I cannot stop sneezing and coughing. I also have a nice fever. Aerosmith and Jimmy Eat World are on repeat. I feel un-creative and that's probably why I'm updating. People are showing themselves to be weird. And catty and selfish and hypocritical. When you don't know the person, you shouldn't have much to say about them, including bad things. I don't know how I am supposed to give advice when I can't even figure out how to handle my own problems. Sometimes people can make you feel good; like when they tell you they miss you, they love you, they like you, they care about you, or that they hope you're still friends in 20 years. But other times, it is hard to believe they can make you feel so low. So I'm going to go listen to music, lay down, read, study, probably cry for a while, and wait for my phone to ring or some opportunity for fun to arise.