Suikoden Tierkreis, Part 17

Sep 22, 2013 13:30

Welcome back (a week late, because I was dumb) to "Let's Play Suikoden Tierkreis!" with Lady Nighteyes. Last time, ~politics~ happened, and also I named our castle after spending a while rooting around on Wikipedia. This time, a little story and a lot of recruiting.

Last time, I stopped at the end of one cutscene and the beginning of another. So here's the next one.

Hey, now, that's not fair. Only Sieg is at all bratty.
Valfred: Hmm. Another meaningless battle we have to fight. It's such a shame people don't realize... If only they would wait in peace for the day the One True Way is realized, we will all be saved.

THAT'S an odd response.
Valfred: Please secure the Eighth Chronicle quickly. We don't have much time left. If we don't get our hands on it soon, we'll find ourselves in a very grave situation.
Diadora: Yes, I know. I've already taken several measures to deal with it.
That sounds worrying.

Diadora: Yes, sir.
She leaves, and...

Well, that's cryptic. Anyway, back to our place for an animated cutscene (5:34-5:54). Then it cuts to the roof.

He's standing on top of the inaccessible taller area of the roof, by the way.
Hotupa: We have a rather strange visitor. Could you come to the Gateway?
Sieg: A strange visitor?
That is what he just said, yes.

Editor instincts twitching... must change "head" to "commander"...
Sieg: Yeah. I mean, I guess... but that just happened recently.
Boy: That's funny...

That was pretty readily apparent, what with how you just, y'know, came through the Gateway.
Sieg: I'm Sieg. What's "funny?"
Atrie: Well, I came to this world a few times before. I'm friends with the people in the fortress.
What, all of them?
Sieg: Huh?
Atrie: But when I got here today, none of the people I know were here anymore. I wonder what happened to them?
Hotupa: Hmm...

I would like to point out how incredibly awkward the word "cool" sounds in this context.
Sieg: Huh?
Maybe I really should have used this for the Catchphrase count.
Hotupa: I'm afraid we haven't seen anybody like that. We just got here recently, but it didn't look like anybody had been here for a long time before that.
Atrie: Really...? Some of the worlds of the Infinity are pretty similar to each other, so maybe I came to the wrong place.

Hotupa: Goodbye, now.

Hotupa: I should've told him this fortress- this whole forest, actually- only appeared out of the blue recently. Maybe that had something to do with his story.

Hotupa: Is anything wrong?
Sieg: Hey, Hotupa? That guy just said "silver hair and sky-blue armor," right? Doesn't that sound like one of those guys in those visions we saw when we touched the books?
Considering the apparent demographics in this game, "silver hair" barely narrows anything down at all, though.
Hotupa: Oh! Now that you mention it, that does sound right!

Which? Atrie, or Blue-Armor Guy?

Back in control. Let's head over to talk to Moana, because quest rewards. She greets us with a cutscene:

I guess they got ahead of us while I was detouring to go shopping.
Sieg: Three?!
Moana: Yup. From the First, Second, and Third Empress Consorts apparently.
I sense more ~politics~ afoot.
Sieg: Huuuh? What's up with that?
Moana: Hey, don't look so put out!
Actually, he mostly just looks confused.
Moana: We promised to carry out the Magedom's requests, remember? We might lose their trust unless we do each of them just right.
Sieg: Okay, yeah. But I don't get why we got requests from all three of 'em separately like that.
Because ~politics~.
Moana: Don't worry about that. Just think of it as them all really trusting you to get their jobs done!
Sieg: Well, when ya put it like that...

As it happens, I've got a few things I want to do first.

After assembling a party, I take the portal to Grayridge, which is still accessible despite being occupied by the Order.

That does not look like a boy, speech bubble title.
Totally Not a Robot: Master, someone has come.

Totally Not a Robot: Strange get-up?
"Nobody wearing armor on only one arm has any right to talk about 'strange get-ups.'"
Sieg: Ain't that a mask? Why's that kid wearin' a mask, and what're you two mumblin' about in a place like this?

Sieg: Huh?
Definitely should have used this for the Catchphrase Count.
Old Man: That's no mask, and there's no child here to speak of. This is a synthetic android which I created.
Sieg: Synthetic... what?
Old Man: Never heard of an android? Think of it as a mechanical figure animated by magic.
Sieg: A mechanical figure? So you created a... moving, humanlike machine?

This seems like a slight overreaction.
Old Man: Keep it down. Your yelling hurts my ears.
Sieg: But I coulda sworn I just heard that thing talk! Machines aren't supposed to talk!
Does that include Nintendo DSs? Does that mean you're against your own questionable voice-acting? 'cause if so, I'm glad you agree.

He is a mean, unloving robot-parent.
Robot: Oh! I am terribly sorry, Master!

Sieg: I knew it!
Inventor: I invented it about ten years ago, but I just came up with a way to improve it, so I came back. So if you don't mind, I'd like you to stand aside and give me some room to work.
Sieg: What kind of improvements are you plannin' to add?
Are you going to fix the lack of a call button? Because that seems like it would be a definite improvement.

