Snippet of Something I Absolutely Should Not Be Writing Today

Sep 03, 2015 14:36

(but somehow my brain didn't get the memo)

En brief, I had a lot of issues with Tracing Trouble after I got the fic done enough to post for heroinebigbang and as the art never showed up despite promises, I'm about ready to yank the thing, which I'm not happy with anyway. Somehow working on this very late rare pair treat got me thinking and I apparently realized I needed to see Cate and Killinger meeting to get Tracing Trouble to come together correctly.

Thus, words. 1487 words and counting. Oops.

“Catherine April,” Killinger named her coolly.

The face of the Rebellion, the woman who had stood at the front of treaty negotiations to lock the Thorn Republic out of half of their own territory.

She flicked an eyebrow and corrected to, “Cate.”

Her gaze flickered over the entire office quickly with an efficiency familiar to Killinger from when she had once audited military installations and programs for the Thorn Republic.

Cate tilted her head slightly, the calculation becoming clear in her expression. “Ilsa Killinger, registered situational empath, founder of the Special Unit, approved by treaty law for law enforcement against special type humans, married. Correct?”

Killinger studied this young woman for a long moment. For all the impression of professional adult she gave, it struck her that Cate was likely not twenty years old. “Are you trying to intimidate me?” she asked, unruffled by the exchange.

Cate shrugged, indifference clear. “You are not a woman easily intimidated.” She settled into a chair and leaned back, expression shifting again, flickering to a matter-of-fact practicality that was decidedly less irritating. “I am joining your unit because our people did not reach our quota for remaining in the business,” she said bluntly. “You were expecting a volunteer, but we have none available willing to do the dirty work you’re going to need. I know the law inside and out.” Having been instrumentally in drafting and negotiating it, that was doubtless true. “It will be easier for both of us if you know where we stand.”

snippet, canon: kingdoms and thorn, driveby journaling

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