Radiant Historia, Part 33

Feb 17, 2013 13:30

Hello! This is your hostess Lady Nighteyes, bringing you another exciting episode of "Let's Play Radiant Historia!" As you have probably noticed by now, I am very easily distracted by sidequests, and so since the beginning of this chapter unlocks a bunch of them, I immediately put everything on hold to run around solving every single problem I come across. It is very much worth it.

"No, I have suddenly been stricken with acute amnesia and forgotten everything that happened in the last two weeks."
Raynie: Marc and I were taken to Skalla.
Marco: Right. That's where Raynie beat the daylights out of that weird guy.

Decided to try out the "glare them into submission" tactic for yourself, huh?

...*awkward silence*

Oh, hey, it worked.

Marco: We passed through this wasteland on our way from Skalla to Cygnus, so I know the way. It's directly north from here.
Stocke: ...All right. Let's go.

By which he of course means, "turn around and go right back to Cygnus."

Oh hey, it's you two. Again.

Bram: We're no good at stealing, and you beat us in a fight. We're supposed to be aces at this!
To make the humiliation even worse, I seem to recall that we also ROBBED you during that fight.
Bram: It's just not working out. We quit.
...Huh. Let's go talk to Hertz.

I think that has a high likelihood of getting you disembowelled.
Hertz: But Bro... He's lost his motivation these days... I wish I could cheer him up a bit. Maybe you guys could help a feller out? It's a cryin' shame to see him like this.

Eh, why not.
Hertz: That's great. I wish there was some way to get his spirits up... I'm beggin' ya! This guy isn't the Bro I know!

I just realized I neglectfully forgot to show you earlier, but there's a kid in Alistel who's always gushing about how the Desert Crows saved his dad. He seems like a likely target.

Kid: The other day, I was walking around Lazvil Hills with my dad. We were attacked by a monster, and the Desert Crows saved us! I was scared, but they were so cool!
Uh. Cool. Riiight.
Kid: ...What!? You know the Desert Crow? Hey, guess what? My dad and I made this doll of the Desert Crow! Can you give it to Mr. Crow and tell him it's a thank-you present? Hang on. I'll get it.

Kid: You'd better give it to him! And tell him it's from me!
Hold your horses, kiddo. I need to talk to another kid first.

Kid: I'm going to write them a letter and ask to be their apprentice! Then I'll rob that evil Queen Protea and give the people here all the treasure!
We already took all the treasure that was sitting around the easily-accessible parts of the castle, but I guess you can try.

There is not enough capslock in the world to indicate the intensity of my "NO" here.
Stocke: No...
Kid: Then, then, can you ask if I can be one too?
You didn't listen to what he said, did you.
Kid: Here's my letter!

And back we go.

Stocke: I brought you this.

Bram: ...A letter? And a... doll?
Hertz: Awww! It's you, Bro! We must have made it big!

I love how he clearly knows what total losers these two are.
Hertz: Yeah! The li'l tykes'll be sad if you quit, Bro. Do it for the children!
Bram: ...Rubbish. We're not the heroes the kids think we are. We'll do anything for the right price. Just a couple of common cutpurses. But it's the end of the line on all that.
Hertz: But... Bro...
Stocke: I'm glad to hear that.

Hertz: What!? Why ya gotta say things like that!?
Stocke: If you're not going to steal anymore, that's great.
...says the raging kleptomaniac...
Stocke: But what will you do now, then?
Bram: ......
Suddenly, pan to the right:

These two keep chasing each other all over the place, while also doing that annoying thing where the animation ends before the text finishes scrolling.

Stocke: Why don't you try living up to their expectations? ...Then again, maybe that'd be too much to ask.

Bram: ...A hero for the kids, eh? That doesn't sound like a half-bad idea. All right, I'll do it! From here on, I'll be a prince among thieves! Sounds like a jolly good time. Let's be off, Hertz! The new Desert Crows are going to be something great!

Hertz: Guess I'll get going. The Desert Crows are going down in history... as heroes! Broooooo! Wait for meeee!

Well, that's one sidequest down.

First, let's go turn these in.

Soldier: That's all four spear Technique Scrolls! Thank you so much! That means I don't have anything left to teach Raynie.
Raynie: You started out annoying, but now I'm glad we helped you. Next time, keep your important stuff locked up, okay?
Soldier: Haha, I sure will. Goodbye, Raynie.
Well, that's that dealt with. I head on back to where/when I was to get on with the sidequesty goodness.

