Chocolate Box Letter

Jan 01, 2016 09:12

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I don't mind coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I'll read but am not a fan of pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.


Razor Sharp (2006)
Family fic, found family fic, heist fic, backstory… I'll take just about anything for this fandom. It's a 25 minute short movie about a banged up thief operation where Veronica Sharpe (who inherited the business and old family friend + Russian supercomputer sister from her dad) has morals and will happily grift some tech from a corporation but she doesn't touch art and she certainly isn't going to steal what sleazy Dex (played by the Pretender) has in mind. (Well, she will, but not hand it over afterward.)

I really have a hankering for chosen family fic with Isis settling into the family dynamic. I'd love to keep the humor and banged up nature of their operation and see more of the worldbuilding between the chinks of the short movie. Tech love, hacker shenanigans, mission fic, and Veronica backstory/continuing story all super, super welcome.

Awesome dialogue would be my number one wish. I don't write it half as well as the writer of Razor Sharp and I just LOVED the style of humor in here. Wouldn't mind a crossover with Leverage if that makes it easier to write, as it's a world of grifters, so yeah, but if that's not helpful, no problem.

Bryce & Isis: I would totally love to see him adopting her or them clashing over her trying to fix his decrepit old equipment or her learning from him or bantering/snarking at each other, or basically anything. I love the idea of these two interacting.

Bryce & Veronica Sharpe: Bryce feels like adoptive daddy to Veronica, and I'd love to see more of their past together or Veronica getting into her dad's business and what that history of working with her father does to their relationship, her rebellious streak, their teamwork, her accepting some mentorship or advice from time to time, or the story behind why he calls his supercomputer her sister, etc., etc., etc.

Dex & Veronica Sharpe: There is sooooo much history here of the hate/love variety and he clearly likes having her around with that "pitter patter of designer feet" and tracked her Macy's card (oh, how he knows her) and there was Tokyo (what happened in Tokyo?!) and he worked with her father which means she kind of inherited him, but nobody on her team liked him (with good reason), and I'd just love more of that history and how he sees her, views her, has worked with her.

Dex & Veronica's Father: Dex and her dad obviously go way back and I'm curious about all the backstory for this movie of any variety, and how different WAS her father and how did those relationships get passed down and was he this amazing thief and just whatever you feel like. Truly.

Isis & Veronica Sharpe: I would love to see Veronica introducing Isis to Macy's and Isis introducing Veronica to dumpster diving or being girls together or Isis going through PTSD/being a kid and turning to an awkward, has no idea how to handle this Veronica. Or hero and sidekicking with funny, clumsy, awkward moments like in the short film. Or domestic fluffiness. Or angst. Or any kind of futurefic or chosen family fic or, okay, ANYTHING.

Veronica's Father & Veronica Sharpe: Yeah, that relationship must have been an interesting dynamic. Clearly, she learned the business from him quite a bit, if only through osmosis, and they have waaay different standards and she kept all his associates and what was their relationship like? I'll really take anything.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Bruce/Betty: So glad they give a nod to Jane and Pepper's significant existence in MCU and that they are a big part of their significant others' lives, but I keep wondering what they did with Betty? I really want to see her being strong and amazing and doing science and being involved with Bruce. I love science. And cats.
Prompts: 1) Maybe that's where he goes after AoU? Serious room for some great hurt/comfort here. Btw, I subscribe to the meta theory that Bruce and Nat were role-playing to try a relationship on for size and never did get serious or beyond the awkward stage. 2) Maybe she shows up or gets invited or Bruce mans up and invites her to the Tower before and ignoring AoU. 3) Maybe she knows Jane and other in-universe scientists from Culver and we can see everyone interact and her do science and her and Bruce can be all domestic and sciency together with or without clashes.

Clint & May: I both think these two would get along awesomely and I love the idea that once upon a time they may have been friends and yes, fluffy whatevers, but they'd have made awesome prank buddies. I also wouldn't mind seeing May's canonically bad cooking. I'd love competence porn or...

Clint & Phil & May: ...maybe we could see Phil or May recruiting Clint and the other one being you've got to be kidding me, and Clint joins SHIELD fic is a wonderful thing. Just saying.

