"I have muscle underneath my blubber. I just haven't taken off my 'winter coat' yet." Hokey, I know.

May 14, 2006 09:30

Height: appr. 5' 2.5"
Weight: appr. 127 lb

That's good enough for now, I'd say.
And by "for now" I mean I won't worry about getting too much smaller until school ends.
Let me rephrase that. Well, actually until we get back from Europe since we're leaving less than two weeks after my school ends which is not enough time for significant change.

I plan on totally reinventing myself this summer. I will seriously go through my wardrobe and get rid of (or add to my pile of stuff to refashion) everything--EVERYTHING!--that doesn't suit me. I will start really taking care of my hair and skin. Most of all, I will lose weight and get healthy.

I'm going to be starting high school later this year. I want to really change!--I want to be somebody people will really like! It sounds stupid but I really do want to be popular. And I'm not going to lie: I want to be hot so guys will like me. There's only one guy what has ever had a crush on me and he's my friend and I would NEVER want to go out with him! However, the guys I like never like me back!

We're going to see some major differences in pictures of me in 8th grade and me in 9th grade, I promise.
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