Dude, he's like ten feet away in the opposite direction.
Sieg: At least you can tell me what you're doin'. This mine was closed down some time ago. So what would you be adding to it? I mean, who's gonna use this lift if it's closed down?
Inventor: Whether someone will use it is not the issue. My objective here is to improve technology. So stand aside.
Sieg: Okay...

Inventor-guy yells at you if you try to talk to either of them, but there's someone else here:

Isn't that your default state of existence?
Anya: Thanks to you and Erin, Grayridge wasn't such a bad place to live anymore. But then right after that, the Order's troops came busting in, and it's been just AWFUL ever since! There used to be quite a few people who were just pretending to believe that "Order principles" stuff. When the Order wasn't around, people could be like, "No way that stuff is true!" without worrying too much.

Anya's non-grumpy face is strangely adorable.
Anya: But now, everybody's walking on eggshells 'cause the Order soldiers are crawling all over town. We can't just ignore them anymore. All the time, from morning 'til night, we gotta be, like...

I like that her sarcastic mockery even extends to smiling sweetly. I bet she's fluttering her eyelashes, too.

Strange place to hang out, but what do I know?

Sieg, don't make me throw an etiquette book at you.

I'm sorry, Anya. This is why I wanted Marica to be the main character.
Anya: Well, that's okay. I just wanted to rant, and you gave me the chance. That's all that matters.

First optional recruit! :::DDD

Anya: What do you mean, work for you?
Sieg: For Zodiac Company.
Anya: What?! You guys are with Zodiac Company?! Well, what do you know!
Actually, we pretty much ARE Zodiac Company. The only member who's not on my team at the moment is Logan.
Sieg: You'd be betrayin' the Order, ya know. You okay with that?
Anya: Ha! I'm MORE than okay with that! I mean, it's not like I joined the Order willingly or anything.

Read: support character.
Sieg: Well, it's not like all members of Zodiac Company have weapons and fight or anything. There's lots of stuff that needs doin back at our castle, too!
Anya: Really?! In that case, can I come with you guys? You'd let me?
Sieg: You bet!

Most Suikoden games have a "detective" character who will investigate your army members for you and tell you facts/secrets about them. Anya isn't a perfect analogue to this, but she's similar- she'll occasionally offer optional side-missions where she leaves for a day or two to find out more about something she's wondering about. She also has a support skill that has a small chance of putting all enemies to sleep with particularly boring gossip.

Anyway, next stop.

Hello, Hat Guy.
Sieg: Why, you little...! What're you doin', startlin' us like that?!
I can't help but question the logic of a 15-year-old addressing a grown adult as "you little" anything.

We'd beat them senseless. Why?
Sieg: We'll be fine. There ain't all that many folks here who know what we look like.
Luvais: Well, that may be true, but there's an Order chapter in town, and going near there can't be good for you. There are probably some soldiers there who fought against all of you in the forest.
You'd think, but the game lets me wander in with absolutely no consequences.
Sieg: You think so?
Luvais: I do. Listen- if you're wanting to find out what's going on with the Order, you can just leave it to me.

And he has a VERY strange hat.
I considered putting this next bit under a "Let's Break Suikoden Tierkreis" cut, but since it involves recruiting a character early, I figure I shouldn't cut out her introduction.

After the obligatory stop by the trading post, I head down to Citro.

I also take Liu out to gain a few levels, because c'mon, level TEN?

In fact, I just generally run around making money and wasting time until it's Flower Season. Then I head back to base.

Sieg: Hmm?

I think "Citro Man" has clones in half the cities on the continent, but whatever.
Sieg: What're you so worked up about? Did somethin' happen to Jale?
Man: The storm... the storm is coming!
Sieg: What?!
Man: It'll be here any minute now!
Sieg: Great...

Jale: So the time has come already... How could I have been so careless?
Sieg: Yeah... I totally forgot as well.

Poor Moana.

Sieg: Okay!

It's not his castle, it's MINE.

Jale proceeds to charge at her...

...and get pwned in a flash of light.

Jale: Ugh...
Sieg: That woman's got some killer moves...
Enter Moana and Marica.

Woman: Well, hi, Marica. I didn't know you were here.

COOOMMMMMMAAAS! *shakes fist*
Moana: Hmm? Are you a friend of-

Moana: Huh?!
Marica: This is Jale's mom.
Moana: What?!
Sieg: Pretty hard to believe, huh?
Yup. I mean, look at those hair colors. Blond is not a dominant allele.
Moana: S-Seriously?

