Radiant Historia, Part 31

Feb 10, 2013 13:30

Welcome back once more to "Let's Play Radiant Historia!" with your excellent hostess Lady Nighteyes. In last week's episodes, we got an *~Official Summons~*, which I completely ignored in favor of sidequests. This time, we actually follow instructions and go see what we're doing next. Shall we get started?

All right, let's go talk to Garland.

Stocke: You wanted to talk to me?
Garland: It's about Dias.
Stocke: Didn't you cancel your audience with him?
Garland: No... I decided to meet with him after all.
Stocke: ......!
Ooh, the music stopped. He must be REALLY surprised.

It's a scientific experiment to study the effects when Garland's aura of MANLINESS encounters Dias's aura of bishiness. Personally, I hypothesize explosions.
Garland: Don't be so defensive, Stocke. Hear me out first. I am going to see him. But that doesn't mean he'll get a warm welcome.
Stocke: It sounds like you have a plan.
Garland: He got nowhere trying to crush the Resistance before, which means he's headed this way because he's desperate. If so, I have a pretty good idea what tack he'll take. He'll claim to want to parley, but he'll come in force. I'm sure he'll bring his best units in the guise of bodyguards and rob Cygnus blind. People that dangerous mustn't be allowed into the city.
So why did you invite him in the first place?
Stocke: First you say you'll meet with him, and now you won't let him in the city. Which is it...?
Garland: Oh, I'm meeting with him. But I'm going to do it in northern Itolia Wasteland.
Stocke: That's a long way off. Are you trying to shield Cygnus from any danger?
Garland: Partly that. Partly because Eruca is here. It wouldn't be wise to let any Granorgites too near. But partly it's something else, too... the whirlwinds of northern Itolia Wasteland.
Stocke: Whirlwinds?
Garland: The spot I chose sees a lot of them. And one will be kicking up there before long.
Stocke: I'm surprised you know this.
Garland: Without getting into specifics, since it's a handy thing to have in a pinch, there are signs.
Given that the tornadoes at Judgement Cliff are monsters that you can knock out and sneak up on, I do not find this surprising in the slightest.
Garland: But back on the subject, we're going to take advantage of the whirlwinds to strike at Dias.
Stocke: Well, I understand the plan now. But why did you call for me?
Cygnus: I want you to protect Cygnus while I'm away. After that business with the Hell Spider, the people trust you. You have what it takes.
Well, if he just has to personally fight things/people off, sure. But as he has explained in the past, he is not the commander type.
Stocke: ......
Garland: Won't you do it?
Stocke: Before I answer, I want to know something. You're determined now to take down Dias, so why did you initially plan on welcoming him as a guest?
Garland: Ah, I see. You're wondering if I have a hidden agenda. Fair enough. The answer's simple. I was playing politics. If we had a little support, a lot of things would become easier for us... even if it meant getting that support from Granorg. Does that make sense?
Stocke: ...Yes.

Stocke: (I can understand his desire to protect Cygnus, and it's a good chance to defeat Dias. But is letting the king of Cygnus go out while we stay back and wait really wise? If we went to the meeting place instead, Garland could stay in Cygnus until the very last minute... I have to think about this one carefully...)
Of course you do.

Well, this IS what Garland asked us to do, and he IS the king in these parts. I guess we'll just hope that any invading armies try to file in through the front gate so we don't have to organize any sort of defense more complicated than "Everybody stab anyone who tries to go through here."

Garland is THE most badass character in the game, hands down. So yes.

Stocke: (I feel like I ought to repay Garland for trusting us this far...)
That's another bonus, yes.
Stocke: All right. We'll protect the city.
Garland: Ah, good! That's what I'd hoped to hear from you! Now that that's been decided, I need to hurry and prepare myself to go out!

"Arrows"? I'm pretty sure those were ballista bolts, actually. Though why the hell they were firing them way up into the air at random so they were moving straight down when they hit is probably better left unquestioned.
Garland: ...Dammit. I didn't expect them to bring along ballistas...
Ricky: They were gonna do this from the start after all! King Garland! We'll have to retreat!
Garland: No... We can't do that. If the ballistas have stopped, the enemy is on their way to finish us off. If we retreat now, not only will Cygnus become a battleground... it means they'll move their force out of the path of the whirlwinds...

