Those fucking homophobes

Oct 05, 2004 19:30

IN over 10 U.S. states theres have been state constituitional amendmetns to bvan gay marrage. NOw in teh Netherlands gay marrage is legal and perfectly accepted. Well at the debate Kerry pissed in bushes kool-aid and mopped the floor wit his face, he deserves it. Because of the debate Kerry and Bush are now even. A part of the daily show "Dr. Phil, So Bush do you aprove of spanking? Jon Stewart, of coarse he believes in spanky he ordered to kill reatards." EVERY body should watch they daily show with jon stewart he a genious and all he does is make fun of reatarted politicians. I wonder when a hippie is going to run for president. In Iraq even more ppl died, how nice. I et if white ppl were never created teh world would be so much more peacful.
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