Podiatrist appointment made. Ankle wrapped. Ibuprofin consumed. Pictures shot for more than 80% of the new chapter. I think it's going to be a whopper. And that's even after I played around with the timeline, putting a large chunk of staging in the next chapter because, upon further thought, it made more sense there. Oh, and I pruned a thread of the story which was getting unecessarily complicated - why go through all that with spares when the same end results are accomplished with the easy method, I don't know... the end result is that you will be seeing the Greenman family again, and a little more often than I had planned. That's all.
I need to re-shoot a scene now, due to an appearance change which I didn't take into account when I made it.
This one was shot before I realized that Aranel won't look exactly the same next chapter... but doesn't the school look lovely? Their private school's colors are blue and white. And it's secretly just a good re-deco of the public school, with some new stuff I found.
The earlier fic about Aranel's 'friends' was too good not to follow through on, so I aged up Tessa and dressed up Melody - they're lovely sims, by the way - and got ready to shoot it, managing to get the above picture and a few of its twins for reference. Now if only I could find some textbooks for Tessa to carry...
Grr. I just had to go in three times to get the picture in there right.