Suikoden Tierkreis, Part 6

Jun 30, 2013 13:30

Hiya, and welcome back to "Let's Play Suikoden Tierkreis!" with your hostess Lady Nighteyes. Last time, we discovered that something was rotten in the state of Grayridge. This time, we see what we can do about it, because what kind of video game protagonists would we be if we didn't interfere with every single random problem we got anywhere near?

As the game helpfully informs us, we are currently outside the Chapter hall in Grayridge. Let's go see what we can find out.

Let's ask this guy.

Hotupa: We're here to request a pass.
Gilliam: Hmm... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't do that today.
Hotupa: Huh?
Gilliam: Our secretary expects everything to be done as scheduled, according to the Order's principles. He wouldn't do any business that wasn't on today's schedule.
I think that's more him being a jackass than anyone's "principles."

I don't think anyone said anything about schedules until just now, Jale...

Okay, I'll just run back to Citro Village and buy some more Herbal Medicine and come back here and sell it at a profit, and-

Well yes, that's why I was saying we should spend the time making cash...

That's pronounced "Ma-KOO-teh" in the voice-acting, BTW.
Sieg: Secretary?
Gilliam: These people are asking for a pass.

I'm fairly certain Macoute's voice actor was having the most fun of anyone on the entire game's cast. Just read this in the most hilariously pompous, self-important voice imaginable and you'll have the general idea.
Marica: All you have to do is sign and stamp a piece of paper, right? Why can't you do it now?

That is the sort of smile that should get someone arrested on sight.
Marica: Wh-what?!

Marica: What are you talking about?!
Macoute: You do not know the Order's principles, so you probably would not understand. The fate of all things is predetermined in a single path that stretches until the end of time.

Personally, the way I'm seeing it, the future seems far more likely to include Marica punching your lights out.
Sieg: Don't gimme that, ya big bag of hot air! The future is predetermined?! We don't know the future until it comes! And nobody can say what we'll be doin' until we do it!
Close enough.
Catchphrase Count: 6

Marica: One thing is for sure, though. We certainly won't ever be working for YOU!
Macoute: You ignorant yokel types can be so tiresome.
Maybe, but not as much as slimy bureaucrats.
Macoute: This single path I spoke of is the One True Way, and because the Order knows this, we can see the future. Just as I knew you would be coming today.
Jale: You can quit your bluffing.

That is a very good point. Ten points to... whatever house Jale is in, I'm not sure. Probably Gryffindor.
Macoute: What! That's... Why, you-! Y-you dare believe that you can deny the truth with mere quibbling?
Dude, if there's one thing I learned from Ace Attorney, it's that quibbling solves EVERYTHING eventually.
Macoute: Bah! This conversation is over. If you stay here long enough, you'll come to accept the Order's principles.

Oooh, she has a name!
Macoute: Erin here, too, once used to spout such uninformed remarks as you do. But look at her now, a faithful member of the Order.

A guy runs onscreen.
Sieg: What th'-?
Macoute: Who do you think you are?!

Logan: E-Erin...!

Yes, I too was surprised it was possible for him to get any more punchable. But somehow he managed it.

Logan: Erin!
Hotupa: What about our pass?!
Poor Hotupa. It's hard being the practical one.
Macoute: You will be working here soon enough. What would you need with a pass?
See: Punchable.
Macoute: Besides, you will have plenty of opportunities to go to Cynas and the other towns on Order business once you become Order members and serve me faithfully! Ha ha ha!
Seriously, this level of punchability is beyond ridiculous.


He's a misogynistic pile of pond scum with a sleazy moustache. Why?

I'm not sure "accomplished" is really the right word here.

Well um. I guess that's that. :::///

Hotupa: That's absurd!
He clearly has the wrong idea what role he plays in this game, yeah.
Jale: What do we do now?
Marica: How come you're so calm?
Jale: Because Sieg's mad enough for both of us.
Sieg: Ha ha! Yeah, I guess that's true!
Hotupa: But what ARE we going to do? I guess we should take some time to think about it.
Marica: And the best place to do that is the inn, I guess.
Hint, hint.

