Suikoden Tierkreis, Part 23

Dec 22, 2013 13:30

Good afternoon, ladies, gentlemen, and assorted others. This is Lady Nighteyes with another installment of "Let's Play Suikoden Tierkreis!" When last we left off, we'd just completed another mission and fended off another attack from the forces of evil and were about to get to the other random tasks Moana found for us. Moana's good at that.

In true RPG player fashion, my first priority is always the optional stuff.

This guy continues to be quite single-minded about a very odd subject.

Same deal as before- it doesn't matter who you send, because none of them want to do it. Which is admittedly understandable, 'cause it's kind of a stupid job.

I run around doing some trading while I wait for the mission to finish. Because hey, it never hurts to have even more money.

Once again, no way to finish this successfully.

Sieg: Maybe we oughta talk to him in person. Shouldn't be too hard to find if he's always in the Corridor, right?
Moana: That's true.

I can take a hint. Let's go talk to the doofus.

There he is.

"It keeps crashing... the blue screen of death is haunting my nightmares..."
Sieg: Hey there, pops. We got you those window materials like you asked, but I heard you don't like 'em. Somethin' wrong with 'em?

Tonga: I appreciate you bending over backwards to get those materials, but they're not what I wanted.
Sieg: Then what is it you want?
Tonga: Well, I've been researching whether it's possible to put windows in the Corridor.
Sieg: Um, what?
Oh, hey, he DOES have an expression of confusion in his vocabulary other than "Huh?"

Okay, new theory: Tongatihi IS, in fact, taking something to try to treat his headaches. It's just that whatever it is has him kind of stoned.
Sieg: You okay?
Tonga: Yes... Just another headache... Anyway, I thought maybe, just maybe, there'd be a clue out there on how to make windows in the Corridor. That's why I asked you. But sadly, it looks like nothing of the sort is in the materials you found me.
Sieg: Um, I'm kind of confused here, but what's the difference between a Gateway and a window?
Tonga: Are you kidding?! A window is a window! Opening up a window would allow you to view the Infinity in all its glory- while inside the Corridor! Wonderful thought, isn't it?
Sieg: Well, you can pretty much do that with Gaateways. Just open 'em up to see other worlds.
Tonga: ...Huh?
Sieg: Aren't they pretty much the same kinda deal?

This is the problem with coming up with your brilliant ideas while high off your ass, Tongatihi.

Why the quote marks?
Sieg: So, wait a minute... You didn't notice that?
Tonga: No I did not.
Sieg: Ouch.
Tonga: What did I come here for in the first place... Ow ow oww!!!

I smell recruitable!
Tonga: ...What?
Sieg: I mean windows for Castle Visakha- of Zodiac Company. You put so much time and effort into researchin' windows, I figure you'd know better than anyone. Sorry they can't be for the Corridor, but if you make windows for us, it won't be in vain.
Tonga: Well, windows in the Corridor and castle windows are two completely different things. I don't know...
Yes. Only one of the two is a thing that exists and that you have information on.
Tonga: In fact, the only thing remotely the same about them is their name, don't you think?
Sieg: It's pretty funny you know the difference, but you didn't notice Gateways and windows are the same.
Tonga: Anyway, I appreciate the concern. In fact, thanks to all these window materials you got me, I'm almost a professional window make now.
That's sort of exactly what he pointed out.
Tonga: And I do have carpentry experience since I sold houses in my younger days... Now that I think about it, maybe I will take you up on that offer. Sound okay to you?
Sieg: Sure! We'd love to have ya!
Tonga: Thank you! Then it's settled!

You should make him talk to Zahra about them. Having to interact with the resident Comedic Sociopath is probably a really good motivator to do everything you can to get better.

Tongatihi can now be found standing around looking speculatively at a wall that, judging by the light, already HAS a window in it. For those unaware, Suikoden has a bit of a tradition of characters that let you change the look of the menus; he's this game's version. Unlike most of them, however, this game doesn't have you collecting menu sets that you hand over to unlock different patterns. Instead, you've got five sets all available from the start. (Unless someone really wants to see the other ones, I think I'm going to stick with Set 1, because it's purple and I like purple.) He also has a support ability that prevents surprise attacks.

Anyway, next detour.

I'm sure Rizwan will have absolutely no problem with us ignoring her request in favor of some random woman in Salsabil for a week and a half! :::DDD

Sieg: That's right. I'm Sieg.