Stocke: What is it?
Garland: During the last battle with Granorg, I lost my armlet. It's not expensive, but it's important to me. I looked for it, but by the time I realized it was missing, it was buried in the Itolia Wasteland sands. If you manage to find it, I'll make sure you're properly rewarded.

Sounds like a job for the guy who can spot invisible/very concealed things.
Garland: I'm counting on you. And keep this a secret... it's kind of embarrassing.

Before we do that, remember this place?

It's been, like, a week. Don't you have anything better to do?
Weird guy: Now we may speak quietly. I apologize for the delayed introduction. My name is Sword. I am Master Vainqueur's best disciple.

That's either a confused or a very skeptical look.
Sword: It was my Master who informed me of you. He said that a man in a red cape would soon come to this place. And so I waited, at my Master's bequest, for you to arrive, Stocke.
Stocke: And who is Master Vainqueur? I don't know that name.
Sword: Master Vainqueur is my teacher.
Gee, THAT'S helpful.
Sword: Master has skills to defeat any monster, and a range of knowledge greater than anyone. This is why he knows of you, and understands all.
Stocke: You want me to believe that he knows who I am because of that?
Sword: I know it can be difficult to accept. I, too, initially found it hard to believe. But from the instant I met him, Master knew everything about me.
"Even the reeeally embarrassing stuff... >_>"
Sword: I now devote myself to him, and in turn, I gain his teachings.
Stocke: All right, fine. What does this Master Vainqueur want with me?
Sword: Master said that you had an important mission that no one else could accomplish.
Stocke: ......
Sword: I know not what it is, but my Master would like to extend his help. To teach you the skills he knows... He said that this may be the will of the world.
Stocke: So I should go see this Master?
Sword: Yes, but there is more to do before you can see him. I am not Master Vainqueur's only disciple. There are three others. You must find these three, obtain the ancient Pacts they have, and bring them back to him. These Pacts are necessary in order to learn the skills. What do you say? Will you meet with my Master?

If it gets me more skills and gets rid of all those random sidequest-rewards I've collected, hell yes.
Sword: I see. Just as my Master says, you are a truly great man.
Stocke: I don't need my ass kissed. Where are these three disciples?
Wow, and I thought he reacted badly to compliments he'd actually EARNED.
Sword: My apologies. The three disciples are scattered far and wide across the land. The second disciple, Chalice, can be found in Celestia. Chalice is a woman.
Sword: The third disciple, Pentacle, is in Granorg. Pentacle is a man.
Sword: The fourth disciple, Wand, is in Alistel. Wand is but a boy.
You are seriously named after the suits in a tarot deck. :/ WHY are you named after the suits in a tarot deck?
Sword: Don't worry. Our Master has told us all of you and this task.
Stocke: So I have to find those disciples, get the three Pacts, and come back here?
Sword: Yes. I'm glad you're a quick learner.
That's not really "being a quick learner" so much as "having basic listening skills."
Sword: I must tell you the password you will need to give the other disciples. This is how they will know that you are who they seek.

Stocke: That's the password?
Sword: Yes. The disciples will challenge you first, so just respond with the correct words. After that, you will be able to meet my Master. Well, Stocke, I wish you the best.

Let's start with Wand.

Hey, weird kid. It's been a while.
Stocke: (This is what Sword talked about. The password for when I see the disciples... That means this child is one of Master Vainqueur's disciples. I'll need to answer correctly if I want to see the Master...)
Wand: One more time. What exists in the past?

Wand: Correct...
Stocke: So you're one of Master Vainqueur's disciples?
Wand: Yes. I am... Wand. Disciple of the Master. Master relayed to me... a message. So I... hid... the Skill Pact.
...I think you need to get some more sleep, kid. You sound like you're about to fall over.
Stocke: You hid the Skill Pact? Why did you do that?
Wand: Master is... testing you.
*sigh* Of course he is.
Stocke: I see... No wonder this whole process is so vague. Can't you tell me the general area you hid the Pact in?
Wand: Around... the river... in Lazvil Hills. There is... a cave.
Stocke: So the Skill Pact is near Lazvil Hills, by the river, near a cave?
Wand: I see your ears work as intended.
Stocke: ...I see. I'll look for it there, then. Thanks, Wand.
Nice of you to completely ignore the sarcasm.
Wand: Farewell, Stocke...
A quick trip through time later...

Cool. Next, let's bother Chalice.

