Suikoden Tierkreis, Part 19

Oct 20, 2013 13:30

Heya peeps. This is Lady Nighteyes, who thanks to recent events in her life has not been feeling very funny lately and as such has been quite lax in updating this. That said, I don't want to abandon y'all just when the story is starting to get more interesting, so I will make the most valiant effort I can to make snarky comments of the high quality you have surely come to expect. That said: Last time, we met a mysterious person. This time, we find out more about him. Let's go.

When we last left off, Cougar had forced his way into our party despite apparently being injured, and we were hauling him back to El-Qaral.

He sure doesn't FIGHT like someone with an injured shoulder.

If the game was trying to keep Cougar's origin a surprise until he says it, they did a terrible job. Look at that win quote.

If I was feeling more motivated, I might start a "Missing Comma Count." I think someone on the localization team must have hated them.
Sieg: We need a doctor! Where do we find a doctor?!

So? Just yell at them for being racist if they raise a fuss.
Meruvis: We'd better put him up in an inn instead and have the doctor look at him there.
Sieg: Okay. Let's do that!

Sieg "Huh"? Count: 50
Asad: Lady Shairah might get suspicious if she learns we are back but did not come to report right away. We don't want her to become inquisitive and find out about Cougar, now, do we?
Sieg: Oh, okay. I guess you're right. Thanks for that.
Asad: Not a problem. Tell me how it went after things have settled down a bit.
Meruvis: We have to get back too. Take care of that man!
Sieg: Sure thing! Leave it to me!

He's still here too.
Sieg: Huh? What?
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 51

I'd make a joke about how tsundere Roberto is, but apparently the artbook says it outright, and that fact is funnier than anything I could say.
Sieg: What was that all about?

Cougar: Sorry for all this trouble.
Sieg: No trouble at all!

The game won't let us go anywhere else, so...

Considering this is an RPG, a genre where there is only ever one inn in any given town, it's not like you've got a ton of other options...
Cougar: Okay. Thanks.

More missing commas. Also, DAMN is that guy buff.

And another one...
Buff dude: They might try to hide it, but they can't fool me. That physique, those joint movements... That was without question a non-human! It was tending to its left shoulder as it walked! It's injured.
Eunice: You have a very sharp eye.

Cougar, we dragged you all the way here specifically to get you a doctor. Just shut up and let us get you some medical treatment.
Sieg: Would ya stop with that already?!

The way Cougar's ears flop down when he's sad is adorable.
Sieg: In this world...?
A bit slow on the uptake, aren't we?
Sieg: Oh, I get it! You're from another world, ain't ya?
Cougar: That's right. I went into a Gateway by accident and came out inside that fortress. The soldiers there started calling me a monster and trying to kill me, so I ran for my life.
Um... wouldn't it have been easier to run BACK THROUGH the Gateway? Just a thought.
Sieg: So that's what happened? Man, those Order soldiers really are jerks.

Cougar: That's why they think I'm a monster.
Sieg: Ya don't look like a monster to me.
Cougar: Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that. How come you weren't scared of me?
Maybe because of the cute ears?

Monsters don't have character portraits, anyway. Just mediocre 3D models.

I'm sorry, that description of random encounters just makes me laugh. A lot.
Cougar: Oh, okay... I'm glad I ran into a guy like you. But I doubt everybody else will be as understanding. I bet you won't find a doctor that'll look at me.
Evidence to the contrary in 3... 2...

Sieg: A doctor? Really?

His LONGSUFFERING nurse, more specifically.
Eunice: I saw you come into this inn, you see...

Even putting aside the redundancy, that line is really awkwardly worded.

Very convincing.

I admit, this made me laugh.
Eunice: Don't worry.

So did this.
Eunice: I'll make sure he only does an examination and treatment. So you can relax.
Sieg: Who could possibly relax?!
Cougar: That's okay. He can take a look at me.
Sieg: Are ya sure?
Cougar: Yeah.
Zahra: Good! Excellent! Now, let me see!
After a black screen...

And he didn't even dissect you a little bit!
Eunice: Normal activities are fine, but no strenuous exercise until your wound heals.
Cougar: Gee, thanks!
Sieg: Wow, ya weren't kiddin'. He really IS a good doctor.
All the best Mad Biologists are.
Zahra: A chance to treat a member of the Tribe of the Furious Roar! What a great experience this has been!

Dammit, you're not supposed to say my snarky comments unironically before I can say them as a joke!

That's... honestly a reasonable reaction.

