Screencap Adventures 04 - Megaman Zero 04

Jan 05, 2008 20:47

Hallo again! Welcome back to Megaman Zero. This time we encounter a mission! (Not a mission from God, sadly. Just a young female scientist.)

Previous Editions.


We saw the opening text to the mission in the last

Heigh-ho, a hero's work is never done.

Walk walk walkity..Can you believe that there this much space before a single enemy? And guess what I do when we meet the first enemy?

Yup. Walk right into it. (And kill it, but after I take damage.)

There's what an intact one looks like, right before it collides into me. Gah. I hate those things.




Once you make it past those guys, or the first two of those guys, you get these guys. More X clones. I'm still getting the hang of slicing and dicing as well as screencapping, so I spent a lot of time getting damaged.

And more walking. Dum de dum.

And I jumped over this one. And killed it. And lookit there! A cyber-elf!


No, the screen didn't reverse, I'm just jumping over enemies and then killing them.


Heeey! I got a shot of the beam saber in action! Lessee if I can get more before the end of this!

And another Cyber-Elf, lucky me! Enemies drop these guys sometimes. :D

Spikes are back. Watch out for dem spikes. Spikes are in every Megaman game, and they kill you on contact. Avoid at all costs.


Ooh, debris to jump on!


Ya know, I think I'll try to keep my comments away from the 'argh' and 'hate' variety. That will get tedious if every single one of my capping segments is like that. I'll figure something to fill in the empty space.

AHA! See the beam saber? Handy dandy. :D

This is a tricky platform part. I could jump up the side wall, but where's the fun in that? There's a prize to be gotten!

HURRAH - get enough slashes, get a Z Saber up. And it'll tell you what you can do now. Handy!

Basically, you can hit attack twice and get a quicker slash. Good thing. :D

See the shiny treasure thing? It heals HP! *waaant*

Back to the ground. More climbing ahoy!

Oh, and note the rain. Now it becomes important. It pushes you back, basically. So it's harder to go to the right. (forward)

Got the treasure, killed someone, after another health thing.

Dash + Jump = HUGH jumps.



Hugh Laurie, get off my brain.

This is what's causing the weather to push you back. Kill it in two hits, and you're fine.

BAM - oh hey. Flying X clones.

And down we go.

AHA! That's what his slash looks like. All green and glowy.

These things just come up three sections, then fire at you. If you destroy the sections before they fire, no problem. Good for training, too.

That's what they look like while firing.

Downed trucks!

Hurrah! I'll show you how these work later on.

And the weather's been pulling you forward, so guess what? Kill. >:D

This game, by the way, is good for stress relief. Killing robots is relaxing, if you'll believe me.

Except for when this happens.

Now, we're nearing the end of this very easy level. The boss does require some thought, though. And patience. I did die once while fighting him.

Inbetween corridor that's a classic of all good Megaman games...

And boss. I hate this guy. He's not very easy, if you don't know what you're doing.

Note the name Harpuia. He (she?) is important later on.

And, under you...

This is a timed battle, by the way. Kill the boss before the guys under you get crushed. Yeah.

But there is a way to beat him. It's easy, once you figure it out. And guess what? I'll tell you how to do it. :D


There's Aztec Falcon's first attack. He jumps over you and fire three bolts. His other attack is to sit on one side of the screen and fire horizontally at the other edge repeatedly. When he switches sides, that's when you strike.

Note the timer at the top.

And he jumps! When he zooms over and jumps up, you jump off the wall and slice him while he's going up and you're going down. Probably could be better explained by showing, but I'm not taking a video here.

Note our health bars.

My first death. I'll restart and try again.

Oh hey! Handy!


Is it wrong that I dislike this guy?

And the autobots to the left can't speak, pity.

Ciel speaks...

Blah blah, do as she says...

And we leave.

Trance. I forgot to grab a shot of the menu again, aargh. But I'll show you the elf sections.

Basically, you equip elves for one use spells. I've got a health, faster ladder climbing elf, and a time slow down elf.

There's the menu. I'll show you the feed elf screen later, when I have more E Crystals.


Zero knows who he is!

The guy in purple who talked about weapons, yeah, I remember him. :)

Oops missed a screencap. or two.

And we're at the end of today's section. That's what a mission is like, and I might even get the music uploaded for the scenes. (It's good music!)

Thanks for reading!

PS: Are you guys aware of Abandonia? It's a good resource for old DOS games.

megaman zero

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