Clint/Bobbi: I want it all. No seriously. I love their MCU characterization, prefer to ignore canonical SOs completely, no Laura as ex, though Hunter could be I guess, and no infidelity. I love their get things done attitude, her married to SHIELD but cares about people, and would love, love, love almost anything for them, though the shippier the better.

Prompts: 1) the whole Scarlotti incident where he nearly killed Clint 2) sparring as equals 3) mission work together, bed after, and FRIENDSHIP w/NATASHA... ahem.

Clint/Bobbi/Natasha: see above, just add Natasha. I don't care who meets who first, I love Clint and Bobbi married, and I don't like cheating or infidelity or Bobbi hating Natasha on entry. I do like slow build and growing relationships and established relationships even better, where you can feel the weight of all that history and the three of them moving seamlessly together in the field or the bedroom, guh, yes. No dirty talk or bodily fluids please. Smut, yes please! Phone sex or angry sex or rough on the apartment sex would all be awesome. (Phone sex requires dirty talk I guess, but can it sound more like them and not a porn video with the awkward terms and references to bodily fluids and NO babe please.)

Clint/Laura: I love the different takes on her I've read and would love to see more of growing from ex-carnie into the kind of man he becomes in the movies and her as the military type wife and whatever else she does, because no reason she doesn't, and the way he calls her ma'am, I would be totally up for negotiating, learning their way into D/s in the bedroom with her dominating. Not with toys and kinky vibe, but just the whole emotional dynamic of that and submitting, finding rest, etc. Aftermath of any of the movies would also be awesome.

I want more, more backstory, more the filled-in picture of her family life as something of a military wife who's been there all along and whatever work she does/did on her own before taking it to work-at-home so she can take care of the kids. I want a fleshed out, respected Laura because the kind of woman that would be attracted to Hawkeye, marry Hawkeye, and keep him after that many years has got to be a seriously interesting person (just like Natasha or Bobbi, thank you).

Also seriously in love with the meta someone wrote about how Clint saying no more projects is him saying this is the last one and he always starts a project before leaving because if the house is unfinished, he has to come back to do it, so he'll be okay kind of superstition. And ex-carnie superstitions make it on my love list. Feel free to pull in comics backstory or not. Throwing in Barney might make it interesting.

Clint/Maria: There's something about their shared professionalism and competence and yet ability to form friendships despite even disagreeing with their friends pretty dramatically that just works so much for me. I'd love to see reluctant soulmates or soulbonds or just developing friendship that turns into something more when they're not looking. Competence porn and SHIELD fic or aftermath also welcome. I like their practicality when I see them together and how they tend to put work ahead of feelings without actually denying feelings. I also don't mind denial fic where it takes a while to get to endgame.

Clint/Natasha: I've probably said everything about them and then some. I love where their similarities lie, in their backgrounds in military, paramilitary, and espionage, in broken childhoods. I love exploration of memory/programming issues. I love all those tropes and story types in my general lists at the top of the letter. Please ignore Bruce and Laura, okay AOU.

Prompts: 1) amnesia fic where they were in love and either loses their memories and have to rebuild 2) amnesia fic where they weren't in a relationship and the injured one thinks they were 3) anything in the generals.

Clint/Wanda: I went into AOU expecting my Clint/Natasha shipper heart to be broken and came out shipping Clint/Wanda. I don't even know. I just want something respectful of both of them, of their connection, probably something quieter, slower build, and ignoring Laura or rewriting her as sister or sister-in-law or whatever. I'd love to see them connect over family, backstory, missions, work, etc. and competence porn, yes please. Pietro AU or canon fine. No mentoring that highlights generation gap or condescends, though mentoring like in the movie fine.

Bucky/Clint/Natasha: There is nothing I don't love about this combo. I love the idea of Bucky and Natasha having history together or the three of them just figuring things out at any point in the canon after Avengers. Please ignore Laura and Bruce and don't fridge anyone or make them an exe. I love quieter, healing, coping, hurt/comfort fic or domesticity or fighting together and dealing with each other as living weapons or dealing with fixing mindwipes and brainwashing and love long timeline fics and slow build and established relationships and insomnia/nightmares and...

