Title: Immaturity
Pairing: Matsumura Hokuto + Honda Tsubasa
Notes: for @marvy_chan heehee also they are so cute. And happy birthday
konnichihello !
Summary: What they do on breaks.
"Didn't we have enough coffee during filming?" Tsubasa asked with a laugh as she settled into her seat. She was out with Hokuto in a break between fiming, where she miraculously have no scenes to film for about two hours. Hokuto was free (since their characters are supposedly together almost everywhere) and after repeatedly whining "I'm bored~", the younger boy finally pulled her out to the nearest cafe.
"Well you won't shut up about it. Maybe stuffing your mouth would appease the boredom. Or your hunger. Or shut you up, at the very least," he had countered. Tsubasa laughed and stuck her tongue out at him childishly.
"Hey! Even if you are my sempai in the drama, I'm still older than you!"
"Oh, who said that I can 'be comfortable' with her and that there was 'no need for honorifics'?"
"This is different," she declared.
"So that was just for your convenience. You are such a kid."
"Hey kid, I've lived longer than you."
"That means you'll die earlier then," he said smugly.
"Can you be at least more adorable?" she complained.
"No, I like being bratty." He poured a glass of water and gave it to her before pouring one for himself.
"...Thanks..." she said, at a loss for retorts. She watches him as he stares at the cake display, sans glasses. He is handsome, in his mysterious way. But he looks back and he is seventeen again, all bouncy energy and not the gloomy stoic guy he has always seemed to portray in his drama roles.
"What should we have?" he asked eagerly. She laughs warmly at the way his eyes sparkled and how his smile made the gloomy day outside brighter and how her heart was beating a bit faster--
--and how he was a perfect little brother even though they were about the same height.
"I think there was a point in going to a cafe with an unlimited cake and coffee promo," she pointed out.
"Want to bet who eats more?"
"I'm older, I can win this," she says confidently.
"Oh please. You're a model. And I'm a guy with a fast metabolism,"
"You're still a baby."
"A baby that's taller than you. And will win this bet and will be treated by you."
Two hours later they both stumble back to the set, high on sugar and caffeine and giggles. Both of their stomachs were full, and Hokuto's wallet lighter. (He dumbfoundedly stared at Tsubasa after he gave up somewhere around twenty five cakes while Tsubasa happily munched on, and swore never to underestimate a model's appetite ever again.)
Their faces both fell when they learned they will be doing a coffee shop scene again.