Crossovering Letter

Jun 17, 2015 13:00

Dear Author,

First of all, thank you for writing for me. I know I'll love anything you write and please don't feel locked in by the quite long letter below. I'm eclectic and easy to please, so please just have fun writing what you love.

That said, the different sections are cut so you can read just what's helpful to you.

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I tolerate coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I tolerate pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages. Include if you must; omit if you can.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.


Marvel Cinematic Universe, Leverage, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)

Fusion Leverage-Style Dream Team:
  1. Maria Hill or Bobbi Morse (Mastermind)
  2. Clint Barton (Thief)*
  3. Natasha Romanoff (Grifter)
  4. Melinda May (Hitter)
  5. Skye (Hacker)
*and token male

I would adore seeing this crew in any scenario.

Alternatively, I would also love seeing an Agents of SHIELD/MCU crew go up against or team up with the standard Leverage crew, or a crossover where Parker is Red Room (inspired by a prompt someone gave me a while back), or where SHIELD has to deal with the crew swiping something of theirs. Etc.

Or you know, post-series with Parker as the new mastermind and needing a new grifter and thief, they take on Clint and Natasha.

Unlikely Crossover Prompt:

I have a weird hankering for Clint being Eliot's kid and being raised by the post-series Leverage crew where he learned acrobatics and his love for heights from Parker, how to be handy with mechanics and tech hardware from Hardison (which he later turned to designing his own bow, arrows, and quiver), and to cook and not like guns from Eliot. Also, Eliot had history with a carnival, if I recall correctly, and thus Clint's interest, though Eliot was totally opposed to his joining SHIELD until he brought back the Black Widow (which made Eliot more than a little incredulous) to meet the family shortly after her recruitment.

For MCU/AOS, I simply refer you to my general likes above and my favorite AoS characters below.

Firefly, Andromeda (TV), Leverage, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe

I'm really hoping for crossovers for this request, where the crossed over characters interact with whichever base universe/characters you choose but aren't just multiverse pasted in, but actually blended into a merged universe. Handwaveyness perfectly acceptable. Please?

Andromeda/Firefly: I just love this combo because the tone and feel of the shows is so similar and compatible, and I adore the idea of Wash and Harper being related, however you want to handwave or work that. And/or you know, Kaylee/Harper fic.

Andromeda or Firefly as Leverage Crews: The Serenity or Andromeda crews would thrill me to pieces, on their own if necessary, but especially as interacting with the original Leverage crew and universe.

Agents of SHIELD/Andromeda: Don't ask me why, but I just really want to see Jemma and Trance getting along splendidly and secondarily Harper and Fitz.

Andromeda and/or Firefly and MCU: Guardians of the Galaxy meets Vedran Empire and/or Commonwealth and/or Mal's bucket of b- ah, right, Serenity. Yes, please!

Some Please Notes: Please no Inhuman or Jiaying bashing. I feel awful for her and love her character if not her character ending. Also, please no on-screen Reavers or Magog other than Rev Bem.

Agent Carter (TV), National Treasure (Movies), Leverage

Don't ask me why I think this is a great idea, but crossing Parker or Peggy Carter with National Treasure or having the National Treasure folks dealing with some legacy of SHIELD or the SSR or Dottie Underwood just sounds absolutely lovely.

I mean, Parker and National Treasure, just yes, please.

Tortall - Tamora Pierce, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), X-Men (Movies), Fairy Tales & Related Fandoms

Inhumans, those with the Gift, mutants, and fairies.

I'm kind of in love with special abilities and powers and want to see what happens when you blend/merge two power systems and their constraints and the cultures and the worlds built around those constraints and really dig into how that affects the people who live in or are part of or who learn they are a part of those cultures and societies.

I'd love to see straight up crossover where the two worlds are side by side in some canonically compliant way and really affect each other or a world fusion where there are characters from both worlds but the rules of one or both and the history of one.

Whatever you want to write here, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be in love.

Favorite characters:
  • Agents of SHIELD - Skye, Lincoln, Jiaying, Gordon, Raina, Bobbi
  • Tortall - Alanna, Daine, Jon, Thom, Alex
  • X-Men Movieverse - Rogue, Kitty, John, Ororo, Jean, Raven

letter, crossovering 2015, fiction prompts

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