Sieg: What about the fee?
Eunice: Don't worry about that. We can't just barge in on someone and expect to get money from them.
Zahra: Just let me treat him the next time something happens to him.

As they leave...

Sieg: What a weird doctor.
Cougar: I feel bad for him, but he probably won't get to treat me anymore.
Sieg: Huh?
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 52
Cougar: Thanks for everything you've done for me, Sieg, but I've gotta get back to my own world.
Sieg: Already? What's the big hurry? Ya oughta at least stay until ya heal up.
Cougar: Well, after all you've done for me, I wish I could repay you before I go back. But there's something I really gotta do back in my world.
What, did you leave the oven on?
Sieg: I see...

It also has a cool name.
Cougar: Hmm. That might be good. The Gateway I came through is crawling with soldiers.

Sieg: Don't worry about it!

I have to say, I'm honestly really impressed with the amount of detail they put into the backgrounds of random rooms like this. It's too bad the character models look like something from Final Fantasy VII; it clashes a bit.

I stop by the inn to switch Liu in where Asad was, just on general principle. I actually hadn't known before this that he had a special quote for when Cougar was on the team already.


Sieg "Huh"? Count: 53
Asad: Is it all right for you to be moving around like this already, Cougar?
Well, he was FIGHTING not too long ago...
Cougar: Yeah. A really good doctor treated it for me.
Asad: Is that so? I'm very glad to hear that!
Sieg: How did it go on your end?
Asad: "After witnessing Order troops emerge from Ladzaa Fortress on their way to invade Magedom territory, the Zodiac Company was able to drive them back." That is what I reported.
Nice weasel-wording.
Asad: Lady Shairah said she expects the same gallantry from you at the siege operation on Ladzaa Fortress.
"Gallantry?" Really, translator?
Sieg: Oh, yeah?

Cougar: Huh?
Sieg: W-What's up with you all of a sudden?
Asad: When I first saw Cougar, I had feelings of fear and hostility toward him for no good reason. While you, Sieg, gave him a helping hand without giving a thought to how he looked. I am deeply ashamed.
Cougar: Nah, that's okay. I mean, you'd never seen anybody like me before, right?
Sieg: And I didn't do anything special. I just didn't think about it.
Asad: No. It was my cowardly and base side that drove me to behave like that. Without this incident, I might have remained unaware of this part of myself until it was too late. Cougar, Sieg, you have taught me an important lesson. You have my gratitude.
I love thoughtful, intelligent characters who acknowledge their flaws and mistakes, I really do.
Sieg: Uh, don't mention it?
Asad: I leave you now, but I look forward to your help during the siege of Ladzaa Fortress. Until then!

I could have told you that.

Sieg sort of missed the point there.

Anyway, off to the castle.

Hotupa, do you just spend all day standing there and staring at the Gateway?

Cougar: You know about us?
Hotupa: Of course! We Wanderers are travelers of worlds, after all.
And cat-people with ridiculously muscular arms are probably quite memorable.
Sieg: Good! That oughta simplify things! I want ya to help this guy get back to his own world!
Hotupa: Oh, you wandered over to this world by accident? All right! Please come with me into the Corridor then!

Cougar: Okay. Thanks. Sorry I couldn't do anything to repay you, Sieg.
Sieg: Don't worry about it. But hey, if you're that worried, all ya gotta do is come back again sometime!
Cougar: I will, as soon as I take care of something I have to do back home.

He heads on through...

...then comes right back out again.

Cougar: No, I...
Hotupa: Hmm, that's strange...

...But same results.

I don't think this is supposed to look like he's mad at Hotupa, but it does.
Hotupa: I'm afraid I don't understand it either.

"SANTA?! But it's only October!"
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 54

Awww. Not Santa.

Uh. He... really doesn't look that scary to me, Hotupa.
Sieg: Wh-Who are you?!
Guy who is not Santa: Me? The Wanderers call me "Wahie."
No idea how that one's meant to be pronounced, since I don't think it's ever voice-acted. I go with "wa-HAI" most of the time.
Hotupa: Whaaat?! The famous Guru Wahie?!
Sieg: Who?
"The famous Guru Wahie." Weren't you listening?
Hotupa: Guru Wahie is like a sage or elder of the Wanderer tribe. He spends all of his time in the Corridors and rarely comes out. He's a living legend! Not even I have ever met him before.
Wahie: Ho ho ho. That's enough about me.

