
Sep 23, 2010 17:03

Backthreading: Sure! I have a LIMIT of energy past which point I probably won't reply, but by all means go ahead and you will see if I get back to you or not. If it is especially important for some reason just contact me to poke me.

Threadhopping: Go ahead!

Medical Info: Lol. Okay. Stein is TALL, broad and muscular. His skin is rather palid and unhealthy looking. He has several long scars on his body that are now mostly very obviously where he stiched close huge, precise cuts. The most obvious one is one his cheek, but he also apparently cut off (or opened up) his right arm at some point, and there are two more on his torso that make it look like he actually was in pieces, because they go all the way around. No doubt he has them on his lower body too.

Despite this, he is physically in peak condition, absolutely super healthy, and the fact that he's been smoking for years doesn't seem to give him trouble.

Mental Info: Stein is insane. He has a limited emotional capacity, and can't feel things such as love, guilt, and empathy, and he is generally bereft of the need for the affection or understanding of other human beings. Stein is also driven to dismember, dissect, and otherwise rip things apart. He definitely has an invested interest in science, but science is not is goal. He really just wants to see what happens when he does basically anything, and often enough these 'experiments' don't make any kind of sense. He is not pursuing knowledge for the betterment of the world, or to increase his own medical abilities, he just really really wants to know what happens.

Despite all this, Stein is a very reliable person. He's been combating his own insanity for a long time. Sometime in his teenage years, while partnering with Spirit, he came to understand that he valued people more than he valued his selfish pleasures of ripping things apart. While he never gave up being a mad scientist, he pretty much gradually reigned himself in, and learned enough about people, that he could fit in among them without being completely rejected by everyone. For this reason, he genuinely has friendships, and is one of Shibusen's most dependable teachers and meisters. He is genuinely fond of children, he enjoys educating, and most likely wouldn't actually do any experiments with harmful lasting effects on any member of Death City.

Finally, Stein is a creature of 'disorder' who very much tries to be a creature of 'order'. To Stein, Order is the flawed and hypocritical reality humans build for themselves. Selfish kings making selfish laws, or children following their parent's every order because it hasn't occurred to them that no such laws actually exist. He literally finds the way people cage themselves in with these imaginary bars frustrating and disgusting, and for a long time he considered basic human morality to be one of those imaginary restraints. Basically, being a hedonist who does exactly what he wants to without regards for others is his natural state of being. However, because he found things he wanted to keep, and in order to keep them had to become something they wouldn't throw away, Stein has gradually been learning about things like 'morals' and even 'justice'. He intentionally adopted a world of 'order' because he understands most people need order to live, and perhaps his desire for disorder just makes him a monster. He has a personal code of order that comes from an 'impersonal god', which is either Shinigami-sama, or some sort of personal order of conduct Stein developed for himself that doesn't care about race or society, but does care about humans the world.

Soul Viewing: Stein's soul is larger than he is by a good shot. If you use Soul Perception on him, it can be pretty overwhelming. It's a blue-gray color, and has a screw going through it, with some stitches going around it.

Viewing Stein's soul will reveal that he is quite mad, a sadist, a hedonist, that he is generally dangerous. It also reveals that he is curious, brilliant, a liar, dispassionate, chaotic, fearful, and contained.

Triggers: There are like eight million things. The Madness Wave in general is likely to send him over the edge a bit, then there is pretty much just him being himself. Being particularly interesting in any way is likely to make him want to dissect you. Being a threat in any way will definitely make him want to dissect you. However, while Stein is totally mad and generally dangerous, he really has a good handle on himself, and without the influence of the Madness Wavelength you're not likely to see him lose control.

Fourth-Walling: Fourth-walling him pretty much means fourth-walling the entire RP so... take it up with the mods and I will abide by their choice. Unless you want to have read/watched Frankenstein and tell him about it, which is fine.

Physical Contact: If for some reason you want to... he doesn't mind.

Romance/Sexual Relations: I... I-If the IC play goes there...

Fighting: Definitely!

Winning/Losing: Stein is pretty much the twink fighter for his canon. He holds off two Meisters/Weapons and Deathscythe while completely out of his mind with little apparent effort. He beats people without getting out of his chair. He is actually LESS powerful while sane, but still pretty damn strong. On his own, he still had a very strong body, and the ability to soul purge, or electrify people with his soul wavelength. With a Deathscythe weapon he can use his soul to sew people into place, plus has at least two Soul Resonances at his disposal.

Basically, there is a reason he's called the 'greatest meister' and a reason everyone in his canon is terrified of him. I expect him to win most of his battles and only take serious damage with good reason. However, I'm open to discussion on the subject if he gets in any serious fights with the Guests.

Injure/Kill: Injure, yes! Kill, nooo.

Hacking/Reading Locked Posts: Stein probably won't be using filters much. He's too aware of how hackable they are. If he does use them, you can be sure he's got a pretty damn strong filter of his own. Hit me up if you want to be able to read it.

Anything Else: Just ask!
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