Title: Amnesia
Pairing: Kikuchi Fuma x Nakajima Kento
Notes: Written for JJ because I unconsciously wrote out an idea from one of our convos. Originally written as a Twitter fic.
Summary: He was the only person he remembers. The only person he needs to remember.
There were the memories trickling from his hands, slipping through the gaps of his fingers. It was hard to remember if you do not even have a clue who you were. He knows what things are, but when asked to remember, his brain alternately blacks out and becomes blank as a sheet. A dull throbbing would begin at the base of his skull and his chest would begin to constrict and he wouldn't be able to breathe. Usually the doctors would stop and would leave him alone with his thoughts, and then he could relax. There was something he wouldn't tell the doctors about. He remembers absolutely nothing about himself. But he does remember something.
Rather, somebody.
He remembers everything about that person. The way his hand was held in that person's warm grasp. Different hairstyles and different shades of hair color, but still that comfortingly familiar face. The way that person's shoulder was his favorite pillow. The way that person's lips were against his. Every curve and angle of that person's features, he has in high definition.
He was reluctant to tell his doctors about his memories. The person in his mind seemed private, his memories with the person a secret. That if anyone knew that person, he would slowly slip away from him, like the memories he was trying to recover.
That this person would cease to exist. And he didn't want that.
So when he was alone in his hospital bed, the moonlight streaming through his window, he whispers that name he had in his head. In his heart.
And that throbbing of his head subside, the ache of his chest fading away. He sleeps with what memories he has, not needing to worry about the memories he doesn't have yet. Because at night, these memories were enough. These memories were all that he needed.
He wakes up. It was the sun looking at him through his window. Another day of tests and needles and questions and headaches and heartaches.
His nurse enters the room. "Nakajima Kento-san? Your new doctor will be here in a bit."
As usual, he smiles and nods, even if he doesn't recognize the name the people around here call him. A few moments later, there was a knock.
He started as his doctor walked through the door.