Cougar: What?!
Wahie: If he tries to go back through some other Gateway, he just ends up back in the Corridor, as you did.
Hotupa: Really?! I didn't know about that!
That seems to me like the sort of thing that really ought to be common knowledge among people who spend any time in other worlds...

I guess Wahie agrees with me.
Hotupa: How embarrassing...!

Sieg has priorities. They are apparently not the same as Hotupa's.
Wahie: If that's the Gateway he used to come here, then that's exactly what I'm saying.
Cougar: I gotta use the Gateway in that fortress full of soldiers? Oh man...
Sieg: Hey, I know! Hotupa, can ya connect this Gateway with the one in Ladzaa Fortress? He can come outta the Gateway there first and then go back in again before the soldiers see him.
Wahie: Ho ho ho! Very good thinking, young man!
Especially by Sieg's standards.
Wahie: But I don't think that'll work either. Right, Hotupa?
Sieg: Why not?
Hotupa: Even we Wanderers can't connect to a Gateway we haven't been through at least once ourselves. I didn't even know Ladzaa Fortress had a Gateway. I've never been through it.
Wahie: I knew there was one there, but I've never been through it either.
Of course not. That would be too convenient.
Sieg: So no good, eh?

Cougar: Huh?
Sieg: We're supposed to make an attack on that fortress pretty soon! If we win, then you'll be able to go home. So just leave it to us!
Cougar: Sieg... Thanks. But I won't just leave it to you.
Sieg: Huh?
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 55
Cougar: I'll fight with you!
Sieg: Ya will? Hey, that's great! Yeah, we can do it together, Cougar!
Cougar: Just fill me in later on what the battle is all about and what your part in it is, okay?
Sieg: Sure thing! For now though, let's go back to the castle.
Hotupa: ..........
Sieg: What's the matter, Hotupa?

"I totally wasn't pondering anything important!"

"Hang out" was not the right phrase to use there, translator. It just sounds awkward coming from someone that old.
Hotupa: What?! Here?!
Wahie: Ho ho ho. Don't make such a big fuss about it. It's just a whim.

Wahie, along with Moana, is one of the only characters who doesn't have any combat role. He just stands around in the Corridor serving a rather similar function to Moana, but for the wireless function I don't think much of anyone ever uses rather than normal game missions. I almost forget he exists sometimes.

Sieg: Huh?
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 56
Hotupa: Do you remember when you tried to go to the other Marica's world?

Sieg's ditzy enough without me making it worse.
Sieg: That's when everybody was able to go through the Gateway no problem, except me. I kept comin' back!

Cougar: That's just like what just happened to me!

Sieg "Huh"? Count: 57
See: ditzy enough already.
Hotupa: That means maybe YOU came from another world too, a long time ago. This isn't the Gateway you came in through, so that's why you can't go out through it.
Y'know, Hotupa, not everyone needs all of this spelled out for them...

...Okay, never mind.

[RAMBLING REDACTED]I really love this, actually. See, the standard thing for a plot twist like that to do is to make the protagonist get all mopey and angsty and self-doubt-y, even if they've shown no particular signs of it up until then. Sieg, however, sticks to his Standard Shonen Hero mentality even when other shonen heroes wouldn't, and does it with a sort of oblique logic that's actually completely reasonable. It's like an equal-and-opposite version of the scene in my beloved Radiant Historia where the calm, rational, intelligent hero reacts to a big plot revelation with a totally unsurprised, "So that's it," when it would have most characters in a similar archetype freaking out. In both cases, it's about someone sticking by their usual behavior when you're not expecting them to- it's completely in character, but it's still a surprise, and a pleasant one at that.
Hotupa: O-okaaay...
Sieg: But I am kinda disappointed about not bein' able to go to other worlds 'cause of it. There are all kinds of Furious Roar people in your world, right, Cougar? Man, I wish I could go there!
Cougar: You're a funny guy, Sieg.
Hotupa: I agree wholeheartedly.

Well, I think that's a stopping point for the moment. Next time... um... well, you'll see then. Sorry, can't say much more without spoiling something. Nighteyes out.

P.S. Regarding the schedule slip: as mentioned, life of late has rendered me fairly unfunny. As such, updates may continue to be sporadic. Since "don't worry, I'm going to post more often from now on" is often the death knell of all things serialized on the internet, I'm not going to make any absolute promises, but I'll try not to make y'all wait too long.

Current scores:
Catchphrase Count: 9
Sieg "Huh"? Count: 57

suikoden tierkreis, konami, screencap adventure

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