Ricky: You're hurt...! Did the arrows get you!?
Garland: This is... nothing... The whirlwind should kick in after only a moment. We need to hold out until then...!

...Well, dammit.

A node immediately at the start of a new chapter seems a liiittle unnecessary to me, but what do I know?

Teo: I believe I might have done the same thing were I faced with that decision.
Lippti: But as a result, Garland died in battle. His importance in Cygnus should not be underestimated.
Teo: You'll have to find another way. I'm sure you can do it.
Lippti: Stocke, don't give up.

With the bad end out of the way, realistic assessment time. Stocke's greatest skills are sneaking around, lying his ass off with a totally straight face, being ridiculously pretty, and killing things. Garland's are commanding troops, being MANLY, and... also killing things. Considering the situation, I think we can all agree that sending in someone who is both good at being sneaky and not the enemy's primary target is probably the better option.

Not to mention that apparently Cygnus got attacked by Hell Spiders. Garland sort of has a better history of dealing with them than we do.

Stocke: (Garland's the ruler of Cygnus. We can't let him take unnecessary risks.)

Garland: What? Not even for me?
I can't help but picture him with a "kicked puppy" expression there.
Stocke: Let me explain. It's in Cygnus's best interests that its king isn't exposed to danger. You should wait in Cygnus for as long as possible. We'll go on ahead to the meeting spot.
Garland: What!? ...You're willing to step into danger yourself?
You're talking to a guy who, when asked if he was going to fight off a spider big enough to eat elephants, offhandedly replied "Of course," and continued what he'd been saying without pausing.
Stocke: I guess that's just how I am.
Like I said.
Garland: Stocke! I like you more and more! All right, then! Prepare yourself to head out!

Dias: What is keeping them!?
Sheesh, Dias, you sound like my third-grade teacher.
Dias: Accursed Garland... First, he demands a new meeting ground at the eleventh hour, and now he expects a guest to tarry in this desolate place! He styles himself a king, but he's naught more than an ex-mercenary who's forgot his manners.
I don't think you're really allowed to call other people's rulers names like that when you are personally responsible for Protea.

Dias turned around with a little "!" emote before this text finished scrolling, somewhat to my annoyance.
????: He believes something terrible will happen if he lets you inside the city of Cygnus.

Hedge: I was King Garland's assistant for many years. Though that relationship ended a few days ago...
And there was much rejoicing.
Dias: Hmm... And what business have you with me?
Hedge: I have information for sale. Information about King Garland.
Dias: Please elaborate.
Hedge: Unless I miss my guess, you weren't able to stamp out the Resistance the way you wanted. Your position is at stake. So to prove your worth, you're trying to win King Garland to your side... It's either that, or kill the king and establish your own regime in Cygnus.
If he tries the latter, I will beat him down even harder than I was originally planning to. I LIKE Garland.
Hedge: So? Did I guess well?
Dias: Hm... That's quite an entertaining fable you've laid out.
Hedge: I don't follow... This is no tall tale. I'm sure that if you chose, you could make it a reality. That's why I think my information could prove very useful...
Dias: ...Out with it, then.
Hedge: Hoho! Surely you jest! I'd need to be compensated first...
Dias: ...Very well. Will this suffice?
Hedge: Nearly, but not quite... This information is worth a fortune.
Dias: ...If you insist, I will pay any fee you ask.

Hedge: There's a certain VIP in the company of King Garland now. None other than Princess Eruca.

Dias: Did you say Eruca!?
Hedge: The very same. She is now a traitor to her homeland, as I understand it. She's joined forces with King Garland. Together, they plan to invade Granorg.
Dias: ...I had presumed the princess's transgressions to be a silly little game of hers, but...
I guess that explains how she kept sneaking out so easily.
Hedge: With Cygnus in its current state, I doubt they'll respond favorably to the meeting. In fact, I'd assume they'll aim to use this conference as a means to eliminate you. What you think to be a parley will soon become a battlefield.
Dias: It would be folly to take the princess to a battlefield. They'd leave her in Cygnus... Aha... he chose this particular location for the conference out of concern for Princess Eruca.
Dias missed the memo about how the princess is a gunslinging mage with an arsenal of ice and light spells.
Hedge: It's possible that King Garland may not even make an appearance.
Dias: I would lay coin he will not.
You would lose that bet.
Dias: Very well. I shall direct my men to keep watch over Cygnus and be ready for any treachery.
Hedge: You seem to be satisfied with your purchase... Now, as to my price...

