I'm a bad, bad student

Nov 25, 2013 10:46

So, guess what's not done?

... Yeah. There will be no Poor Unfortunate Souls update this week, because I only have the time to edit one thing. We're on page 16 of 20 right now. It's not of a chapter. I shouldn't even be posting here, but my eyes are sliding off citations like otters off a rock. And I could have avoided putting it off until Thanksgiving Break, and my inevitable psychological explosion, if only my professors had understood the dangers of assigning term papers to seniors!

I'm also headed down to Chicago with the rents and the canine unit on Wednesday, to pick up my little brother, who doesn't have term papers or thesis at this point, as he is a freshman. Then, it's over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house in the snow, and my 10 bajillion cousins and keeping Grandpa from disassembling anything important. Fortunately, I can type while I grandparent sit, and I've set my computer to lock when I shut the lid, so the tykes can't play with it. Not that they won't want to play anyway, but that is officially the job of the Fraternal Unit. If you see me on here at any point in the next six days, yell at me.

Edit, as of Tuesday: Yeah, Yeah I know. Don't bother yelling, I'll be gone in a minute after comments, because guys, I am so bored. I'm set-fire-to-random-things bored. One semester is far too long to spend on one paper subject, especially when you can't even do the damn experiment yet! And, fool that I am, I agreed to spend most of J-term sorting dirt and finishing writing this thing. The previous few weeks I could at least do my other homework, but I'm editing now and it's not even interesting. (The fact that I'm alone at home with a dog and snow and it's fucking November probably doesn't help. I managed to get some stuff done yesterday, but at this point, the 17 page monstrosity is only making me depressed and restless. [Yeah, I tried walking the dog - made me feel better, didn't get any thesis done, back to square one.] Why oh why don't we write  monographs any more? For one thing, they're shorter.)

All that and I only have one more page done. One. Somebody kidnap me to go hunt down Atlantis or something so that I don't have to deal with this crap.

Long story short: go straight to last-minute research for supporting details. Do not pass go. Do not collect $1,000.

Americans: Happy Turkey Day/Football Extravaganza/Extended Family Awareness Day.
Students: Happy Drink 'till you forget about Thesis Defense. My life, where did it go?
Everybody not in those two categories: Have some chocolate, and pray for my soul.

scribbles' adventures: real life, rambles & ranting, scribbles' adventures: school

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