This entry is part 52 of 52 in the series
365 ChallengeSo characters have habits, ways they interact with certain people and situations, things they do and like to do, stories and histories together. I've known a lot of my characters' for a long time but getting them all into fic is interesting, particularly for the ones I don't know that for.
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“Well, I like onions as well as the next kid,” Connor, his twin, began, “but you were putting too many in the spaghetti sauce.”
Wesley looked offended, betrayed even.
“You were! Oh, brother.” Connor crossed his arms and gave up. There was no winning this argument, especially considering Wesley wouldn’t even remember it next week. “But she wasn’t the worst babysitter ever, and she was not worth getting grounded to our room for.”
Nope, the worst babysitter ever had been the next door neighbor kid’s cousin, who treated Wesley like he was somehow incapable of learning anything because he’d forget how he learned it. Connor scowled.
Wesley shrugged and picked up his toy truck. “I don’t mind.”
Connor sighed dramatically. “That’s ‘cause you like the sauce you ruined.” And they had to eat to save the other spaghetti for the dinner guests.
Wesley shrugged. He had eaten his dinner and was free of the babysitter and had his truck and his brother in the room where he was grounded. “I don’t mind.”
“Yeah.” Connor eyed his half-eaten oniony spaghetti. “Of course, not.”
Connor's right, though, the worst one is someone who'd treat his brother that way.
And Amen. :scowls with him:
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