Yuletide Letter

Oct 26, 2015 13:43

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I don't mind coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I'll read but am not a fan of pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.

Characters: Bryce, Dex, Isis, Veronica

Family fic, found family fic, heist fic, backstory… I'll take just about anything for this fandom. It's a 25 minute short movie about a banged up thief operation where Veronica Sharpe (who inherited the business and old family friend + Russian supercomputer sister from her dad) has morals and will happily grift some tech from a corporation but she doesn't touch art and she certainly isn't going to steal what sleazy Dex (played by the Pretender) has in mind. (Well, she will, but not hand it over afterward.)

I really have a hankering for chosen family fic with Isis settling into the family dynamic. I'd love to keep the humor and banged up nature of their operation and see more of the worldbuilding between the chinks of the short movie. Tech love, hacker shenanigans, mission fic, and Veronica backstory/continuing story all super, super welcome.

I'd love to know more about Tokyo, see Veronica loving shopping ("Your Macy's card" cracks me up every time), the relationship she had with her father, or even her mental relationship with him now and the ghost presence he leaves in her working relationships because of his moral brand. I'd love to see her and Isis bonding, her becoming big sister/mom, dealing with Isis' personal trauma and the aftermath of that.

Hurt/comfort, jumpiness, and even PTSD in the midst of child genius would be awesome. Isis bonding with Bruce or them going at each other/bantering over his equipment and her trying to fix it and him not appreciating it. I'd love anything here, so long as it's gen.

Awesome dialogue would be my number one wish. I don't write it half as well as the writer of Razor Sharp and I just LOVED the style of humor in here. Wouldn't mind a crossover with Leverage if that makes it easier to write, as it's a world of grifters, so yeah, but if that's not helpful, no problem. Would love to see Veronica introducing Isis to Macy's and Isis introducing Veronica to dumpster diving.

Characters: Arianna, Coulter, Roca, Solanda

This series is full of awesome characters who aren't always on the same side when you're rooting for both and it's bloodier than I usually like (yes, I skim the gore; please omit the gore from fic, please), but the WORLDBUILDING. I want all the backstory, all the character dynamics of growing up years we skipped, all the magic systems and how this actually works (coy, Powers, you, to say nothing of the Roca), and living on-screen history of the previous age with the Roca and his best friend and maybe their kids and betrayal okay if you write that fic, and why hasn't anyone walked through a place of power to the third instead of hunting elsewhere for it? It makes no sense to tempt with that and not follow up. :huffs: So basically, anything and more?

Arianna & Solanda: I'd love to see more of the growing up years. I love both of these characters, for all of their less lovable flaws. For all intents and purposes, they're mother and daughter, and I'd love to see more of their relationship, the healthy loving side vs. the secret keeping one.

I would adore an AU where Jewel lived and you get to see the two women who don't quite get along interact in caretaking/parenting Arianna. Yes, I know the whole Arianna and Jewel couldn't have both lived, but what if. Considering the characters, it would be hard to pull a canon-compliant with the three (all three are not alive at the same time even after Jewel appears as a Mystery), but if you want to go that route and can figure it out, I'd love anything with the dynamics of these three.

Arianna/Coulter: I ADORE this pairing from beginning to angsty keep away inferiority complex to sharing minds to Arianna's going to marry the guy and he'll technically be king of Blue Isle. I want anything, in between the scenes, postcanon, honeymoon (PWP is really just fine), when she was in his head, really anything at all. I especially love feelsy relationship stuff, but I'm wide open here.

I'd also love to see Coulter's relationship with Gift if you'd rather. This platonic soulmate, brother/best friend relationship fascinates me, especially because the love there is real, even when they're angry and unforgiving with each other. I'd love to see more of any point in canon except the angry, unforgiving part and more of their closeness. Any kind of chosen brothers fic or friendship fic or plotty whatever that pleases you. Character and relationship studies are my jam, so really anything.

The Roca is a part of so much history. There's a lot of implied and stated history with him and his friend and it's achingly in between the lines. I'd love to see what happened between them and considering how those weapons work and the whole legendarium around the soldiers of the enemy, what exactly happened with the magic they used to save the Isle (from others with magic), then Coulter turning on his friend. Or naming their kids after each other. Or friendship fic. Or family fic. Betrayal okay for this fandom. Deathfic too considering they became Mysteries and Powers not really dead. Post-Absorption Roca definitely interests me. That silly letter line makes me so curious. Where is Coulter now? The Powers said interesting things and I wonder if his friend went to see him after he was let out of the doll. I really want more of any time frame of the canon, pre, during, or post, but please no complete death of even the soul fic.

Characters: Francher, Twyla

This is probably my favorite SF series ever. I love the People, I love their relationship to the Presence, I love their culture and powers, and I love the characters and stories. My favorite People story is "Captivity."

Francher and Twyla is my OTP, the pairing of my heart, the one I beg anyone to write anything for and I will be a perfectly happy camper, relieved that they have something more. From the story "Captivity," Francher makes music through his Talents and Persuasions and can make them simply on air. He's fostered in a horrible environment, the shoes, and his relationship with Miss Carolle is beautiful to watch in how the trust grew between them. But I love Twyla. She loved Francher despite his old, ratty clothes, worried about him, cared for him, didn't care what other people thought, danced with him in the air, and always hoped wistfully he'd come back for her. Please can I see more Twyla and Francher together in the story or, even better, can I see him come back for her?

Characters: Eroico of the Baremescre, Cantiléna of the Baremescre, Imre Usaym Balgas

I kind of adore all the hidden cultural connotations, the brotherly/friendly relationship between Imre and Eroico, but especially the huge cultural misunderstandings and obvious growing relationship with Cantiléna. I would love Cantiléna's point of view, more Eroico being adorable, or (I would love you FOREVER) fix-it where Imre doesn't completely transform and lose so much in the process. Goodness, I'd take worldbuilding meta for this story, I love it so much.

Spoilers ahead. The story is free online here, where it was originally published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

I love the idea of the Baremescre and their songs and I love the fact that Cantiléna falling for Imre seems to have a lot of social implications she's conflicted about dealing with. I'd love to know what she was thinking when she first started falling for him, which seemed to be his impassioned words at their first encounter when he stole her song and you'd think she would have been upset about it enough to not be attracted. And I cannot tell you how much I'd love to know what was going through her and Eroico's head as he was translating.

I can't help but think the brother and sister are close and Eroico clearly loved the idea of Imre as a brother in law. Did he and Cantiléna talk all the time? Was that why he liked Imre so well?

And did I mention I'd adore fix-it where Imre didn't misunderstand and go too far with the transformation and Ariosa didn't die? I'd love, love, love seeing him and Cantiléna on equal footing and in a marriage at last where they could live as married. If that's not something that interests you, I'd settle for canonical and it would be interesting to see how they worked out the power dynamics of him needing caretaking, him being better at song, and the pain of how to work out being married in their circumstances. Oh, Imre. :shakes head sadly:

yuletide, letter, fiction prompts

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