your first time," Inoo said exasperatedly.
"You're just saying that because you want to make me feel better," she responded with a pout.
"Look, creating a song isn't as easy as it looks. Please don't take what we do for a living so lightly," he said, trying not to sound as reproachful as he really felt. She noticed this and meekly nodded her head.
"Sorry~" she said in apology. He smiled and looked over the papers that she gave him earlier.
"The overall feeling of the song isn't so bad, just a few more adjustments and it'll be perfect. And the lyrics need a little changing around; some of these could be said more simply. But you've got a great theme... a pianist writing love songs but doesn't know he's loved by his own muse... sad but moving. How'd you think this up?"
She blushed when he asked the question. This oblivious idiot.
"Oh, you know... around..." she answered vaguely.
"I could relate to the guy for some reason," he suddenly said, almost making her choke on her juice.
"W-what did you just say?"
"Oh, just an errant thought..." he said. He sneaked a glance at her direction and reddened slightly. "Oh, you know... because I play the piano as well..."
"Er... want to go try and play this out? The university's music room is free right now, I think." She smiled and pulled him up to a standing position.
"Sure. Let's go!"
"Don't run too fast, we just ate!"