Last stop: Antigua Guatemala
Antigua was our last stop, at which I took a lot of deliberately artistic pictures of ruins.
And coincidentally the location where we discovered that we had absolutely no desire to return to ‘western’ cuisine.
This is the big church in the town square. We discovered that this is about 1/3 the size that it once was later.
Main square…
Antigua is just like Europe, but with more churches.
The market.
Musicians in the street.
Deliberately artistic ruins photos start here.
Right, this is the main church in the central square, and they’re leaving the back half more or less like this.
According to the guide, the little circles here are spirits of the people buried in the crypt wandering around. I think they kinda look like dandelions, but I can’t deny that there was a different feeling to this crypt versus the one in the Franciscan monastery. That one in there was really peaceful.
This one was kinda damp.
Deliberately artistic pictures resume.
The Franciscan monastery, now a hotel. There’s a wedding being set up, hence the candles.
I love this place because the new just kind of grows straight out of the old like a new shoot coming off of a stump.
And here’s a very blurry picture of the Ossuary. Yes, that’s the floor. I counted about eight skulls, but a lot of femurs, and who knows how many people ended up in here.
The rest of the group was creeped out. I can’t say that I was, but the tour went on, and so shall we.
Anyhow, nothing was planned for our last morning, and I didn’t want to go shopping, so I wandered off to take a tour of more ruins on my own.
Commentary, my mom: You what?
Anyhow, I was perfectly fine, because a) it’s Antigua b) I speak Spanish c) I kept my money in my shoe, and d) I had a rock in my purse.
I took far too many pictures.
They’d made these ones into a garden of sorts.
This set of ruins is also adjoined by a working church, and in this case a small museum. I followed their signs and took no pictures inside though.
New set of ruins - this one was a convent.
Yup. This is the only picture of me on the whole trip that doesn’t look fat (fatter than normal) and I actually lost three pounds while on this trip.
No photos in this post were altered in any way except for cropping and resizing.
All right, so after all that, I made it back to the bus, had lunch, and we all headed out for the airport and came back to the US.
Since then, spring semester has resumed, and it’s back to the cold winter world for Scribbles.
TL;DR for the entire trip
When it rains in Guatemala, it’s because I’m awesome. It rains in Guatemala every day.
Boats get sick of me.
I can speak French… in Spanish.
When I bargain with street vendors, they try to give my friends discounts.
My majors are Life, the Universe, and Everything.
I not only speak dead languages, I bring them back to life.
Undertow carries me back to the beach and gives me a fruity drink with an umbrella.
All my shrimps are jumbo sized.
I am the most respected vintage worldwide for mosquito connoisseurs.
I will eat anything that holds still for long enough. However, my food is not always that patient, and attempts to jump into my mouth.
All stray dogs recognize me as their pack alpha.
Monuments photoshop themselves into my photographs.
Half-wild horses do not drag me away, they ask politely.
Volcanoes beg for me to climb them.
I have used a volcanic vent to light a torch. It was not overkill.
I do not need directions.
I can track down a museum by its smell.
I have the most awesome symbol of the Maya Zodiac.
Airport security lets me keep honey, which is definitely a liquid.
I am…
The Most Interesting Girl in the World.