Prompts: 1) I love Natasha and Bucky having history like in the comics and I kind of adore the whole way she left Russia for Clint in the comics and his love broke her brainwashing, and I really would love to see either incorporated into the MCU. 2) For any of them and any combination of interest/fascination. I adore identity exploration and really having a separate concept of the different identities they wear. 3) I adore deaf!Clint and would also love Deaf!Clint if you feel in any way up to tackling Deaf culture and how that would interact with international espionage and law enforcement. 4) anything with memory loss or brainwashing and programming/deprogramming, etc.

Bucky/Maria/Steve: Honestly, I don't know what to say about this ship, except that when all three are competent and stoic or between the lines but still FEELING, I love them and they work for me and I want all the competence porn and maybe some actual smut behind closed doors because seriously, I love them. Also, gift-giving between these kind of people, the kinds of gifts that are appreciated and mean something and aren't at all traditional would be kind of awesome.

Bucky/Sharon: I blame tielan for starting me on them. I love Sharon's no-nonsense, do what has to be done, and the relationship to Peggy makes for an interesting angle on her own take on the Winter Soldier and the kind of guy Bucky would be after everything, with PTSD yes, but remembering and not really the kind of person that seems to want to be taken care of and Sharon would be the kind to treat him like the weapon he is and not want to take care of him and maybe even be turned on by that? I would just love all the fic for this super rare pairing.

Jane & Darcy (& Betty): I always want more sciencing and friendship, and I think it's canon that Jane and Betty went to the same school and Darcy herding her one cat, Jane, and them being treated as important in the greater MCU verse would just make me very, very happy.

Maria & Wanda: Competent both of them, finding connection after AOU and friendship and learning how to work together would all just make me very, very happy. Maybe moments of learning to trust each other or Wanda figuring out how to grieve between training and Maria ending up having to be there for her, or anything.

Natasha & Dottie: Black Widows are my catnip and I would love, love, love to see these two interacting, whether that's in a mentorship/training role or just old operative/young operative encountering each other in the KGB or on the field, especially if there's exploration of Red Room vs. KGB and their understanding of the political dynamics at play considering the real world timeline. Just saying.

Marvel 616
Barney Barton & Clint Barton; Barney Barton/Clint Barton/Kate Bishop; Clint Barton/Kate Bishop; Clint Barton & Kate Bishop:

I’m so stuck on family relationships and the kind of legacy close relationship/friendship/found family Clint and Kate have. I’m pretty sure I don’t care how you interpret these three, but I would love to see more, see how tangled up they are, see their backstory, history, future, see their relationships and emotional headspace with each other.

Prompts: 1) mission fic or casefic AU or canon where two or three work together, with feelings 2) established relationship where I can feel the history and something catalyzes a relationship, like nearer death than comics are? Hm... don’t know where to go with that 3) Kate gets thrown into the growing up years of/with them 4) porn with or without plot, especially contrasting and Kate in the middle and weapons play with arrows and/or bondage but no roleplay and typical scenes

Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse: the happy years, they never broke up, that time they almost got back together and worked together in her spy organization only everything works out, they reconcile instead of divorce. I love how competent they are. I love their personality, their banter, the fact that it’s Bobbi who has a harder time taking her guard down rather than Clint. I love them working together. I just want all the fluff happy fix-it, or not. Or aftermath and being friends and close anyway, especially if that includes with benefits or eventual get back together, but I’m okay with angsty if I can feel their history and it doesn’t end tragic but with their own kind of intimacy. Smut is also good.

Clint Barton/Kate Bishop/Natasha Romanov: I do prefer Clint and Natasha as platonic in 616, though domestic fluff with pets can usually sell me on pairing them too, and throw the right someone in the middle and I’m a goner.

Oddly, the angle I’m drawn to isn’t Clint/Kate, though that’s there, see above; it’s the Natasha/Hawkeye angle. She’s the one who was there when he first got into the hero business. She was his first love and she loved him and it broke her brainwashing, like seriously, and here’s Kate with so much of the same snark and wit and compassion and loyalty and persistence and, and, and... I want that explored any which way I can get. But seriously, the more Lucky and Liho also show up, the better.

