Every Woman Letter

May 16, 2015 21:39

Thank you so much for whatever you end up writing for me! I'm sure I will love it.

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I tolerate coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I tolerate pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages. Include if you must; omit if you can.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.


Bourne (Movies) [Marie Kreutz, Nicky Parsons, Pamela Landy, Marta Shearing]


The history sketched out for her in The Bourne Identity fascinates me a little, her wandering existence and the kind of person she was and would have to be to take in her stray amnesiac assassin. I kind of want to know more about her history and her family and her interactions with them and then how traveling with Jason and the continual changing of appearance and habits fit in with the spirit and life she already had.

I love how strong she was for him, and how firm her convictions were. Basically, I just want a whole lot more.


In Bourne Legacy, they're plotting to throw her to the wolves and hang her basically. I want to see her come out on the other side of that, rise above it, win, and get that program burned down. It's fine if she doesn't take on the entire parent companies and all the backwards cousins, just so long as she gets justice for Treadstone and Blackbriar please and goes on to a good life in the industry she's in, even if I doubt she'll ever land on that kind of a program after that.


Just soooo much more. She was continuitous, even if they shunted her off to the side after Supremacy. She was the contact in Paris, then stayed in the CIA and saw what was going on with the assets and she had an actual relationship with Jason when it was the two of them out there. I'm kind of interested in the working relationship, the personal relationship filling in the cracks, the thought processes and trauma she went through in Supremacy and the decision she made in Ultimatum. It seemed she had already made her decision in Ultimatum and after the whole interrogation when he'd threatened to kill her, he spilled a whole lot of intel she could use to put the pieces together on what had happened to Marie and what happened to him, including his first assignment in Berlin. I just really want to dig in a bit to her in between the cracks and the movies and a strong CIA agent who was nevertheless "compromised."


This is a woman who epitomizes lostness, but at the beginning, it's lost and broken with a house falling down around her ears, and at the end, she wants to be lost with Aaron and he called her a warrior (which she didn't seem to believe) and came to care about this guy who starts off blackmailing her. (He finally stopped being a jerk to me after she viraled him and he stopped being so scared of losing his mind, pretty much literally.) I'd love to see an actual relationship between them, them being equals and trading off where their expertise is stronger, and getting "unlost" or deliberately lost.

Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011): Jane Carter


Missing scene(s) with Jane, Benji, and Will between Dubai and India when he left them briefly to their own devices

Jane running her team with Hannaway and Benji pre-Ghost Protocol

Early IMF training, becoming an agent, getting her own team

Punching the first guy she liked, trying to figure out how to approach when she likes [current interest] now

Post-movie friendship/team bonding with the others, explanation of where she ended up in the world/the mission that means she wasn't handy to face off with the Syndicate

Lawyer AU with the "firm of Carter, Dunn, and Brandt" how Ethan introduces them to Luther

Missing scene with why the three walked up all together to their meet with Ethan. Did those three become especially close in that downtime mentioned earlier?


Any of the above if you're that kind of artist. But mostly, something where's she taking care of serious business, being protective, and/or in combat/combat training


Jane +/ Ethan, Jane + Benji, Jane +/ Will, Jane/Hannaway

Marvel 616: Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov, Kate Bishop, Bobbi Morse, Mystique


I would love to see more of her interacting with the older generation of heros/heroines and being taken seriously. I come to her from the Fraction run of Hawkeye side of things but loved her in the little stint with Deadpool and just overall love what I've seen of her. She and Clint are both constantly fending off remarks on her being his protege/sidekick or the "girl" Hawkeye, but she's Hawkeye and she's awesome and Deadpool loves her even more than he loves Clint and she's no one's sidekick, ran her own superhero team and played Tony to the Young Avengers with her sponsoring them for a while. In short, I want to see characters like Natasha and Bobbi and Steve or other A-List Avengers treating her as an equal and being friends maybe and that sort of thing.


I love the Black Widow storylines in general and just want to see more of these two interacting in past or future, or more of Natasha wiping out her ledger and coming home to Liho and being human with her cat and those she chooses to be Natasha with instead of the Widow. Yelena just intrigues me. I want to see in her head. I want to see the Widow thinking that interacts when they get to together. I want to see the way Yelena wanted to be the Widow, so Natasha showed her what it meant by trading their faces and how something that cruel and harsh could be giving Yelena what she wanted. Basically, she wanted to graduate by killing Natasha, and Natasha turned that on its head. And Yelena's family... Goodness, I just want more.


I fell in love with the Mystique run and Rogue's just my favorite Marvel lady of all. I would love to see mother/daughter relationships stuff at pretty much any point in their relationship, but I'd love to see more than just the surface and really get a look at the feelings they hide under the pragmatic, sometimes terrible way they're required to treat each other.


I'm in love with her and Clint and her running a spy organization and being a spy's spy and triple agent and would love to see more of that. I really would rather older timeline stuff than new as I haven't read her latest.

X-Men Movieverse: Rogue, Raven


I love character studies and digging into the characters in the movies.

