Suikoden Tierkreis, Part 4

Jun 16, 2013 13:30

Howdy! Welcome back to "Let's Play Suikoden Tierkreis!" with your charming hostess Lady Nighteyes. As of last time, we were on an evil-twin hunt. Shall we get back to that?

The forest is still full of weird monsters. They're still easy to kill. But then this happens:

Liu: Yikes!
Marica: What the heck is that?!
Monster: Grgghhh...
The incredibly eloquent critter moves forward.
Sieg: Wh-what is that?
Jale: Maybe that's what the animals are like around here?
...Please tell me you're joking.
Hotupa: N-no! Just stay away from it!

He has a point.

The camera does this big swoopy thing to show off the monster whenever you're fighting a boss or miniboss, by the way. Not sure if I mentioned that last time. In this case, it's a big, weird bird-thing.

It doesn't look much like any kingfisher I've ever seen, but I suppose expecting ornithological accuracy in a fantasy RPG is a little much. It's not particularly difficult...

...but then my attacks start doing zero damage. Sieg is not amused.

Animated cutscene! 3:09-3:29

Jale: Marica...?
Liu: It's true! She looks just like Marica!

Check out that snazzy hat.
Sieg: And they have the same name, too?!

Marica: Huh?
Sieg: "In this world?" What does that mean?

Hotupa to the rescue!
Sieg: What? You mean you understand what's goin' on?
Hotupa: In a manner of speaking.
Marica?: Well, what do you know. The Wanderers have that knowledge in this world too, huh?
Hotupa: We do in your world too? That should make things easier. Did you come out somewhere around here, miss?
Marica?: Yup. Some ruins, a fortress-looking place, up ahead.
Hotupa: I see. Okay. All right, people. Why don't we go to these Fortress Ruins, then? I think you'll understand this young lady's situation much better if you see it for yourselves.

Yeah, seriously.

Says you.
Sieg: Oh yeah? All right then, I guess.
Marica?: I'm on my way back anyway. I might as well go with you.
Marica: Your way back? You mean you live in those ruins you were talking about?
Hotupa: Well, you'll understand about that soon enough, as soon as we get to the Fortress Ruins.
Sieg: Let's hurry up and go, then!

She's a temporary party memeber, but...

Other Marica is much more physical-focused than normal Marica.

And, more importantly, she has a full set of 4 Marks, which makes her another handy crutch character if you aren't hilariously overleveled. But I am, so.

Say what you will about, say, the voice-acting, this is undeniably a really pretty game. LOOK at those backgrounds.

Anyway, the rest of the walk is uneventful, but when I leave the forest, there's a completely unnecessary animated cutscene (3:31-3:47).

Hotupa: Is this it, miss?

Liu: Gateway?
Hotupa: You'll understand when you see it. Let's go inside.
Liu: What?! We're going inside?!
Um. Yes?
Sieg: You think we came all this way just to look?

We were quite visibly RIGHT THERE. Why is it suddenly a whole day away?

"Heeere, Gateway, Gateway, Gateway!"
Hotupa: Let's see...
Sieg: Uh... What are ya doin'?
Hotupa: I've got it. It's through there.

Hotupa: It's nothing, really. All right, everybody. Let's go through this building.
Sieg: Gotcha.



La-di-da, I'm sure all these places blocked by rubble are totally unimportant...

Just pretty scenery...

Ah, there we are.
Marica?: Yup.
Marica: Huh? Something's glowing over there.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Liu: Hey, you're right.
Hotupa: Ah, there it is. That's what I've been looking for.
Sieg: What is that thing?

I'm sure this is a totally shocking development and in no way really obvious by this point.
Marica?: That's right. Did you ever hear of the Infinity?
Marica: No, never.
Liu: Yeah, I've heard of it.
Sieg: What?!
Marica: You have?!
Liu: C'mon, guys. You don't have to go overboard on the surprise thing. It's the idea that lots of other worlds exist, not just this one, right?
Jale: Lots of other worlds?
Liu: Yeah, some a lot like this world, some completely different... an infinite number of other worlds. "The Infinity" is what you call all of those worlds together.
Actually, I think the word you're looking for is "multiverse."
Hotupa: That's right. Very impressive! How do you know so much about it?
Liu: Somebody explained it to me once, a long time ago.
Marica: Do you guys believe in it?
Sieg: N-not really...
Jale: No way.
You guys remember there's a perfect double of your friend RIGHT THERE, right?
Marica?: Yeah, I guess I can't blame you. It's not like you can see those other worlds, normally.
Hotupa: But there are a few very rare places where connections to these other worlds can be made. That's what that Gateway is.
Marica?: And I came here through that Gateway, from another world.


