Oct 31, 2005 23:39
I met my next door neighbor today. He's very tall and has light blue eyes and a mohawk. HE smokes and plays in a heavy metal band that apparently dresses up . . .like a heavy metal band. I'm guessing this means leather and studs and perhaps a trench coat thrown in for good measure. I guess it's mostly a make-up thing. The idea of which i find intriguing The website for his band is www.secondfaceband.com, from there you can find a link to hear their music. He, ironically, lives with his parents. He works at a garage for his day job and is Irish (he was wearing a t-shirt with a huge ass clover on the front). Which, according to Jenny, means he has a small penis and drinks too much.
His mother said twice that i was very pretty and that i should come over more often and i got the distinct feeling that she was pimping out her son to me. It was actually really cute and i didn't really know what to say. I, however, am not interested but i do intend to go to one of their shows, which may or may not be a good idea. I don't want to give him the wrong idea- Welcome to my vanity, as if he's even remotely interested based on one meeting. I'm sure he must have a girlfriend and/or a bevy of groupies because it seems that this particular band is fairly popular and on the verge of being signed.
I went to the mall with my mother and it was filled to the gills with little kids, they were begging for candy. It seemed appropriate. And not just because it was Halloween. So we stayed long enough to complete our intended task and then got the hell out.
I got a haircut. I now look like ashlee simpson. Like, A LOT. It's kind of scary. I thought I wanted to, but now that i do . . . I'm not really sure what to do about it. I said recently, at a party, that i wanted to shave my head because it would serve as a badge that proclaimed that i was fucked-up and off limits (which isn't REALLY true). I have to say- this current haircut might be more effective at conveying that very message, just in a much different way. Which unfortunately will only attract precisely the sort of men I'm trying to keep at arms length. on the upside I look RIDICULOUSLY adorable and even I can't pretend to deny it.