Rogue and her relationship with her powers and her name and herself, choosing for or against the Cure, choosing to leave her family behind when she got her powers and travel like she'd always dreamed, the kind of determination that lets you stand up to Wolverine and sass him back, and Lord, please give me her sass and the girl that took the gloves off when Magneto pissed her off and who isn't defined by the guys around her but rather by her own choices. Feel free to ignore X3 altogether. I frequently do.

Raven by herself or with her brother in tow or taking care of business for mutants and running the vigilante show on behalf of her own with the complex relationships that leaves her with Erik and Charles. I love to see her in charge, being that complex Mystique the comics gave us that considers herself a freedom fighter and ends justifies means and takes on the world fearlessly even in military bases and the like. I want to see that Raven and dig into her mindset and see her shapeshift and be chameleon in more than just her body. I love her sharp edges and how she puts on so many faces metaphorically as well. Haven't seen DOFP, so feel free to incorporate (so I can understand) or ignore.

I would adore seeing Raven and Rogue with a mother/daughter relationship like in the comics with whatever well-thought-out explanations that takes to make it work in X1/X2 or feel free to diverge from canon utterly. I love how complicated the two women are separately and together and however you wanted to make that work, I would love to see a deep relationship founded in love even if it gets painful later on.


Raven singing Rogue to sleep or otherwise being motherly

Raven and Charles playing as children

Rogue doing an Amalgam type powers thing where becomes a one-woman army with all the powers she's ever absorbed


Raven +/ Erik, Raven +/ Charles, Rogue/Bobby, Rogue/Gambit, no Erik/Charles, Rogue/Logan, or Rogue/Pyro please

Agents of SHIELD: Bobbi Morse, Skye, Melinda May, Jiaying



nesting or fluffy new baby fic before you know, losing baby and tear my heart out (gently)

getting mother or daughter back and knowing it's only to lose mother/daughter again

Jiaying realizing she doesn't want to be the person she became in the search for Skye and throwing herself into mothering everyone else



I will just keep begging and begging whenever I get the chance: Dubai. It's Bobbi and Mack and Hunter's Budapest. I want Dubai.

Meeting Mack, their friendship/partnership over the years

Meeting Hartley, their friendship over the years (no femslash please)

Taking care of and supporting other SHIELD women, e.g. canonically Skye, Kara, Jemma, etc. I love the way she defends her own and sticks her neck out for them (or secretly plots and schemes) and offers advise where helpful.

Bobbi and Melinda friendship please


I cannot tell you how hard I ship her and Andrew anymore and want a ton more backstory and their baby plans and she can't cook and domestic May was always going to be based on her mom and, and, and...

Also, I'd love some AU from end of season where she and Jiaying actually got to get along and be Skye's two moms compared/contrasted/enriching each other's relationship. And Jiaying's voice held so much remorse about how she wasn't able to take care of the girl in Bahrain and maybe they can help each other heal. Please?

And Melinda/Andrew would be awesome. Really.

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Betty Ross, Laura Barton, Maria Hill


So glad they give a nod to Jane and Pepper's significant existence in MCU and that they are a big part of their significant others' lives, but I keep wondering what they did with Betty? I really want to see her being strong and amazing and doing science and being involved with Bruce.


Maybe that's where he goes after AoU? Serious room for some great hurt/comfort here. Btw, I subscribe to the meta theory that Bruce and Nat were role-playing to try a relationship on for size and never did get serious or beyond the awkward stage.

Maybe she shows up or gets invited or Bruce mans up and invites her to the Tower before and ignoring AoU.

Maybe she knows Jane and other in-universe scientists from Culver and we can see everyone interact and her do science.

I love science. And cats.


I want more, more backstory, more the filled-in picture of her family life as something of a military wife who's been there all along and whatever work she does/did on her own before taking it to work-at-home so she can take care of the kids. I want a fleshed out, respected Laura because the kind of woman that would be attracted to Hawkeye, marry Hawkeye, and keep him after that many years has got to be a seriously interesting person (just like Natasha or Bobbi, thank you).

Also seriously in love with the meta someone wrote about how Clint saying no more projects is him saying this is the last one and he always starts a project before leaving because if the house is unfinished, he has to come back to do it, so he'll be okay kind of superstition. And ex-carnie superstitions make it on my love list.

Feel free to pull in comics backstory or not. Throwing in Barney might make it interesting, but so long as the focus is on Laura, I'm good with whichever.


She's still a huge part of SHIELD hierarchy and Fury and Coulson and whatever they've got going on and I just want to see her being awesome and having close friendships with Natasha and Pepper and Jane and cat-herding the Avengers and fending Pepper off from getting her into Tony-herding and being awesome and guys like Steve crushing on her and yeah. More Maria being awesome.


Maria/Bucky, Maria/Steve, Maria/Clint*, Clint/Laura, Betty/Bruce

*multi-shipper me

Again, thank you!!

fandom, letter, every woman 2015, fiction prompts

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