Sieg: This is all gettin' harder and harder to believe...
Hotupa: I don't know what to tell you. It's-
Then the Gateway lights up.

Hotupa: What?!

I thought we killed you already?
Sieg: It's just like that thing we saw before!

And, in one of the more facepalm-inducing moments in the whole game, everybody honest to god MOVES OUT OF THE WAY to let it very slowly fly past them.
Marica?: Hey!
Sieg: That thing... it really just came out of that Gateway just now, didn't it...? I mean, for real...?
Uh... yes?
Marica: So is it really true...? It really IS connected to some other world?

Sieg. It's a MONSTER. Monsters KILL PEOPLE.
Marica?: Thanks! We gotta hurry!
Sieg: Okay!
Marica: We gotta find it before it gets out of the ruins!

Of course, we find another cutscene before we find the monster.

Yes, you said, so shouldn't we be MOVING?

Marica, this is not exactly an incredibly rare word. You really should be able to remember it.

Hotupa: Somehow they develop mysterious powers as they travel between worlds.
Marica?: You fought one of 'em, so I'm sure you get it. A Renegade can't be defeated by anybody in the world it goes to. If we let it run loose over here...
Sieg: Oh, I get it. If it attacked our village or something, there wouldn't be anything anybody could do!
Marica?: Exactly. So when I saw one go through, that's why I followed it. I come from another world too, so I can defeat it.
Jale: You came all this way to do that for us?
Marica?: Well, I saw it go through. I couldn't very well just turn a blind eye. I mean, I knew what kind of havoc it'd cause over here.
Yeah, that'd be sort of a dick move.
Sieg: Wow! You're really a great person, huh?
Marica?: Aw, c'mon! You're embarrassing me!

I don't even know why this line amuses me, but it does.
Marica: But, wait a minute! You went to our village, right?
Marica?: That little village to the south? Yeah. Why?
Marica: Were you asking people there...
Jale: "Where's the renegade? Cough it up or you'll be sorry!"
Marica?: Yeah, I think I might've said something like that.
Liu: So that's what it was!
Sieg: You were just tryin' to find out if the Renegade came to our village? You really are a great person!
God, Sieg, you're such a suck-up.
Marica: ...Listen, I'm glad you're here, but...

Marica: They thought you were trying to mug them!
Marica?: They thought I was an outlaw?
One might even say... a RENEGADE? *is shot*
Marica: No, the thought I was an outlaw! Me!

I was sort of wondering that myself, yes.
Marica?: Oops! That's right!
Sieg: Okay, let's go find it!

There's only one path, so it's not exactly difficult to locate.

Now, now, there's no call for personal attacks.

Same fight as before, basically. Only difference is that once people start doing zero damage, you have to have Other Marica attack one more time to kill it.

Though it's made even easier... this unite attack.

I couldn't get a shot in the middle of the attack animation that looked like anything more than both Maricas standing in front of the thing, alas. But it did a ton of damage.

And the monster's attack does THAT much damage.

Needless to say, it's not a long fight.

Hotupa: Good thing we stopped it before it got out.
Marica: You're so tough! Especially for, well, me! You swing that big axe around like it was nothing!
Marica, she's five levels weaker than you.
Marica?: You think? Actually, I'm a little surprised about what I can do, myself.

THAT sounds familiar.
Marica: Weird book?!
Liu: Huh?!
Sieg: Hey, wait! Was it anything like this one?

Not sure if you can see, but the book's glowing green.

Jale: Yeah.
Hotupa: Um, what are they talking about?

Hotupa: I-I see...

Marica?: Beats me. I have no idea either.

*insert another "that's what she said" joke here*
Marica?: Touch it? I guess...

This is ridiculously hard to see without the animations, sorry.
Marica: You getting anything?

Sieg: Huh...
Marica?: Maybe because I'm in a different world? In my world I felt this really strong vibe. And I saw these people in the middle of a really fierce battle! It was really exciting to watch!
Don't you feel like you should maybe be a bit, y'know, worried?
Sieg: Right, that's it! We felt the same way! I wonder what that was all about?
Marica?: I know what you mean. I wanna know too.