Sieg: Really?! You're from a whole different land?
Apparently Sieg is completely unable to fathom the concept of "boats."
Morrin: That's right.

Nice scary mask.

Speculation as to those reasons is hereby encouraged.
Sieg: That's all right. So, who do you want us to look for?
Morrin: A man named Icas.
Sieg: Icas...?
Morrin: Right. A shallow, sweet-talking womanizer, who's completely full of himself because he's handsome!
Sieg: Hmm. A shallow womanizer whose name is Icas, eh?
That is what she just said, yes.
Sieg: Hey, I remember him! That must be that guy that was hittin' on Marica and Erin in Cynas!
Morrin: You know him? That should make things easier, then. I want you to catch him and bring him here! As quickly as possible!
Sieg: Hmm. I dunno...
Morrin: What? Is there a problem?
Sieg: He was in Cynas. That ain't really a place we can go.
Not until the end of the game, at least.
Morrin: Don't worry about that.
Sieg: Huh?
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 66
Morrin: I know a little about the Order of the One True Way. That's that group of weirdos who think the future is predetermined or some such rubbish, right?
Sieg: Yeah, in a nutshell.
Morrin: I hear they prohibit love affairs because one's life partner is supposed to be predetermined. Icas could never last for long in a place with a rule like that!
Sieg: O-okay...
Morrin: The Order will definitely have him on the run at some point. That's when I want you to catch him!

I see absolutely nothing odd about this request! :::DDD
Morrin: You will? Oh, thank you! I just knew you would help me!
Sieg: But why do you wanna find a guy like Icas?
Sieg is not detective material.

Sieg: Okay, guess we'll go back to the castle and talk to Moana, then. We'll have to organize some people for the manhunt.
And then he apparently teleports, because suddenly...

I guess he's telepathically beaming the information to her.
Moana: Wow! That sounds so twisted... and interesting! I wish I could've heard all that firsthand!
Sieg: Twisted is interesting?
Duh. I think Anya needs to give you a lesson in "what makes for good gossip 101," Sieg.
Moana: Hey, women LOVE stories like that!
Sieg: I don't get it...
That's because you're dumb.
Moana: Anyway, I'll make this job of finding Icas official, then. When you're ready to start, just come talk to me like always.
Sieg: Okay, sure.
Moana: If this guy runs away from Cynas, maybe Grayridge would be the best bet?
Sieg: I think you're right. Okay, we'll send a few people there, and-
Moana: Hey, I have a great idea! That guy's a big womanizer, right? If we send out a pretty woman, we won't have to look for him. He'll find the bait himself and bite!
Sieg: You think so?

Sorry, but you're not even available as a support character. At any point in the game.
Sieg: Of course you wouldn't.

Like Moana said, this is now available as a quest. However, to finish it, you actually have to send out a FULL TEAM of ladies who meet Icas's standards. I am, unfortunately, only able to field three of the necessary five: Marica, Sisuca, and either Eunice or Erin (I think Icas must be too terrified of Selen's badassery to try to hit on her, because she doesn't work). So it's going to be a while before I can catch him. As such...

Sieg: Apparently. Said to bring you with me.
Moana: Okay, off you go! You'll hear all about it when you get to the Arcane Academy in El-Qaral!

Okay, let's go.

Sieg "Huh"? Count: 67

If this game's section on AO3 is to be believed, "attendant" is code for "boyfriend."
Sieg: Oh, hi. I'm Sieg.
Taj: I know this is terribly sudden and I apologize, but could you spare us some of your time? Prince Shams wishes to meet with the members of Zodiac Company. Could you please come to the Prince's Palace to see His Highness?

Mubal: I'll go on ahead to the Arcane Academy and prepare the research.
Sieg: You sure?
Mubal: Absolutely. The research is going to take some time, so even if you went to the Arcane Academy directly, I'm afraid we'd just keep you waiting anyway. If you go see Prince Shams first, that would work out perfectly!
Sieg: Okay, if you say so, Scholar Guy, that's good enough for me!
Mubal: It's "Mubal," actually...
Poor guy hasn't realized yet that he's never going to shake that nickname.
Taj: This way to the Prince's Palace, please.
I love alliteration.

