Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones - Chapter 3

May 03, 2008 13:14

It's... been two months? Sorry, school decided to exist. Also I am lazy.

But, I have good news! There's a whole slew of official art for the game now~ It's over here. Later pages may be spoilerish.

Now, into the chapter!


Huh, it does! I never noticed that.


We should sell that.

Luckily, we can sell things from anywhere. To... squirrels.

Stuff, glorious stuff~

That Rapier is too good for it to be Eirika's only weapon. We need to save its uses.

Ross could use another axe...

And a Slim Lance for Seth!

Oops, his inventory's full.

Now that that's done...

...chapter begin~

But Seth, if he was a bandit he'd have a generic bandit sprite.


She moves forward more fluidly than that, even though you can't tell in the screencap.

It looks like she's smiling here, but her "talking" sprites are definitely in the :O position. See: my icon.

You're still from it, Neimi. Don't you know what 'from' means?


You can tell by... just looking at them, Seth?

I know you can attack walls in FE6, FE7, FE8, and FE10 somewhat? In FE9 you gained the ability to actually attack the doors instead.

There are two pure archers in the game. I've always thought Neimi was the better one.

I'm gonna try to cap combat more in this one. Wish me luck.

Assuming, you know, that they're carrying one. Which most of them aren't.

Finally, some control over the characters! You know what else?

We've passed the thousand screencaps mark. During chapter 3.

This game has way too much text.

Anyway, new girl! Not much to look at now, but...

Attacking the guy she attacked before~

Ugh, and she didn't get experience the first time because it wasn't me doing it.

Letting Ross finish him off.

Yay, EXP~

Yay, stat gains~

Stuff! Also you can see that Vanessa carried Neimi off.


Nope, it's Colm. Which is just as good. Incidentally, that's a really hot blinking sprite. Mm.

This is the easy kind of recruitment. You want hard recruitment? Wait until you see Joshua. Or Amelia. Or Marisa.

Doors completely disappear when you unlock them. No one knows why.

And this is relevant how?

Well, since you said we should...

Okay, that's not her normal blinking frame. Weiiird.

I know what you're thinking, and I'm not going to say it.

But the real point of support conversations is that 99% of a character's characterization and backstory come from them. Plus it determines who gets hitched at the end of the game.

In other words, you can have all three conversations with one person and two with another, two with two people and one with another, one with three people and two with one person, or one conversation with five people. Usually it's probably best to have an A support and a B support.

But who will support who? You decide!

So I figured I'd take a vote on who you'd like to see support each other. Your choices include:
Eirika: Seth or six other, as of yet unrecruited, choices.
Seth: Eirika, Franz, Garcia, or two mystery choices.
Gilliam: Franz, Moulder, Garcia, Neimi, or a mystery woman.
Franz: Seth, Gilliam, or three mystery units.
Moulder: Vanessa, Gilliam, Colm, or a mystery woman.
Vanessa: Moulder or four mystery units.
Ross: Garcia or four mystery choices.
Garcia: Seth, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, or a mystery man.
Neimi: Gilliam, Garcia, Colm, or two mystery units.
Colm: Moulder, Neimi, or three mystery units.

Obviously you don't have to vote just yet, but if there's two units you'd like to see talk, just let me know~

Can't touch this.

Colm can actually hold his own in combat right now, although not as well as Franz - think about Ross's abilities. (It occurs to me that I forgot to show you his stats. Darn.) When he promotes, however, he'll be way awesome.


EXP for our dear cleric.

Yay, treasure~!

More treasure~!


Forgot to get Neimi weakening this guy, but...


Got a chest key, had full inventory, sent it.

And treasure!

I love bows.

This is why.

Um, unlocked the door at the top right, here's Neimi being awesome.

Here's Franz being less awesome.

Ah well. Moulder doesn't mind.

And one dead bandit~

And one weakened bandit...

And another dead bandit! Notice that Vanessa Does Not Like Bows.

She's fast as lightning. It's a little bit frightening.

I forget why I took this.

Our thief does some thievery!

Neimi continues to rock.

Ross actually stops hiding behind walls, for once.

Mercenaries are annoying. They can double your slower units in the later game, and they're actually fairly strong.

They are, however, no match for Neimi.

You will notice that Franz didn't take damage. This is because Bazba fails at life.


Become an hero, Colm.

To give you a sense of how much EXP bosses give, Colm previously had ninety-something EXP.

After all of that healing, Moulder finally gets a level. Notice that he was a high HP. This is incredibly strange for a priest.

And seize!


How long have you been there, Seth?

I don't know what Seth is doing there. I don't want to know.

You'd miss out on a ton of treasure if you didn't get Colm, for example.

Well, that's the end of the chapter! Tune in next time, when we


Nice decor, emperor. And prince.

Is anyone surprised that he's trying to take over the world?

This can't be good.

An ominous introduction.

Grado's generals all have gemstone nicknames. Duessel is Obsidian, Selena is Fluorspar, and Glen is the Sunstone.

You only wish you were that cool.

I'm sensing some hostility here. Maybe it's just me.

What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster


Thank you for joining me, and please tune in again next time~

fire emblem: the sacred stones, intelligent systems

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