Liu apparently feels left-out.
Marica?: Well then, I guess I should head back to the Gateway.
Jale: You're going back to your own world?
Marica: Huh?!
Sieg: Ya are? Really?!
...Why the hell does this surprise you?
Marica?: Yup. I'm done with what I came for and I can't very well stay here forever.

The second option is dumb.
Marica?: You guys are all really nice and I appreciate it, but I have family and friends back home, stuff to do.
It does not improve my estimation of certain people's intelligence that they needed to have this specifically explained to them.
Marica?: But it's nice to know the me in this world has good friends too.
Marica: Hey, stop it! You're embarrassing me!
Hotupa: Nothing for you to be embarrassed about, I'd say.
Liu: Hey, what about the rest of us? Aren't we there in your world too? I mean, if Marica is there, we oughta be too.
Marica?: Um, I think there might be somebody that looks like Jale in the next village over.
Jale: Huh.
Marica?: I don't know about Sieg, Liu, or Hotupa, but they might be somewhere over there and I just don't know about it. Maybe I'll look around for them when I get back.

One short walk later...

Marica: Nah, don't worry about it. If you hadn't shown up, we would've been completely defenseless against those Renegades. If we wanted to, we could go to your world too, right?

Um. What?
Hotupa: Huh?
Marica: What's it?
Sieg: Let's go there now!
Liu: Whaaat?!

Sieg is a bit of a dork about this.
Marica: Typical. You just want to jump into things the minute you think of them.
Marica?: I guess you could come. But it's not all that different from over here, so it might not be that interesting.
Sieg: That's okay, I just wanna take a look.

Jale: Sieg!

Marica: Hey!
Marica?: That Sieg is a pretty funny guy, isn't he?
Liu: You don't know the half of it.
Hotupa: Oh well. I guess we'd better follow him, too.

Pan down a looong hallway full of weird windows.

Marica: Th-this is what your world is like?!
Jale: It's completely different...
Marica?: Oh. No, no...
Hotupa: This place is called a Corridor. Think of it as a kind of passageway between one world and another.
Sieg: Corridor?
Marica: So that's what this is?
Did those two lines of dialogue serve any purpose whatsoever?

Sieg: Oh, I get it...
Marica?: What do you say? Do you wanna go back?

He certainly has the JRPG hero mentality down pat.

Mariica?: Welcome to my world!

He runs in, and everybody else follows. But then...

Sieg: What's goin' on? Where IS everybody? Lemme try that again!
He does so, and...

Sieg: Huh?

Marica: You're the one who insisted on going to another world. So why aren't you going?
Sieg: I'm tryin'! Every time I go through the Gateway, I always end up back here somehow!
Liu: Huh? I don't get it.
Hotupa: Ah, I see. It sounds like you're out of luck, then.
Sieg: Huh?
Hotupa: I don't know why, but that seems to happen to a few people. What a shame! You were the one who wanted to go most of all.
Sieg: Are ya tellin' me I'm the only one who can't go to other worlds?
Hotupa: That's right.
Sieg: Why not?!
Sieg, you need to work on your listening skills.
Hotupa: Well, like I said, I don't know why...
Sieg: Bah! That's not fair!
Liu: Don't feel too bad. It really wasn't all that different from our world.
Marica: We came out in a forest and I couldn't even tell it apart from Flesaria Forest.
Sieg: It ain't like I really wanted to see something different, I just wanted to see the world the other Marica lives in.
He totally just wanted to find the person who made her sweet hat and get one for himself.
Marica?: Sieg...

Sieg: Huh?
Marica?: Never mind. Well, I guess I'll be going. I wish we hadn't already said goodbye back there. Makes this a lot more awkward.
Hotupa: Well, it's not like you'll never be able to see each other again. No need for a formal goodbye, I'd say.

Okay Liu, that one was actually pretty funny.
Jale: See you again.
Marica?: Thanks. Sieg, I hope you find out something about that book.
Sieg: You too!

Marica: She's gone.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Sieg: Yeah.

Looks like a decent stopping point. Next time, we head north, and, to quote Paarfi of Roundwood in the greatest chapter title in history, "the plot, behaving in much the same manner as a soup to which cornstarch has been added, begins, at last, to thicken." Nighteyes out.

suikoden tierkreis, konami, screencap adventure

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