Chalice: Great job! Blond man with red clothes... That means you must be Stocke.
Stocke: That's correct. You must be one of Master Vainqueur's disciples.
Chalice: Yup. I'm Chalice.
Stocke: ......
Chalice: What? Hasn't Master taught you not to judge someone by their appearance?
Stocke: It's not that. I thought I was supposed to get Skill Pacts from the Master's Disciples...
Chalice: Oh! Oh, yeah. I forgot the rules. Sorry about that.
Stocke: So? Where's the Pact?
Chalice: It's a pain to find a good hiding place. Plus, I'd have to find a new hiding place every time. So, I hid the Skill Pact in some bushes in the middle of Celestia!

Chalice: Isn't that a great test? You don't even have to go somewhere super far!
Stocke: Does your master know that you're this... carefree?
I would have said "lazy," but to each their own.
Chalice: I do my job well, I just don't sweat the details. I look at the big picture. Oh, but please don't say anything about this to Sword. I don't know how he'll react...
Stocke: Fine. I'll think about it.
Chalice: What? I'm doing you a favor, and all you can say is, "I'll think about it"!? Whatever... Anyway, this is the part where I'm supposed to wish you good luck. So, good luck.

Right where she said it would be. One more to go.

Pentacle: Correct! Hahaha! I'm glad you're here, Red One. I've heard a lot about you.
From Gafka, apparently.
Pentacle: I'm one of Master Vainqueur's disciples. My name is Pentacle. Nice to meet you. You want to learn some skills from our Master? You have good judgement for your age. Though, you and I are both like children compared to our Master.
I'm not sure it's really even possible to put a number on his age at this point. Some of the bad ends are explicitly months long, so this last "month" or so, story-time, has probably been at least a year to him. But there's no difference in his appearance, so he might not be aging at a normal rate relative to how much time he's experiencing, either... Or, to put it another way: Pentacle, you have no idea what you're talking about, so shut up.
Stocke: I'm in a bit of a rush. I need to know where the so-called contract with the skill written on it is.
Pentacle: You're awfully cold. There's nothing wrong with that, though. Let's see... The contract... Oh, yeah. I hid it in the underground waterway.
...of course you did. *facepalm*
Stocke: ...So, where exactly in this passageway did you hide it?
Pentacle: There you go! That's showing the vigor of youth!
Pentacle: Uh, I hid it in the area near the palace.
Stocke: Fine. I'll go search for it.
Pentacle: Getting there might be tough, but you gotta work for it!
Oh, screw you.

Thank god for Vanish.

Okay, that's all of them.

Sword: Yes, those are the Pacts that were left with the disciples. I would expect nothing less of one my Master asked for. I admit, I underestimated you.
Stocke: Now you'll tell me where I can meet Master Vainqueur? Where is he?
Sword: Worry not. You need only stand where you are.
Stocke: What? I don't under--

What the HELL?

Stocke: What!? Where's that voice coming from?

As promised, the screen flashes white, and...

Eruca: What's going on...?
Aht: I don't know, but it's pretty here!

A MELODRAMATIC voice, specifically.

Hey, that's Stocke's teleport animation! No stealing it!


Stocke: You're Master Vainqueur?

Vainqueur: I'm glad to meet you, Stocke, Eruca, and Aht.
Stocke: So you know them as well.
Vainqueur: Of course! I know all about your other friends too, and of your great quest.
Aht: Wowww! That's amazing! Undefeated in all styles!
Vainqueur: Nuahahaha! Spoken like a pro, Aht.
That is a really strange laugh.
Vainqueur: I'll forgive you for that remark about being a weird goblin.
Stocke: ......
Vainqueur: Ahem. Let's get down to the business of why you're here.
I guess Stocke's dirty looks can even make omniscient weirdos who name themselves after the continent uncomfortable.
Vainqueur: I'm sure you heard the bulk of it from Sword, my disciple, but I wanted you here so I could teach you some battle skills.
Eruca: ...Teach us?
Vainqueur: Yes. To you specifically, Stocke, Eruca, and Aht.
Stocke: Why the three of us?
Vainqueur: Because I need to teach you the skills in a special way... and you three have the special hearts capable of acquiring them. That's why I've limited these little sessions to you three, and you three alone.
I'm sure that the fact that they are also the three party members with mystical skills that nobody else can learn is completely coincidental.
Vainqueur: I'm sure the others will pick up skills in a way that is more suitable for them. Think of those opportunities as tests, and you may be more likely to find them.
Translation: Every party member has a skill sidequest. This one covers Stocke, Eruca, and Aht, Raynie and Marco have Technique Scrolls, and Rosch has Gauntlet cores, so I guess all that leaves for us to find is Gafka's.
Stocke: ......
Vainqueur: But to get back on subject, I had you find the Pacts and bring them back here. They have strange powers... It lies not only in their written words, but in the memories associated with them. They are archives of a lost, ancient knowledge... the power that these Pacts had in the past, now passed down to the present.
Stocke: Like an instruction manual, but with deeper meaning...
Vainqueur: You're catching on fast. Pacts have various techniques of both blade and spell from the lost empire written on them. The words, memories, feelings, and the skill itself contained in the Pact... they will flow directly into the three of you, freeing them. It will penetrate well past your body and into your very souls.
Way to make that sound reeeally creepy.
Vainqueur: It may feel like quite a burden to bear, but I'm sure the three of you are capable.
Aht: Umm... I don't get it...
Stocke: My question is, can we trust you?
Vainqueur: I am the Lord of Skills. Upon the name of our continent, I vow that I am true.
You are also melodramatic.
Vainqueur: Still, it's ultimately your decision whether or not to accept the skill.