James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanova: I love this pairing, minus later material with certain choices he shouldn’t have made regarding her memory. I’d just love to see more of their relationship between the cracks of missions and action as Avengers or when they were together in the Cold War or domestic fluff or hurt/comfort or helping each other out on the field and off. Btw, does Liho like him?

Raven | Mystique & Rogue: I fell in love with the Mystique run and Rogue's just my favorite Marvel lady of all. I would love to see mother/daughter relationships stuff at pretty much any point in their relationship, but I'd love to see more than just the surface and really get a look at the feelings they hide under the pragmatic, sometimes terrible way they're required to treat each other.

Remy LeBeau | Gambit/Rogue: I really, really, really would love something set during Valle Soleada with them happily together, angsting allowed. Happily together and not dying when they have kids and make a home is also potentially awesome, alternatively. I have a huge profile stuffed with favorite and written Rogue/Remy fic, my original OTP, if you need anything like a feel for how much of just happily together I’d love to see them. I love her sass, his wit, their vulnerabilities and walls, their competence, and just LOVE them. Smut would also be awesome.

Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanova: The Black Widows with their incredibly complex relationship. I love the Black Widow storylines in general and just want to see more of these two interacting in past or future, or more of Natasha wiping out her ledger and being human. Yelena just intrigues me. I want to see in her head. I want to see the Widow thinking that interacts when they get to together. I want to see the way Yelena wanted to be the Widow, so Natasha showed her what it meant by trading their faces and how something that cruel and harsh could be giving Yelena what she wanted. Basically, she wanted to graduate by killing Natasha, and Natasha turned that on its head. And Yelena's family... Goodness, I just want more.

Jane the Virgin
Alba, Jane, & Xo: I think I requested these in pretty much any combination, and basically, I'm a sucker for family fic and this show just delivers and delivers and I'd love to see them being family and some of those lovely sentimental or funny moments between them and Jane trying to take care of Xo and Alba trying to help take care of everyone and the push mes and pull mes and helping raise Mateo together with three very different takes on parenting and finding that balance. In short, anything?

Michael Cordero Jr./Rafael Solano/Jane Villanueva: I blame meme, that no one should ever have introduced me to ever... Ahem. Anyway, yes, I loved it when the three were getting along so well after Mateo's birth and would love to see them working out an adult, negotiated relationship considering I ship Michael/Jane so hard and don't want Rafael cut out of his kid's life and would just love to see this if you can make it work, dear writer.

Petra Solano & Jane Villanueva: The friends that should have been. Can we ignore psycho mom ruining the friendship for a minute and just see them connecting and getting through those awkward moments and maybe admitting to the bug and why she really married the guy and whatever you want to write here.

Rogelio de la Vega/Xiomara "Xo" Villanueva: They're adorable. I'd love to see them being their funny, delightful, awkward, over-the-top selves in pretty much anything except embarrassing situations.

Michael Cordero Jr./Jane Villanueva: Ship of my heart, please bring on all the fluff of them being in a real relationship, not broken up, and if you feel like smut, please, please, please go for it!

Petra Solano/Rafael Solano: I actually like the idea of not only their initially being in love (canon) but them knowing they're both manipulative and a little ruthless and would love to see them working together like they did so well. I liked that part of their relationship, and I liked how they brought out certain strengths in each other. I liked how well matched they were, and I don't know, I actually kind of liked their messed up games with each other and would love to see more?

Cowboy Bepop
So here I'm going to do it a little differently. This is my new fandom, inspired by my beta, in_the_blue, and I love everything canonical about it and want to know more, more, more. I like canonical ending where Spike dies, canon AU where the syndicate rushed him to medical and he lives, but most of all, I want MORE backstory and obviously, the threesome would be flat canon divergent AU. So basically, I'm enamored of canon and want canon or canon divergent and just want more of the relationship dynamics and the way they cared about each other and don't say anything or more about the twins and Spike-Lin used to work for Spike? story-or worldbuilding or Spike and Vicious. I think they were friends and Vicious maybe felt betrayed by the whole Julia affair and that's why he told Gren there was nothing to believe in, but believe me, I'll take whatever you think. I just want MORE.

