I seriously have no idea where this came from (I was meant to be working on the chapter tonight...) but hey, have a fic that isn't about any of the usual suspects.
Name: A Goddess' Wrath
Setting: About four years in the future of the Legacy.
Rating: PG, because dirty mouthed teens.
Characters: Orion, Gallagher
Summary: Dude, you did kinda deserve it.
Classification: Totally Canon.
“… And then Artemis friend-zoned him with a scorpion to the face.”
The bell rang, and Orion peeled his face off the desk and fled what was thankfully, the very last group presentation on greek myths. The moment he emerged into the hallway with an armload of books, he was greeted by a wad of paper that smacked him in the ear.
“Hello, Gal,” he said without turning around.
Gal’s face as he pushed through the hallway crowd to walk next to Orion was comically disappoitnted. “How did you know it was me?”
“Probably because nobody else is stupid enough to throw paperballs at me in the hall every day after Gilligan’s class and expect me to put up with it.”
“Must just be my rougish charm.”
“Fetid socks, more like.”
“I’ll have you know that the ladies love my manly smell.”
“Lady hobos, maybe.”
Gallager flashed the finger guns at a trio of cheerleaders instead of responding. Two of them giggled, one rolled her eyes. “Dude, I know Gilligan sucks and we ran out of cannibal jokes last semester, but you’re acting like something bit you in the ass.”
“Dude. I’m psychic, you can’t lie to me.”
“Last time you claimed to be psychic you ended up suspended.”
“Okay, maybe it didn’t take Houdini to figure out what color Lexie Hohmstead’s panties were…”
“Holmes. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes. He’s the detective, Houdini’s the dude with the rope tricks.”
“Your point?” Gallagher wiggled his eyebrows. Then he wiggled his ears for good measure.
Orion sighed. “Dude, just not going there today.” They’d reached their lockers and he slammed the door on his books with a little more force than necessary.
“Right, then tell me what’s pissed you off before I start acting all girly and actually worry about your feelings.”
“Before that.”
“We did the myth of Orion today in Gilligan’s.”
“Ah.” Gallagher managed to walk like a normal person for about eight feet, without swiveling around to watch girls, drumming his hands in the air, or jumping ahead and falling back. Then, he opened his mouth again. “How does that one go again?”
“Short version? Orion’s a mighty hunter, descended from the Amazon queen or something -”
“Like Wonder Woman?” Gallagher asked, visibly perking up.
“Except ancient Greek, so no. And if you make a lasso of truth joke I’ll tell your sister about the Sports Illustrated magazine you’ve got hidden under the curly bit of carpet in your room.”
“That’s evil, you know. I wasn’t even thinking of one until you brought that up, and now I’ve got Wonder Woman in my head wearing a bikini -”
“No sharing mental images! Knowing that’s been in your perverted mind makes it really hard for me to think of. Especially in the middle of the hall where everyone can hear you.”
“Would it help if I mentioned Hawkgirl? Ouch! Just saying.” Gallagher rubbed his shoulder and shut the door on Orion on purpose as they walked into the lunch room. Orion retaliated by elbowing him as they stepped into the lunch line.
“Anyhow, mighty hunter falls for Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.”
“Dude. The guy you’re named after got with a goddess. And this doesn’t make you happy? The guy I’m named after is probably some deadbeat.”
“Only Artemis didn’t like guys that much and according to the presenters, she ‘friend-zoned him with a scorpion to the face.’” Orion had to stuff the lunch tray under his arm to make the air quotes.
“No kidding.”
“Seems like a pretty extreme way to explain what team you’re batting for.”
“Dude, all the Greek Myths end with a god killing someone over something stupid.”
“So the Greeks were the bloody-minded ones, not the Romans?” Gallagher asked, taking three chocolate milks and smiling at the lunch lady’s pointed glare. He popped one open right then and there.
Gallagher’s eyes went wide as he stared at a point behind Orion’s head. “Oh, crap,” he said, “quick, hide me.”
“What did you do this time?”
“Um… Kaylee’s angry at me and I don’t know why?” Orion raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Okay, so when we went to Sid’s she went to the bathroom and I spotted Tanya, so I went over there to say hi and be friendly, I didn’t know Tanya has a major crush on me but Kaylee did, so Kaylee got mad and stormed out, and I walked Tanya home because I’m a gentleman, and I… er, kind of ended up kissing her? And it looks like Kaylee found out about, oh, thirty seconds ago, so - aaaah!”
