Summary: Five generations of elves who have migrated from another world, Elphemerea, will have to learn to deal with the modern world in Riverblossom Hills and the surrounding area, while remaining true to their heritage and traditions. Meanwhile, I get progressively better at photoshop.
Generation One: Haldir
The story as a whole is rated PG for swearing, some violence, some sexual situations. Individual warnings are largely on the chapters themselves.
* Note: The entirety of Shadows Fall takes place during Fresh Meat, and though it's not germane to the main legacy, I recommend reading it. At least before you read Cum Laude. It will probably update before the next legacy chapter anyway... as I'm doing simblreen again, for 2016. :D
Download the Elves: This will be up and running when I start graduating this batch from college, and sort my geneticized skins. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm currently looking for better versions of the old Enalya pixie skins and for eyes where they've got the corners from Anva's Sclera, but no vast black gaps above when sims open their eyes wide.