Cara/Tobias "Four" Eaton: I admit it, I started seeing the possibility of them before death was even on the table. Four really ISN'T that healthy of a coper, to put it mildly, and I felt like his coming out of grief over Tris so well had to have been tied to other relationships. I wouldn't mind seeing a post-canon relationship for these two that respects Tris and what she was to him.

Christina/Will (Divergent): They deserved better. I'd take fluffy AUs in-verse or out of it, and I just want more, more, more of what was in canon with or without smut, fluff, or angst. Whatever you can give me, I will so gladly kiss your feet and love.

Evelyn Johnson-Eaton & Andrew Prior & Natalie Prior: The adults knew a whole lot more than they let on, and I'd love to see pre-canon through their eyes with Evelyn and Tobias, them helping her get out, little Tris and Caleb, leading the Faction... Andrew and Evelyn were in Erudite together. Did they know each other before? Were they friends? Did she have opinions on Natalie?

Lynn/Marlene/Uriah (Divergent): I love these three in the books, how fun and sweet they are in book one and how very, very raised Dauntless. I would love to see so much more between the scenes or pre-canon or just really, really shippy, especially if it's a threeway consensual relationship for all they don't just make that known.

Shauna/Zeke (Divergent): I loved these two in the Four shorts and if you're familiar with them, I'd just love to see more of their in between the scenes or if you know, the entire city didn't immediately descend into chaos.

Tobias "Four" Eaton/Beatrice "Tris" Prior: I love these two and their toughness and that she was drawn to this person that didn't see who she was but rather who she wanted to become and what she wanted to do and then she did become that person and he kept trying to save her, and she's selfless to an actual fault and he couldn't. He never could. MORE.

Prompts: 1) canon-divergent AU where she survives, but it's rough and there's therapy and the two of them end up being a big part of the city rebuilding and there is awesomesauce competence and disabled Tris and they love each other anyway and there's disabled sex and great friendships on the side and, and, and. 2) I read the Four shorts again and concluded that Four was a masochist. He's also a virgin and I have no idea how Tris would work with that, but I would love to see it. 3) canon-divergent AU where the city wasn't falling apart around their ears and what it would have been like had they been able to build a life as Dauntless. 4) Tris's fluffy what-if she saw for them before she died.

Tobias "Four" Eaton/Shauna/Zeke: See above. Four shorts. You can see it if you read them, and it's a big what if that intrigues me. General likes apply.

Andrew Prior/Natalie Prior: I want all the shipfic ever, precanon especially or in book one between the scenes and just their relationship, their history, their parenting, their leading, etc.

Jeanine Matthews & Andrew Prior: That history just keeps intriguing me. They used to be friends and then they became total enemies. What happened? She's trying to kill her best friend's kid? Did her approach to Caleb stem from that relationship? MORE.

Marcus Eaton/Johanna Reyes: This pair of friends interests me because it seems rather complex and there's the whole matter of how generally awful Marcus is and how genuinely nice and good convictions in general Johanna is and I'd love to see some of what made them tick as a relationship, though please absolutely no smut with Marcus ever.

I've only read the Song of the Lioness quartet and the Immortals quartet. Please consider this in your writing.

Alanna & Thom: I love stories about family and growing up or being grown up and that relationship there. I'd love to see more of Thom's perspective and some of their closeness as twins from that angle of things. That could be epistolary or his POV while learning magic or precanon or time spent together after she became a knight.

Alanna/Alex: I think a lot of Alex's callousness toward "Alan" was never his original intent, but that he was definitely enchanted quite a bit by Roger. I do like that moment when Alanna was going to duel the other knight as a squire when you saw his open admiration to Roger. I kind of love the idea that he was genuinely her friend at one point and loved her skill, maybe even wanted to own it a bit. I'd love to see that turned into a relationship if he discovered her gender or acknowledged the attraction but was only interested in women, THEN figured it out, or whatever else you could come up with that doesn't involve tragic dueling to the death because yes, I want somewhat AU for this if you go there.