Just kidding, I'm running back to Moana to get me a reward from that mission we just finished.

Seriously, I have no idea why they even put the travel time in, it doesn't change anything.


Logan: I saw you at the chapter hall, didn't I? I'm sorry you had to witness all of that...
Marica: So you're the owner of this inn?
Logan: That's right.
Hotupa: We don't know much about the details, but you seem to be having trouble regarding your daughter...?
Uh. Actually, I'm pretty sure we know most of the relevant details at this point...
Logan: Yes, sir. She used to be against the "principles of the Order" just as much as- no, even more than- me... but ever since that Macoute called her to work, she's been like a completely different person.

Well, they were the ones who asked...
Logan: If you'd like to stay, just let me know.

Well, I think it's pretty obvious what we do now.

This inn has ridiculously huge rooms, just FYI.

I can get behind this plan.

So can Marica.

Your point? Come on, no jury in the world would convict us.
Then somebody knocks on the door.
Marica: Who is it?

Marica: Midnight snacks? Did anybody order food?
Sieg: Who cares? I'm hungry.

Marica: Erin?!
Sieg: Y-you! You were the one with that big bag of hot air!

Um. I'm pretty sure she just walked past you...

I guess she's secretly a ninja.

And the ability to turn invisible, apparently.
Logan: That's not what I'm asking! What I want to know is- ..."My house"?
Erin: That's right. This is my home, Dad!

Logan's "happy" face is very weird.

He hugged her. Why?
One black screen o' skipped dialogue later...

*resisting urge to make joke involving mind-scarring mental images*
Erin: That's right. Macoute is using his position as chapter secretary to fabricate prophecies for his own benefit.
Because he is a douchebag.
Hotupa: And so you decided to work for the secretary directly to try to get evidence against him?
Erin: That's right.
Logan: Why didn't you tell me?!

Logan: Ah, I get it. You were thinking about those keepsakes from your mother, huh?
Marica: Keepsakes?
Logan: Yes, miss. Last year's tax increase was so sudden, I didn't have the cash to pay for it. So they confiscated some of the keepsakes and mementos my wife left us instead.
Marica: That's terrible!
If you hadn't noticed, Marica, Macoute is sort of cartoonishly awful.
Hotupa: Who could blame you if you wanted to storm the hall after finding out the secretary was lining his pockets?
Erin: But that wouldn't have solved anything. I want to get some real proof and prosecute Macoute.
Erin is awesome.
Marica: And you want us to help you with that, right?
Erin: That's right. I hate to ask you, but on the bright side, you'll get your pass in no time once Macoute's gone. Would you help me?

We're video game protagonists. You have to ask?

Marica: No need to thank us. We want to bring that old lecher down, too.
Hotupa: But why did you decide to ask us for help? I mean, we'd just met.

...Are we talking about the same person?
Sieg: Me?
Erin: You stood up to Macoute, and you said, "We don't know the future until it comes!" Nobody in this town has ever talked to the secretary like that before. That's why I picked you to help me.
Sieg: Yeah? Well, I'm glad to hear that. Now I can tell ya definitely ain't one of 'em!
Erin: That's right. I'm not.
Siiigh. Can we please quit with the religious bigotry? Just because there are some awful people in the organization doesn't mean the whole thing is evil.
Jale: So, what exactly do you want us to do?
Erin: Well, here's the thing. Macoute raised the taxes last year, but the money that should've been collected is nowhere to be seen. And even the items that were confiscated in place of cash have disappeared.
Logan: What?!
Erin: On paper, they were used as deposits to merchants for food during next year's predicted cold weather.
Jale: Sounds fishy to me.
Erin: Exactly. And there's more. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he has his personal guards carry something out of the hall.
Logan: They're carrying the money they've been collecting to a hiding place?
Jale: Do you know where they take it?
Erin: I'm not positive, but I have a pretty good idea.
Marica: I get it. It's not the kind of place you can check out by yourself, so that's why you need our help, right?
Erin: That's right. I'm sorry...
For what?
Sieg: Okay, let's go right now, then!
Hotupa: What?!
Logan: Now? But it's so late...!
Actually, I'm writing this at about 10 AM.
Sieg: You guys don't wanna go?

