The Docket

Jan 15, 2015 08:30

So someone named geckoholic has a gorgeous docket, then someone named findthesea suggested I get on board with updating my docket since we both loved hers and wanted to update ours, so here it is. The non-reader's digest condensed version.

These are the stories I don't have to keep anonymous that are possibly going to be written in the near future. Keep in mind my actual WIP list is vast and fluid and larger than this, but these are the ones I feel guilty about or am currently writing or are due or I want to write now.


Belated birthday giftfic for trovia: A Game for the Gods [1 fic of ~10K+]
Canon: Vardin. Character(s): Lin, Keisleh, Mishul, Reshee, Evyr - An SFF sports story written by the girl who is less than a spectator at sports. But seriously, this turns out to be a story about a bloodsport where only the plain can participate, where getting healing from a gifted is shunned by contestants, religion plays a huge deal in how people think about the sport, and the whole Open indicates a changing of the seasons and the opening of the Queen's Court while also being potentially lethal. Oh fun. Odds of completion: This thing is happening. I have a good feel for the story arc now and will try to wrap before my next exchange fic is due.

Original collaboration WIP Bang/Remix for blamesthepen: One Good Storm, remix [1 fic of 10K+]
Canon: Original. Character(s): Lisea, Felise, Malina - Three women who used to be friends as girls get to reconcile and reveal that they all have special abilities to help their families reconcile so their families survive. Odds of completion: Again, this is happening. Now, I just have to learn how to plot... :rolls eyes at self:

Blank Verse for lithiumlaughter
The idea: A high school Shakespeare club angrily splits into two groups when they can’t agree on the correct interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. One group thinks it’s a cautionary tale about the stupidity of youth and shallow lust; the other group think it’s a beautiful tragedy about poisonous hatred conquered by love. Reconciliation seems impossible-then a person from one group falls in love with a person from the other. So lithiumlaughter read this on Tumblr, wanted fic, and I got a start on it-in verse. :headdesk: Odds of completion: Any time soon? Not high. Eventually? Very high. The challenge of writing this so it reads well in verse or prose is just really one I'd like to get back to.


Giftfic for geckoholic
Canon: Agents of SHIELD. Character(s): Skye/Tripp - Where both legacy babies survive and end up running SHIELD in the future. Odds of completion: It started eating my brain then shut up in favor of a certain PWP that keeps demanding I apply brain cells to it. I'm still hopeful it will come back.

Prequel to Mitigation: Withdrawal
Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe. Character(s): Clint/Bobbi - So the backstory of Bobbi and the brainwashing and them getting through that because it's eating my brain. Odds of completion: If I ignore it, maybe it will go away. (No actual signs of reduced desire to write yet, but I'm trying.)

Expansion of This Ain't Back in the Day
Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe. Character(s): Clint/Natasha + Steve - "Natasha's totally going to have to drag Clint away in the night, isn't she? This is of course after Clint misinterprets Steve's attempts as Steve asking Clint how Steve should ask Natasha out." Odds of completion: High. Sketched out the first chunk and ready to flesh out.

Marvel 616

Sequel to Mindmate Ahoy for geckoholic: Damsel in Shining Armor Saves Knight in Distress, or It Ain't Even Funny
Canon: Hawkeye Comics AU. Character(s): Clint/Kate +Barney - So there's AI bonds to spaceships and Clint and Kate are both bonded to the same ship, which also means sharing mental space with each other. This one's semi-nebulous still on how they got to where they are, but the lines are all there: a ghost in the ship's mind, Clint supposedly dead but Kate doesn't believe it and Lucky's crying and she's going to go find that boy and drag him home. Odds of completion: High. Very high. I have snippets and a mental sketch. That usually guarantees eventually it gets written.

Hurt/comfort Hawkeye squared fic for geckoholic: Because. Reasons.
Canon: Hawkeye Comics. Character(s): Clint/Kate - So geckoholic pointed at Kate and said, I want her to get hurt, and then at Clint and said, I want him to get all angsty about it. And Lucky just wants to lick it all better. Odds of completion: High. It would have been done already if Clint would just make up his mind how he's going to flip out this time. :grumble, grumble: ETA: Got a nice little pic on my dashboard that promises to help me along.

Sequel to Catch My Breath
Canon: Hawkeye Comics. Character(s): Clint/Kate/Barney - There's the epic PWP. No, I mean it. It's my first bunny that has nothing to do with plot and everything to do with how these three people interact via sex. It's not PWC though where C = characterization. In fact, that's what it's all about. I blame geckoholic. She gleefully takes credit. Odds of completion: High if geckoholic has anything to do with it.

Body Heat for lithiumlaughter
Canon: X-Men Comicsverse. Character(s): Rogue/Remy + Remy/Belladonna - X-Men noir. I don't actually read the genre, so it's like pulling teeth to get it right, plus I accidentally took a multi-year break from Rogue and Remy. :shakes head at self sadly: But it's one of my very, very belated birthday gifts, so. Odds of completion: Hopeful. I do know how the story ends. It's just all the plotting to get there.

X-Men: Evolution

Hi, fandom. Long time no see. Yes, whipsy. I am super sorry I'm so behind on this. :grimaces:

Safe for whipsy
Canon: X-Men Evolution. Character(s): Rogue/Remy - Trust issues, bad ideas on how to fix relationships and deal with boundaries, and a safeword. Odds of completion: Much higher now that I reminded myself again that it exists. I think I was scared of writing this fic and if "Catch My Breath" didn't brave me up, nothing will.

Misc. Fandom

Permanent bodyswap AU for marlex
Canon: Roswell. Character(s): Max/Liz + Tess - It's the absolutely perfect solution to the painful triangle of Max, Liz, and Tess and I want to write this thing so hard. Odds of completion: Whenever I think of it, I itch to write it. It's just this small hitch of prioritization.

Next Up Posted WIPs
  1. Son o' de Guild: Remy turned to Xavier instead of Sinister. X1 as canon only
  2. Call Me Phil: Phil reincarnated as Maria's cat. Because. Someone prompted it.
Leftover Challenges
  1. Be Compromised Promptathon leftovers for be_compromised
  1. Couples Big Bang [1 fic of 10K+], due 6/30/15
  2. Not Primetime [2 fics of 1K+], due 7/3/15
  3. New Year's Resolution, due 10/31/15
This is not an exhaustive list and is primarily aimed at covering giftfic and challenges. There are also some leftover promptathon fics on my docket, requests tucked into reviews, and a startling quantity of both fanfic and original WIPs.

plans, masterlist

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