Colin/Sara: They have such strong common background material with their exposure to "magic" and I just feel would understand each other at a level most don't. I would love to see Mary bringing home her friend Sara or Colin meeting either elsewhere, watching them realize each other knows things about magic. I'd love to see stories or magic or introducing her to the garden or talking past each other until something later makes them realize how kindred they really are. Or anything

I prefer the WB movies or the book to other versions.

Kaylee/Harper: Someone else put this pairing into my head and I fell in love. The way they both love their ships and don't even care if that's unrequited (Harper), that love's eternal and their common ground and personalities too. I'd just love to see them geeking out with each other and falling for each other, casually or seriously.

Mission Impossible Movies
William Brandt/Jane Carter: My favorite things about Carter are her strong personality where she's so sure of herself if she's just dealing with people and work to be done and making plans, but then she's so uncertain and hesitant where it involves letting people know she cares. I'd love to see that juxtaposition in a story, love to see her navigating professional and personal life and growing, maybe spread her wings while Ethan cheers her on from the sidelines?

Then Brandt is this guy that feels rusty in the field because he's been out of that team environment and fieldwork for a long time, and his analysis seems to be really good and come almost without thinking about it, and he should be good at it because he's the chief analyst. I love how complex he is with being sensitive and hating heights but good enough at what he does to compartmentalize when he has to and to be very competent when he's not overthinking it.

I'd love to see more of that push-pull we saw in the movie. They both have issues and they both lost people on missions they ran and made the calls on, and hers is fresher, and there's those missing scenes where "the firm of Carter, Brandt, and Dunn" had downtime while Ethan went and did his thing for intel after the hotel, and they seemed really close and in sync after that as a trio. I just want a lot more.

William Brandt & Benji Dunn: So Rogue Nation sold me on wanting to see more of this gen relationship. The whole way he hung around during the weekly polygraph and their back and forth during that opening scene, and his being the "helper person" so designated by Benji in the first place. I'd love to see more of them being funny and working together and being friends or in between the scenes together in the CIA and the great hunt for Ethan Hunt, and as above, there's those missing scenes with downtime in MI4 where there could also be great opportunity for bonding.

Jane Carter/Trevor Hannaway: Jane Carter is the most seriously underused character ever in fanfic. She's amazing and lovely and strong and she hit the first guy she liked and she just lost another and she went toe to toe with an assassin and won and I love her. I would love to see more of her pre-canon relationship with Hannaway, whether that's all work or pining or signs of friends to more.

William Brandt/Ilsa Faust: There's a lot of ambivalence in them about the work they do, though it expresses in different ways and she's far more disillusioned. I can't see a single canon sign of these two, I admit, but I still love the idea of them and the potential for how they could interact. If you want to play, I'm here for any rating or fic type from my general likes.

William Brandt & Luther Stickell: Their entire interchange (oh yeah, two of them!) before meeting up with Ethan implied a whole lot. I would love to see that missing scene with picking the car or their funny disagreements or reasons for Luther's feelings on Brandt up front when both clearly work with Ethan and are people he trusts, or just more of their getting along while not getting along on the job going forward.

William Brandt & Jane Carter & Benji Dunn: That firm of Carter, Dunn, and Brandt mentioned above, yeah? I'm totally interested in how these three bonded on the mission during the period Ethan abandoned them to get more info from his contacts, and maybe some of those missing scenes in MI4 before Ethan met back up with them or as they were coming up to the table at the end. They seemed so in sync and they were all together in a way that made me think they had bonded. I'd love more in between the scenes or between movies or between the scenes of MI5.

Ilsa Faust & Ethan Hunt: There was so much legitimate connection between them in MI5 that seemed to be rooted in their work and understanding each other and having allied goals and personal codes of loyalty that went beyond their agency's, rather than it just being attraction. I'd love to see these two continuing to connect, her whole line "You know how to find me," or I don't know, anything feelsy and character study or mission ficcy. Though I'd rather if it's post-canon, she not have joined up with the IMF.

The Unusuals
Casey Shraeger & Estelle Shraeger & Walter Shraeger: Again with the family thing. There is so much to dig into here, including all the funny stories about Casey growing up, making them give her a curfew, and the way she almost cried when Walter said he'd never pick anyone over her. I'd love backstory or alongside the show story or post-canon story or reconciliation or more birthday parties she skips out of or the buildings named after her or ANYTHING.