Shams: Welcome. I'm sorry to have asked you here on such short notice, but I wanted to see you before you went to the Arcane Academy.
Sieg: Did something urgent come up?
Shams: Yes. I have a favor I'd like to ask of you.
Does anyone here NOT have a favor they want to ask of us?
Sieg: A favor?

Shams: If I could, I certainly would. I'm afraid they won't let me see her, however.
Translation: ~politics~.
Sieg: Won't let you see her?
Shams: Manaril has been appointed some very important work at the Academy. Hardly anyone ever gets to see her.

Uh... Shams? We already know your mom's name. You don't have to say it in blue like it's the first time we've heard it.
Sieg: What's up with that? Ya don't even get to see your own little sister 'cause of stuff like that?
Shams: Yes, well, it must be difficult for you to understand... But that's what being a member of the Imperial Family is like in this country. But I'm worried about Manaril... Do you think you could do this favor for me?
Sieg: Well, I wouldn't mind... but wouldn't they stop us from seein' her too?

Taj: Certainly. Here you are.

Sieg: A key?
Shams: It leads to the cellar of the Arcane Academy. With that key, you should be able to get to where Manaril is.
Sieg: Um... well, sorry if I got this wrong, but... are ya sayin' you want us to sneak in to see her?
Shams: In a manner of speaking, yes.

"People won't let me see my little sister? SEND IN SECRET AGENTS." I have to say, I like this strategy.
Shams: My style...?
Sieg: I mean, compared to your father, I thought you were the meek, serious type.
Sieg, if there's one thing you should have gotten from the last game I talked about, it's that quiet and serious do not correlate with "meek."
Sieg: But comin' up with a scheme like this? I'm really impressed! Okay! I'll do it!
Shams: All right. Thank you very much.
Sieg: Okay, so how do we do this?
Shams: You've been asked to help with Chronicle research, haven't you? So when you go, I'm sure Lady Rizwan and the Academy scholars will become engrossed in their research.
Sieg: So we just wait for our chance, then sneak down to see your sister, right?
Shams: That's right. But if things start to look dangerous for you, please abandon the plan immediately.
Psssh. Yeah, right.

Catchphrase Count: 11

Okay, let's go talk to Rizwan.

Sieg: I heard ya want some help researchin' the books. What do ya want us to do?

Sieg: Whaaat?! Don't tell me you're gonna have us fight some of your soldiers or something! I don't want anybody to get hurt just for some kinda show!
Mubal: Oh, don't worry! We just want you to fight dreambeasts created by mage arts.
Sieg: Dreambeasts?
Mubal: That's right. While you fight them, they seem very real anf when they attack, you'll feel real pain. But when the battle is over, all of that will disappear.
Sieg: Wow! You can do stuff like that?! These "mage arts" are pretty cool!
Rizwan: What do you say? Will you do it?

Rizwan: You will? Thank you.
Mubal: This way, then.

...Is that a save point from Okami that he's standing next to?
Mubal: Are you ready? As I said before, even though these dreambeasts are merely illusions, they seem very real during the battle. Please give it your all, without thinking of them as visions.
Sieg: Okay, gotcha! Let's just get started!

Okay, let's see what sort of terrifying monster they-


Sorry, game, but that is SO not a dragon. Pfahahahaha.

It doesn't even get to attack before dying a very undignified death.

Sieg was apparently hallucinating.
Sieg: Can you use those things to fight the Order troops too?
Mubal: Unfortunately, those mage arts can only be activated in a sealed space within a multiple barrier treatment.
Utilizing multi-modal reflection sorting?
Sieg: Uh, I don't speak "scholar."
Mubal: All right, let me put it this way: we can only make dreambeasts inside that room.
Sieg: Hey, now THAT I understand!
Rizwan: Thank you for your assistance. The skills you have shown us will help our research greatly. Now, you had better go back and rest up after your ordeal.

Sieg: Oh, okay!

...And then they leave us alone in this room. With a door we haven't explored behind. Which we just got the key to. Gee, I wonder what we're gonna do?

All right, on we go.

...and down...

...and down...

Five more screens worth of stairs later, we hit the bottom. There's a guard or someone down here who seems remarkably unconcerned about why we're here, but I ignore them and head through the door.

Animated cutscene with questionable sound design choices! 6:24-7:08

I dunno, I think Asad causing a localized earthquake in that one cutscene beats out most of what we did in that fight just now. Especially Selen, since she could do that even before we recruited her.