Erin: I think we should move fast, before he notices we're onto him and tries to cover his tracks. I'll lead the way. Please follow me!
No, seriously, Erin is awesome.
Sieg: Gotcha!
Logan: I-I'm going too!
Erin: Gee, Dad...

Is it a spoiler to tell you guys that these two have a unite attack where Erin runs up and smacks the monster with a broom? 'cause they do.

I unfortunately won't be able to stick her in the group until later, but Erin is the first backup character we get. Basically, she's not directly playable, but having her in the party grants a passive effect- in this case, healing a random character a little bit every turn.

Logan's a fighter with really high physical defense. Not much else to say, so let's leave the inn.

Erin: There's an abandoned mine near the town.
Logan: Hey, you're right! That's a perfect place for hiding things!
Marica: You know this place?
Logan: Yes, miss. I used to work there before it closed.
Yes, we saw in your profile blurb.
Hotupa: Ah, you struck me as more of a rugged type than an inn owner. It all makes sense now.

That expression REALLY doesn't match that dialogue.
Jale: Is there any chance we'll run into Macoute at the mine?
Erin: No. According to his schedule, he's not supposed to go out tonight. Let's go.
Awww, I wanted to kick his ass. :::(((

Awkward translation is awkward.
Logan: What? Me, sir?
Sieg: Now that we're more than just guests at the inn, can ya drop the whole "sir" and "miss" thing? It makes my skin feel kinda creepy-crawly when somebody calls me "sir."
Then I'm pretty sure you chose the worst possible JRPG series to be a main character in.

Let's go.

Erin: I've never actually seen him going in, but I'm pretty sure of it.
Jale: Definitely seems suspicious.
Marica: Yeah, I wouldn't even want to come here during the day, let alone at night.
Hotupa: And that's what makes this the perfect hiding place.
Sieg: If Liu was here, he'd be so scared right about now!
Hey, picking on Liu is my job!
Logan: I can show you around inside. Erin, you should go back to town.
Erin: No. I'm the one who asked these people to come here.

...Logan, if you're trying to tell me to put the game down now, I will.

Her too.

Marica: Don't worry about it. Besides, I'm probably stronger than your average boy anyway. Right, guys?
Jale: Yeah, that's right. Hey, Sieg...


Marica: You didn't forget the whole reason for our trip, did you?
No, but I don't see what that has to do with the preceding conversation...
Logan: Book?

Erin: Wow, that's an unusual-looking book.
Sieg: Just go ahead and try it!
Logan: O-okay...

Logan: Wh-whoa!
Sieg: Did ya see it?!
Erin: Y-yes! I saw... some people, fiercely determined... fighting something...
Logan: Me too! I saw the same thing!
Hotupa: Y-you both saw it?!
Didn't you see the green light?
Marica: In our village, nobody could see it but us!
Erin: This book... what in the world could it be?
Sieg: We dunno. We're goin' to the library in Cynas to try and find that out.
Logan: Oh, I see. So that's what you guys are doing, huh?
Marica: Anything else? Don't you feel a strange energy flowing though your body now?
Awkward wording is once again awkward.
Erin: Y-yes! I feel like I could do anything now!
Jale: You must've gotten the mark of the stars too.
Erin: Mark of the stars...?
Logan: And we got it because we touched the book?
Sieg: That's what we think. In any case, it oughtta be all right now, eh?
Logan: Huh?
Sieg: For Erin to come with us?
Logan: Yes, I guess so... Yeah, all right.
Erin: Thanks, Dad.
Logan: But I want you to be careful! Just stay close to me!
Erin: Okay, Dad!

Though I STILL can't add her as backup...

Next time, into the mine. See you guys then. Nighteyes out.

suikoden tierkreis, konami, screencap adventure

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