Selen: Now, what's that supposed to mean? Are you embarrassed to be seen with your mother?
Jale: I'm not embarrassed.
Marica: Selen's the most versatile fighter in the village, and she's got all the men at her feet.
Probably because she beat them all unconscious.
Marica: Usually she's out working as a bodyguard or something, but she comes back like this from time to time. That's why the men refer to her as "the storm."
I think that has more to do with her being a force of nature.
Selen: Can you believe how rude that is? I just wanna see how my boy's doin' every now and then.
Moana: But what was all that... fighting and... stuff about?
Very eloquent.
Selen: Oh, that's just our way of bonding. It's important to see how much my son has grown, you know.
Moana: Um. Wow...
My thoughts exactly.
Selen: But don't you worry. At first I thought everyone in Zodiac Company was takin' on more than they could handle. But our little scuffle here proves otherwise.
Jale: ..........
Selen: I'm so proud to see that my baby's grown into a strong young man!
Jale: Please, stop...
Selen: There you go again! There's nothin' to be embarrassed about, honeycakes!
Jale: This is torture...
Oh, hush, you pansy.

Sieg: Yes, ma'am!
Selen: That's more like it. Well, it's back to work for me.
Marica: Aww... already?
Selen: Yeah, I've seen enough. I got my fill of little Jalesy for today!
Jale: ..........
It's really too bad he doesn't have an "embarrassed" portrait, because I'm forced to just imagine him turning bright red instead of having it illustrated for me.
Selen: And as for you! You take good care of my boys now, you hear?
Moana: Me? Yes, ma'am!
Selen: Well, so long!
Marica: Come back soon!

Selen: Yeah?
Jale: I'll win the next one.
Selen: Ooh! I'm looking forward to that.

Marica: Isn't she?
Sieg: Whew, my palms are all sweaty now.
Moana: What are you so nervous about?
Marica: Oh, that. She used to get really mad at him when he did bad things as a little boy.
Sieg: I was just a kid. I wasn't scared a bit when Elder Rajim got mad, but that woman had me shakin' in my boots.
Jale: Heh, I remember that.

Now for the exploit-ish part. I run back out, and proceed to waste another three seasons trading and wandering around aimlessly, because Selen won't show up again until next Flower Season.

Then, much richer, slightly higher-level, and with a fresh save state in place, I head back to base.

Sieg: Jale!
Jale: I know. I thought it was about that time.
Sieg: Let's move!
Jale: All right.

Selen: Ha ha... hello. You're looking confident. Ready to get started?
Jale: Yeah.

If you do it as early as possible, this fight is hard. It's one-on-one, and Selen is one badass lady.

She has an attack that's basically a suplex, which we will later learn is called "Shrike Strike." (Like the Shrike Rune in the mainline Suikoden games) It does a ton of damage and unbalances the target for one turn, which in this situation is usually fatal; she'll follow it up with a standard attack that finishes Jale off. This is the reason for the save state.

After demonstrating that for you, I reset to aforementioned savestate, switch Jale's maces for Sieg's swords because reasons, and try again, this time leading with Jale's Bind Bolt spell.

The paralysis status effect doesn't always stick (it took two tries this time) and doesn't completely stop her from attacking, but it does hinder her considerably. Which is a very good thing.

I have to heal with items to counteract the large amounts of damage she can still do, too.

It's ridiculously hard going at this level; I'm sure you're not meant to be able to beat her yet.

This is supported by the fact that Jale just gained eight levels from this one fight, putting him at about the same level Chrodechild was at.

Jale: Whew...
Sieg: Jale! You did it! You pulled it off!
Jale: I guess I did.



Selen: Let's hear it. I'm in a good mood, so now's your chance to ask.
Jale: Could you... er, would you help out Zodiac Company?
Correct question. Jale gets a cookie.


Unfortunately, the game wouldn't let me.
Jale: I didn't want to ask as your son. I wanted to ask you as a fellow warrior.
Selen: So that's why you've been holding back all this time? You were waiting to win? That sounds like something a stubborn child would do.
I agree, and wish I could have sent Marica to ask. She wouldn't have bothered with that sort of silliness. It would also have spared me that boss fight.

Selen: Anyway, you'e in charge of Zodiac Company, right, Sieg? Mind if I enlist?
Sieg: Not at all! Welcome aboard!
Jale: Mom, I... I appreciate it.
Selen: No need to get mushy, son. You better suck it up now. I don't want to catch you boys loafing on the job.

Uh... with the understanding that running around making obscene amounts of cash trading doesn't count as screwing around, that is...
Selen: Ha ha ha! So glad to hear you say that! This is gonna be fun!

Just a couple things before I end this:

Selen is, logically enough, a physical fighter. Right now, her main advantages are a) having a higher level than most of the rest of the group and b) having a co-op attack with Jale that does more damage than most other abilities currently available.

Also, not a big deal, but a couple of the character blurbs have changed. If you care:

Note that Liu is now our official strategist. I'm sure that "unclear background" will never be important, ever! :::DDD And unless anyone is really interested, I don't think I'm gonna bother posting the blurbs for Erin and Anya.

Anyway. With all that recruiting and time-wasting done, it's about time we actually got to work on what we're SUPPOSED to be doing. Next time, we take on a request from one of the Empress Consorts. We'll end up doing all of them, but you can do them in whatever order you want, so I'm probably going to go 1-3-2. So, next week: a request from Shairah. Seeya then, and Nighteyes out.

suikoden tierkreis, konami, screencap adventure

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