[Dream] 2/5/09

Feb 05, 2009 00:50

It was a tennis practice one fall day, and Niou had appropriated a ball machine and the most remote of the practice courts for his own use. The yellow balls flew at him at a ridiculous rate, and he swung his racket at them without thought, reactively instinctively--

Damn, but he was still moving around too much. He could hit most of them back without taking more than two or three steps from his initial position, but that was still moving too far. It was better than last week, but... He continued to hit the balls back and tried to remember ever detail from the video he'd watched a hundred times over; he'd held the racket like this, and moved his feet like this...

He smacked another ball back across the net, then pivoted on his left foot to hit the next; the balls seemed to come at him in almost slow motion, right to where he was standing. He hit back another one, then another, without doing more than pivot around. The air around him was starting to glow. Yes yes yes yes--

"Oi, Niou!"

The next ball crashed into his nose. He swore and ducked out of the way of the incoming barrage, turning to see who the hell was bothering him.

...Sanada, of course it was Sanada. Niou started to snarl at him, but the glow around him shifted, and suddenly he picking his jacket up from where he'd dropped it on the ground and draping it over his shoulders. He walked over to Sanada with a gait too slow and without enough of a swagger to possibly be his own. "What is it, Sanada?" The words fell out of him, and they weren't in his voice, either, they were in a voice that sounded a hell of a lot like--

"Yukimura." The surprise on Sanada's face was evident. "I thought Niou was back here, not you."

"No, it's me. Niou's over on Court F." Niou found himself smiling lightly. "Was there anything you needed from me?"

"W-Well." Sanada stumbled over the words, looking rather nervous. "I--"

Niou chuckled and finished crossing the distance over to him, and suddenly he was right next to Sanada and leaning up slightly to press his lips against his--

He woke up with a gasp, and anyone in the nearby apartments could probably hear him yelling "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"

muga practice, what the shit, ic, tezuka is awesome, dammit yukimura, ew sanada, dream

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