FEEL the woobieness. It is physically tangible.

Um... Rizwan kinda said... like, just now... right in front of you...

Sieg: Huh?!
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 68

Sieg: Now hold on! Ain't that Shams's sister? I don't know what they're doin' to her, but we gotta help her!
Taj: With the use of force, you mean?
Sieg: Well... I, uh...
He made Sieg stop and think! Round of applause for Taj!
Taj: If you did that, it would mean that Prince Shams had you make an attack on the Arcane Academy. The Prince would be called to account and the person who gave us the key would be punished.
Sieg: Punished?!
Taj: If worse came to worst, it might even lead to a political situation involving the Imperial Palace.
What do you mean, "might"?
Taj: So do you still want to rescue Princess Manaril right here and now with the use of force?

Well, that's a coherent and eloquent response.

Taj: All right. Let's go back to the Prince's palace, then.

Back outside, the guard is still terrible at their job.

This is Sieg we're talking about. Of course he is.
Sieg: Yeah! I've got a lot of questions to ask you!
Shams: All right. Please calm down. I'll explain everything now from the beginning. Let me start with my sister.

Shams: She also has the ability to extract information from it and transform this information into writing.
Sieg: They called her "the reader." Is that what they were talkin' about?
Shams: Yes. I don't know what the reader's power is, exactly, or how it's different from the mark of the stars. What I do know is that the Magedom's mage arts are based on information extracted from the Chronicle by a number of readers in the past. There are very few who have the ability of a reader. There are the two things I know.
Sieg: Very few?
Shams: There were a few more in the past, but right now, Manaril is the only one in this country that we know of.
Sieg: So that's why they're making her do that?

Shams: If they can strengthen our mage arts with the information she extracts, there will be fewer casualties in our battle against the Order. With a reason like that, I just can't.
Sieg: Ya just wanted us to know about it, eh?
Shams: Pardon?
Sieg: Ya didn't wanna know how she was doin', did ya? You just wanted to show us what was goin' on.
Shams: You figured that out, did you?
Yes, he did. I'm as surprised as you.
Shams: I understand that allying with the Magedom is the best way to protect your people from the Order. But even this country is not the embodiment of virtue and justice. I just wanted you to know that.
Sieg: Why did ya want us to know that?
Shams: Hmm, I wonder. I'm not really sure, myself. You people are not like anyone I've ever met before. Maybe that's why I don't want to see you taken over by the Magedom without knowing the truth. Or maybe I'm just selfishly hoping that you might be able to do something about it.
Sieg: "Do something," eh? I was gonna hear what ya had to say and if I still wasn't convinced, I was gonna go rescue that girl. I thought if I did it on my own, nobody would think you were involved.
Shams: Now that we've talked, are you convinced?

Sieg: If I went crashin' in and tried to save her, it wouldn't change a thing. Probably just make it worse. I wanna do something, but I don't even know where to begin.
Shams: But that's enough for now. If you had said you were going to go save her now, I would have stopped you. But thank you for thinking of Manaril like that.

Sieg: Nah.

Shams: Please don't judge Mubal harshly. He's the one who gave me the Arcane Academy key.
Sieg: Huh... Ol' Scholar Guy did that...?
Cut to outside...

Sieg: Oh, hey. Ya done with your work for now?
Mubal: Yes.
Sieg: Hmm...
Mubal: I-is anything wrong?
Sieg: Well, I was just thinkin'... Ya got a lot on your plate, don't ya, Scholar Guy?
Mubal: It's "Mubal," actually... Compared to the hardships Princess Manaril and Prince Shams are facing, my problems are nothing. Even though I know how hard it is for those two, I can't even stand up to Lady Rizwan...
Sieg: Ain't there anything we can do?
Mubal: If we could only find other readers, the burden on the Princess wouldn't have to be so great.
Sieg: When we touch the books, we see something, but I guess that's different from what readers do, eh?
Mubal: Yes, different, I think. But that's probably for the best. If you WERE readers, Lady Rizwan would...
Sieg: Would what?

...Yeeeah, let's.

Next time: Return to Ladzaa Fortress. Nighteyes out.

Current scores:
Catchphrase Count: 11
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 68

suikoden tierkreis, konami, screencap adventure

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