At long last, I caught Harry Potter todayyyyyyyy! :D :D Absolutely cannot wait for part two to come out. Why do they have to put the two parts on dates so far apart :( Very awesome day out with Andyboy anyway. Missed him very much. Too bad he had to get called back so suddenly >:( Major KILLJOY. Damn awful. I'm gonna mug hard this week so that I'll be freeeeeeeee like a birdie the next weekend, for Shining's celebration which honestly speaking, I am quite very looking forward to :D, and more time with Andyboy! :D BBBBBBBUT! I think it's gonna be real hard though. I took two days to read 1 chapter harhar and that's the only one chapter I finished die seriously no joke >:( This is so hard. I need to pull up my socks. To bed for nowwww. Need plenty of energy for tomorrow!