Jun 15, 2005 10:01
Im broke. So broke that I managed to get a job in two days, I think. Thats impressive. I turned in an app. to plaid pantry yesterday, and i think i was so overqualified that they gave me an interview today and want me to work tomorrow. Thats pretty sweet concidering how broke i am. I might have a pizza deliv. job too, even more money. My life is so weird. I will post which one Im working at (might be like tigard or something) and you all have to visit me, and It will be like clerks. Last night was amazing. I drank my 7 beers I brought to jakes, then stumbled home, highschool-style. I miss that. Apparently my past-romance of the last year is big news to the LO community. One of my friends parents told me that its spreading like wildfire... weird. Didnt think I was that interesting. My new goal: hang out with John Bridenbeck and Mark Shearer... but not at same time.
"What a drag it is getting old
"Kids are different today,"
I hear ev'ry mother say
Mother needs something today to calm her down
And though she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day
"Things are different today,"
I hear ev'ry mother say
Cooking fresh food for a husband's just a drag
So she buys an instant cake and she burns her frozen steak
And goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And two help her on her way, get her through her busy day
Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door, she took four more
What a drag it is getting old
"Men just aren't the same today"
I hear ev'ry mother say
They just don't appreciate that you get tired
They're so hard to satisfy, You can tranquilize your mind
So go running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And four help you through the night, help to minimize your plight
Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door, she took four more
What a drag it is getting old
"Life's just much too hard today,"
I hear ev'ry mother say
The pusuit of happiness just seems a bore
And if you take more of those, you will get an overdose
No more running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
They just helped you on your way, through your busy dying day"
Its so true though, the stones had this feeling perfect. Your life isn't going all that well, but you feel fuckin fantastic when you are drunk or high, or both. They got that right on the nose, cause I know what thats like.