Marvel is Marvel Letter

Mar 07, 2016 19:51

Hello, dear creator!

Thank you so much for whatever you create for me. I'm very fond of fanfic, but I'm also open to icons and drabbles and art for treats if anyone should be so inspired.

Some sections are shorter than others, but that's no reflection on which I'd prefer. I'll be excited whatever I get.

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I don't mind coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I'll read but am not a fan of pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.

Kitty's Fairy Tale | Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #153 (Gen, F/M)

Cyclops & The Fiend & Princess Jean (Kitty's Fairy Tale)
How did this particular thing happen? How would Princess Jean pre-Dark Phoenix get involved with a fiend? I want to know more, and the funnier the better.

Dark Phoenix & Princess Jean (Kitty's Fairy Tale)
I'm a sucker for stories about power and mastering oneself and gaining control and identity issues and I just would love anything with this pair.

Cyclops/Princess Jean, Colossus/Pirate Kitty (Kitty's Fairy Tale)
I love shippy, fluffy stuff or funny stuff or meet cute or anything of that kind.

Pirate Kitty & Lockheed the Dragon (Kitty's Fairy Tale)
They were the cutest and best thing about this story and I'd love ANYTHING to do with their adventuring or griping at each other or previous incidents they never let each other live down, etc.

Bamf, The Fiend, Lockheed the Dragon, Pirate Kitty, Princess Jean | Any, Windrider | The Genie
Anything. They're all so cute. I'd love domestic, precanon, postcanon, fluff, adventure, whatever.

Marvel (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) (Gen)

Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Movies)
I would love to see family fic for these three, especially if you could work it into both the X-Men and MCU continuities and how they could combine, though mostly I just want to see the three interacting, whether that's when they're grown and powerful or when they're still little children. AU or canon-compliant is fine.

JARVIS & Edwin Jarvis & Tony Stark & Vision (MCU)
So there's a lot of complicated feelings in this particular mess because Edwin Jarvis was family to Tony, and his voice went into JARVIS, then JARVIS died and became a part of Vision. I'd love to see any or all of these relationships and how Tony coped with JARVIS' death, etc. Angst welcome. Would love to see how Vision and Tony's relationship is affected by all that too.

Maria Hill & Avengers Team (MCU), Avengers Team - Second Lineup (MCU)
So Maria with either version of the Avengers team and how they interact, especially as regards how they run things and their professional interworkings, interests me to no end. I loved the whole interchange about Cap being in charge and Tony paying for it and making all the things, and the new team at the end just made me want to see them interacting together and becoming close and training and becoming a unit, especially because the new movie kind of promises us to not show all of that. I loved the shot in the trailer where Steve was protective of Wanda when they showed the Sokovia clip. Her dealing with that and the things she's done in becoming a hero and how he relates to each of the team members would be awesome. And if you go by way of Civil War buildup, please let Maria figure largely.

Marie D'Ancanto | Rogue (X-Men Movieverse) & Natasha Romanov | Black Widow (MCU)
My favorite character of each 'verse. I would take just about any meeting/interaction between these two. I love training sequences, character studies, dealing with history and memories and backstory, and I like the idea of the Cure failing in Rogue and her dealing with that in the aftermath of X3, or just anything. I'd rather the original trilogy than the DOFP reboot. I'd take anywhere in the MCU timeline: precanon, during SHIELD, post-SHIELD, etc.

Moira MacTaggert (Marvel Movies), Maria Hill (Marvel Movies), Natasha Romanov | Black Widow (Marvel Movies), Dottie Underwood | Black Widow (Marvel Movies), Raven Darkholme Xavier | Mystique (Marvel Movies)
Moira with the CIA, Maria with SHIELD, and all the interesting stuff dealing with ethics and the intelligence community. I was fascinated by the whole second SHIELD storyline in Agents of SHIELD and the idea of how bad the government bombed working with mutants the first time round and all the huge aftermath and fallout there had to be from the fall of SHIELD leaks. I would love to see any of these women interacting and I'd love to see them dealing with the mess of all these things hitting their world.

Natasha and Dottie are both Black Widows but from different eras and then Raven is this incredible freedom fighter, mutant leader type personality with a hugely long life like they have, and I'd love to see them interacting in any combination, knowingly or unknowingly. Dottie training Natasha or Dottie and Raven working at cross purposes or just anything. I wouldn't mind any of them figuring in with Moira and/or Maria either.

X-Men Evolution, X-Men (Movieverse), X-Treme X-Men (1st Series), Mystique (Comics) (Gen, F/M)

Remy LeBeau/Rogue (X-Treme X-Men), Remy LeBeau/Rogue (X-Men Movieverse)
I love this pairing in pretty much any non-tragic incarnation, and I'd love more about them anywhere. I'd especially adore anything about that period at Valle Soleada when things were good, even if they were angsty or whatever. I would LOVE seeing them coping with the change in their relationship, the good sides of that or the difficulties, and domesticity is always a win, but not required. I'd love canon compliant or total AU for the movieverse, just no unhappy endings for that world please.