Stocke: ...You're right. We need to give it careful thought, and then come to our decision.
Vainqueur: Good. Then lastly, this is yours. It is proof that you were acknowledged by the master.

Vainqueur: If ever you have a Pact, you can obtain a skill from it. Talk to me whenever you are ready to learn. I shall await the day you begin learning new skills!


Aht likes him, though.

I currently have EIGHT of these things sitting in my inventory, so I think we'll be taking him up on that offer.

Vainqueur: Of course. Before that, let me explain about the Pacts. There are more Pacts you can find, beyond those you obtained from my disciples.
I, uh, kinda know.
Vainqueur: If you happen to obtain them, you will be able to learn more skills.
Aht: Umm... So if we bring a lot of Pacts, I'll get stronger?
Vainqueur: That's right. There aren't that many, though. And there are different Pacts. Sword Pacts are for Stocke. Light Pacts are for Eruca. Star Pacts are for Aht. Use them as a guide for learning your skills.
Stocke: So I need to bring you Pacts in order to learn these skills.
He spent the last ten minutes explaining that fact, yes.
Vainqueur: That's it. I'm sure you'll find them all over the place, Stocke.
Stocke: I'll keep my eyes open.

That's nice, but can you please just let me use these things?

Vainqueur: Choose who I should teach the skill to.

I've got stuff for all three of them, so let's start with Aht for no particular reason.

There's a very short, sparkly animation, and-

Vainqueur: Enough. The skill should be well-entrenched in your mind now.
Aht: Thanks, Mr. Goblin Man!
Vainqueur: Come back when you have found a new Pact.
I don't need to. I still have another six to turn in.

Vainqueur: Eruca! Come here, girl.

Well, at least I caught the end of the animation this time...
Eruca: Oh...! The knowledge is in my head!

...And suddenly, Eruca becomes about four times more useful. That just leaves our hero.

Vainqueur: Here we go, then.

More little sparkles o' magically-transferred knowledge...
Stocke: I can suddenly see exactly how this skill works...

Awesome. Now that Aht knows Dancing Death (does a bunch of hits of physical damage, which, while negligible in itself, makes for MASSIVE combos) and Eruca knows Burst Light (blasts all enemies with non-elemental magic), they turn into a team capable of nuking almost any non-boss enemy we'll run into for a while out of existence.

With that done, let's go finish that other sidequest.

(Seriously, LOOK at that.)

Anyway, is that something hidden I spy lying around?

Huh. Well, back to Garland we go.

I think not handing it over would be profoundly stupid on an incredible number of levels.
Garland: Yes, this is it. Thank you.
Stocke: It looks pretty old.
Garland: I'm sure you noticed that it's a toy armlet. My parents bought it for me when I was a child. But that was their first and last gift to me. That was the night I became a gladiator. ...Back then, it was quite common for fighting pits to feature gladiatorial combat between kids. Before I knew it, I was another one of the slave child-warriors of Cygnus.
...And suddenly, it becomes much clearer why he was so quick to befriend a gladiator with no respect for authority and a hot-headed kid.
Garland: I needed to keep winning to stay alive... and through it all, this armlet never broke, and was never stolen. Now it's the King's armlet. This armlet was the only constant in all of my victories.
That is a WAY better story than Hedge's had. o_O
Garland: You have my eternal gratitude. Take this.

Garland: I couldn't just get rid of it. When I realized it was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about it. This armlet was actually the consolation prize in a drawing. I was actually begging my parents for the warrior helmet that was the grand prize. Sorry for asking you guys to go after something this trivial.
I... don't think that's exactly trivial.

Anyway, that's it for sidequests. Next time, we get on with the actual story. Nighteyes out.

radiant historia, atlus, sidequests. sidequests everywhere., screencap adventure

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