Beaumont & Cole, Banks & Delahoy, Walsh & Shraeger: I love partner fic almost as much or more than shipfic. Almost. I love the little significant moments between these guys on the show, like when Cole tells Beaumont that Jason likes her or when he offers to do tape delay (and spends so much of the episode trying to get her unmad at Jason for her own sake) and their hilarious undercover thing as a couple. I would love to see more about their relationship. When Walsh says he spent an entire dinner date hearing about Cole's wedding and how Beaumont loves Cole, that's a real partnership, and I want to see them work together and trust each other and all of that good stuff.

Banks and Delahoy practically are married, and I love their entire too close relationship and the humor in it and the fact that they care about each other and Delahoy even almost told Banks. It would be nice if he could get that support, but he probably won't. I'd love more of them being them and their shenanigans.

Walsh and Shraeger are just priceless and I love their characters and how they interact and would just love to see slice-of-life or hilarious casefic stuff with them. Also bad cooking and coffee is a win.

Eddie Alvarez/Nicole Brandt: I don't know. They're cute and if you feel like ficcing them, I'd love to see them being all cute and fluffy together at home or the office. I'd also like to see when they met and she NOTICED him when he wasn't used to being noticed.

Allison Beaumont/Jason Walsh: I would truly adore more about her and Walsh. I love her whole "why isn't he looking?" line and that she seems to initiate a lot in their relationship, but she also likes/loves it when he takes the lead. How did they get started on their games, like the numbers game? Can I see their first date at the opera and him pretending to like it so he can get laid, but she already had those plans?

I love their dynamic, the secret relationship, the fact that Allison actually initiates sex more than Walsh, the fact that they were coming out of the closet at the beginning of "Crime Slut," the games they play, the secrets they share, the way he likes her having secrets, the tough girl who gets to be herself around him, the detached cop who lets down his walls with her. I love how he calls her Al. I'm crazy to know more about that date at the opera where she was going to sleep with him no matter what and he said he liked it in order to score. They're adorable and cute together and yet do sexy or serious just as well. If you're going to write me kink or porn with plot, this is the pairing I'd love to see it with.

Davis Nixon/Casey Shraeger: Oh, I could go on a long time about these two. They have issues, the rich girl who needs rules and the working class upbringing that earned his riches. He likes to eat at a nice restaurant, and she loves how down to earth he is. He loves her cop side and her feminine side and she has to learn to let him be the guy in the relationship from time to time. I would love to see all their awkwardness, the working things out, the cute moments, the coming together at the end of their differences of perspectives, and yes, characterized sex with plot is also great. Wouldn't mind AUs with these two, but no role reversal please, and I adore their characters as is.

Amy Burch/Henry Cole: They are sooo cute. And so fraught with the tension of Lutz threatening Amy, even if she didn't know it, and her conversation with Beaumont was adorable and they'll be lovely friends and she offered Henry her family. I just would love to see their cuteness and sweetness together much, much more.

Monica Crumb/Eric Delahoy: He blackmailed her, then got attached, then fell for her, and even though she got fired, the reason she wouldn't get involved with him was only because he wouldn't get help. Working through that, getting help, working through the serious issues of trust, blackmail, etc. all interests me mightily. Then their whole flowers, Korean, and Italian conversation also made me just want to see them actually get to know each other. I really want more of their interaction and dealing and drawing closer more than sex, but whatever works for you.

Please no graphic medical procedures or discussion of them. The level in the show was almost just right for me, but fewer dead bodies on screen? Post-series, she's no longer at that particular job anyway. I squick easy.

Leo Banks/Bridget Demopolis: I love everything about them, how cute they are, how cute they are together, the notecards introducing himself, that she laughs in her sleep and never stops talking, that he was tongue-tied around her in the first place, the closet and how much she liked that, how she got when she was mad at him. I'll take anything. Serious fic working through his issues with being 42, fluffy fic, expansive fic, anything at all. Even background pairing around the others.

fandom, chocolate box 2016, letter, fiction prompts

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