Crouching Tiger!!

Nov 12, 2009 10:31

Todays post is for Streak the Tiger.

This was a very challenging suit to build for a couple reasons. First, this is fur from Distinctive fabrics. I will say it is a well made fur, but I'm not a fan of it. It's very soft tho it has a potential to mat when abused and holy crap does it ever get into everything when I'm working on it. I was sneezing orange for a week after this project! ^.^ The second challenge was that for some reason I agreed to sew all these markings in rather then airbrushing. It took soooooo much time and fiddling to sew them all in. Whole days were spent stitching him together. But he did turn out very cute in the end!

I do like him a lot! The suit is flexible, uber soft, and turned out with lots of personality. He was very charming once he was all together and out of my nasal passages! ^.^ He is eminently huggable! As always there are more pictures of Streak in his Gallery on the One Fur All Studios website.

Pics of the next suits will be posted after their debut at Midwest Fur Fest. Until then, thank you for reading and have a very good day!

tiger, mff, fursuits

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