Lucas Bishop/Tessa | Sage (X-Treme X-Men), Lucas Bishop & Remy LeBeau (X-Treme X-Men)
I liked this pairing a lot and loved Tessa and really love seeing inside Bishop's head in general. I'm also always more interested in the complications of Remy's relationships than even the comics can provide. I'd love anything about the weirdness, the ties, and the differences between Remy and Bishop considering Witness, or you know more of their funny banter.

Marie D'Ancanto | Rogue (X-Men Movieverse), Anna Marie | Rogue (X-Men Evolution), Rogue (X-Treme X-Men), Rogue (Mystique Comics), Raven Darkholme | Mystique (Mystique Comics)
Rogue is my favorite X-Man in pretty much any incarnation and her relationships with Remy, Logan, and Mystique top my list of stuff I love to see. Her relationship with her mom is especially complicated and I'd adore anything about it, whether domestic fluff when she was younger or complex angsty stuff when they go head to head or anything in between. I also love pretty much all of her canonical friendships. Please no shipfic besides with Remy.

New X-Men (Comics), X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men: First Class (2011), X-Men (Movies) (Gen)

The Stepford Cuckoos | Any (New X-Men), Emma (Kayla's Sister) & Emma Frost (X-Men Movieverse), Emma Frost (XMFC), Kayla Silverfox (X-Men Movieverse), Scott Summers | Cyclops (X-Men (Movies)), Remy LeBeau | Gambit (X-Men Movieverse), James "Logan" Howlett | Wolverine (X-Men Movies)

Okay, I requested this combination of characters because I love the possibilities inherent in the Weapon X program and Stryker's facility and everything that went down with the people who were kept there. Scott and Kayla's sister Emma, and this universe's Gambit all canonically were captured at one point, and Kayla was blackmailed over it. I'd love to see more about this period/situation. I'd love to see more about whether the two Emmas were connected, like how the Cuckoos were to Emma in the comics. I'd love to see the comics Cuckoos in 616 or the movies. I'd love to see Kayla and Emma's relationship more. No pre-slash please.

Hawkeye (Comics) (Fraction), Marvel 616, Marvel Cinematic Universe (Gen, F/M)

Barton Family (MCU)
So I like almost every variation of Clint I've bumped into (almost), and I love MCU Clint and the family in AOU. I like Laura and the whole military family vibes and their kids look so much like them and I love Auntie Nat being Auntie Nat. I'd love almost anything for the family, fluff, angst, growing up, long distance relationship and making it all work. Just no tragedy or killing off the family please.

Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse (Marvel 616), Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse (MCU)
Also Bobbi Morse | Mockingbird (Marvel 616), Bobbi Morse | Mockingbird (Hawkeye), Clint Barton | Ronin (Marvel 616), Clint Barton | Hawkeye (Hawkeye), Clint Barton | Hawkeye (MCU)
I fell in love with this pairing in the Hawkeye and Mockingbird comics series and absolutely love their MCU characterization and would love anything about them as a pairing and in a relationship or them gen and separate. I love their individual stories and I love them together. If you write them in MCU, please ignore Laura and Hunter entirely. I'd love to know more about the near-death experience via Scarlotti.

Black Widow (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hawkeye (Comics) (Fraction) (Gen, F/M)

Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanova (Black Widow Comics), Yelena Belova | Black Widow (Black Widow Comics)
The Black Widows. I love these two. I love almost everything about them and their relationship and I'd love to explore either of their psyches. When they met up and Natasha switched their faces, it struck me as this way of relating to Yelena as a Widow and "training" her with all the cruelty of the Red Room's methods. And those last panels when Yelena's listening to her messages. I want more. I want to see in their heads. I want to know what they were thinking and why Natasha did that. I'd also love later stuff where they work together or go toe to toe. I loved every bit of them interacting in the comics and just want more.

James "Bucky" Barnes & Dottie Underwood (MCU), Natasha Romanov & Dottie Underwood (MCU), Peggy Carter & Dottie Underwood (MCU)
I'd love to see the Black Widows together or the Winter Soldier figuring into the Red Room history or always more Peggy and Dottie. I adore and am fascinated by the Widows and the Red Room and the Winter Soldier and I love it, no matter how angsty it goes. An AU where Peggy Carter became a Widow also intrigues me for some reason. But really, I can't think of a way to go wrong with any of these.

James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanova (Black Widow Comics)
I love this pairing in the comics and their history and most of everything up until the wiping her memories thing. Please exclude that. I'd love almost any happy, shippiness for them. Please refer to the general likes/dislikes if in doubt.

Natasha Romanova | Black Widow (Black Widow Comics), Liho (Black Widow comics), Lucky (Hawkeye), Clint Barton | Hawkeye (Hawkeye)
I'd love, love, love friendship fic for these guys, whether that's one or the other with their pets, them with each other, just lovely domesticity with all of them. Anything. Really.

X-Men (Movieverse) (F/M)

John Allerdyce/Kitty Pryde (X-Men Movieverse)
I adore this pairing and fell in love because of "The Boy Who Destroyed the World." I'll take anything from angst or fluff or smut or downright tragedy. I want it all.

Excalibur (Comic) (F/M)

Kitty Pryde/Pete Wisdom (Excalibur)
I also fell in love with this pairing through fic. I'd love to see anything about them when their relationship was good or else reconciliation. Any kind of shippiness preferred.

marvel is marvel 2016, fandom, letter, fiction prompts

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