He held up his lunch tray in front of his face like a shield with the hand that wasn’t holding a chocolate milk, and attempted to get behind Orion as Kaylee stormed up to them, looking ready to kill. Orion decided that if she didn’t know he knew, he wouldn’t be involved.
“Er, hi, Kaylee. Long time, no…”
“Shut up Orion. I’ve come to tell Gallagher we’re through.”
“Gallagher? I don’t know where he…”
“Hiding behind you like the coward that he is, shielding himself with a lunch tray.” Orion decided he wasn’t quite stupid enough to fake surprise when he turned around.
Gallagher lowered the tray a couple inches and peeked over it. “Hey baby, what’s shakin’?” He quailed under the glare that he could now actually see, but continued talking anyway, “Listen, about Sid’s party-”
“You’re a lying, cheating, slimy asshole!” Kaylee yelled in his face, “You were crawling down that slut’s throat the moment I left the party!”
“Now, baby, it wasn’t like that -”
“We are through, Gallagher Treyvon Newson! I hate you!” She ripped the chocolate milk carton from Gallagher’s hands and, with deadly accuracy, emptied it over his head and threw the crumpled carton in his face. Orion did what any sane guy would do and jumped out of the way - he was faster than the guy behind Gallagher, and managed to only get chocolate milk sprayed on his shoe. Kaylee stormed off, leaving Gallagher behind in a wide circle of empty space surrounding his milk puddle.
Orion realized that half the lunch room was staring, so he leaned carefully around Gallagher and opened up a chocolate milk of his own. He took a sip, but had to stop because of the laugh building up in his throat.
Gallagher grabbed the paper towels that one of the lunch ladies handed him and wiped his face. He made an attempt at his shirt, but the whole thing was soaked, so he did the next best thing and picked his tray up again, taking advantage of the sudden lull in lunchroom activity to grab two hamburgers.
It was when Orion grabbed a slice of pizza that he couldn’t take it anymore. He cracked up.
“Oh, ha ha. Very funny.” Gallagher said sourly.
“Dude, you told her your middle name?”
“Shut up.”
“Seriously, you actually told her your real middle name? Whatever happened to “Danger” or “bear-puncher?” You actually told her it’s Treyvon?”
“She didn’t believe me when I said my middle name was Shark-killer. Now shut up. It’s not funny.”
“Oh, yes it is.”
“Fine, Orion James.”
“Dude, the only thing that could possibly beat a middle name like Treyvon with your first name is if you had two of them, like if you were Treyvon Cesil or something.” They had no trouble clearing a table this time - nobody wanted Gallagher to drip on them. “Anyhow,” Orion continued, suddenly becoming more serious, “you did kinda deserve it.”
“Deserve it!? She dumped chocolate milk on my head!”
“Yeah, well, she is supposed to be your girlfriend - or was, I guess.”
“Thanks, bro.”
“Hey, you’ve still got all your teeth, don’t you? Kaylee’s not the kind of girl who gives you some sissy little slap. I swear, she was ready to get all Hulk on you and throw you through a wall. Also, she supposedly has a black belt or something.” Orion bit his lip but he just couldn’t keep it in, “a black belt in milk, apparently.”
“Dude, you suck.”
“You’re the one impersonating the swamp thing lite.”
“Every girl in this school just saw me covered in cow juice. I’m going to have to go to class like this.”
“Wear your gym clothes. Better yet, sneak into the locker room and give yourself a shower, I don’t want to be smelling bad milk all day.”
“Seriously, why do all the girls I’ve ever dated hate me?” Gallagher asked, picking crust off his hamburger bun.
“Because you’re kind of a player? Dude, that’s gross, now you’re getting milk dripping on the burger from your hair. You just don’t do that to meat.”
“Eh.” Gallagher slouched down in his seat. Then, a sudden thought came to him. “Hey, you think I could get pity points from Tanya over all this?”
Orion just shook his head. “When the next girl blows up like a volcano, I’m not your human shield, got it?”
So much fun here, I can't even begin to describe it. I've based Gallagher off of someone I know in real life (who would definitely be Romance/knowlege if he were a sim, and who actually had similar luck with girlfriends when he was sixteen, but who now knows better,) and writing him is just pure fun. Developing the next batch of teens is making my night. :)
Also, the opening line comes from a friend in my Roman Religions class this spring. He rocks at summaries.