Dias: Don't mention it.
The screen goes black, and there's an uncomfortably metallic sound.

Dias: Do you know which?
Hedge: N-No...? Who?
Dias: Gutter rats like you!

Another uncomfortably metallic noise, this one giving a definite impression of blade-y-ness.

Dias: Once Garland has been dispensed with, Cygnus stands ready to fall in an instant! Archers! Ready the usual! We'll demonstrate to these desert folk the terrible might of the Dias Knights!
...That doesn't sound good.

Ricky: Are you crazy, trying to attack with so few of us!?
Garland: What's the matter, Ricky? You're awfully timid today.
Can we all agree that Ricky is now officially Garland's sidekick? Cool.

Garland: Every terrain, whether plains, deserts, or wilderness, has a tactic suited to it. Sure, we'll be outnumbered, but we'll have the geographical advantage.
Ricky: But that won't be enough to help things go our way, will it?
Garland: That's right. We're still up against Granorg soldiers. It won't be an easy fight... But it must be fought regardless, so enough bellyaching! You'd better get ready!
Ricky: G-Gotcha...
Garland: Our main force will be staying in Cygnus until the last minute to catch the enemy off guard. Stocke, your men will pressure their main force so they don't stray from the meeting spot.
Do they really still count as his men if he just tells them to do what Garland says, then runs off to do his own thing? 'cause I'm willing to bet that's what winds up happening. Unless he means the party, in which case "men" is not strictly accurate, since at present we've got more ladies than guys on the team.
Stocke: All right. We'll lower their numbers as much as we can until the main force arrives. Eruca, you'll wait here.

Yeah, that's about what I figured she'd say.
Stocke: We're up against Dias. It's too dangerous for you to go near him.
Eruca: I appreciate the concern for my health, but I don't believe I'm as weak as all that.
Uh-oh. She's getting sarcastic at you. You should probably stop arguing now, or you're not going to come out of this with your dignity intact.
Stocke: Still...
Eruca: And if I beat Dias and his men, it will be a show of strength for the Resistance. I'd say it's a necessary step to dethrone my stepmother and take back my country.
That sounds like a trump card right there.

I think he knows, he just really doesn't want to admit it.
Raynie: If you force her to stay and she ends up following us anyway, that'll be even worse for us. Best that she's somewhere we can keep an eye on her.
Stocke: ...Then I guess it's settled.
Much to his annoyance.
Stocke: But I will expect you to obey orders in the field.
Eruca: Of course. Thank you.
Garland: Is everything ready, then? I'm entrusting Princess Eruca to you, Stocke. I'll be leaving here before the whirlwind happens. We'll launch a joint attack once I get there.
Eruca: Good luck to you, King Garland.
Garland: And the same to you!

Eruca: We're facing Dias, and I doubt he'll make a move without a plan up his sleeve...
Raynie: Prob'ly not. But we've got our own trick up our sleeve with the ambush and all, right? Plus Cygnus is going to be pulling a whirlwind out of their hat for the finishing touch.
Eruca: True... This is a war, after all. Let's trust in Garland's plan and our own strength.
Raynie: So? Are you coming with us after all, princess?
I thought that had already been established?
Eruca: Naturally. If it's Dias we face, all the more reason why I mustn't run and hide.
Aht: I'm coming, too!
Raynie: Had a feeling you'd say that...
Stocke: ...All right. But if you ever feel like you're in serious danger, head back immediately.
I guess he realized that about the only way he's going to stop Aht from following him is to lock her in the dungeon.
Eruca: Understood.
Aht: Leave it to me!

Raynie: Wasn't the meeting spot on the north side of the wasteland!?

Raynie: Still, they're way ahead of the game!

Marco: Wait, how could they!?
Stocke: ......
The silence abruptly gets broken by the screen shaking and the sound of an explosion.

Eruca: Wh-What was that!?
Marco: Oh no...! I can see something in flames over that way!
Raynie: Don't tell me... That's where Cygnus is, isn't it!?
Eruca: How could they!?
Raynie: Stocke!

Marco: ...! Look! It's King Garland!

Soldier #2: We'll kill you AND that brat!

Our hero is not having with this.

Even if there ARE soldiers standing behind pillars and trying to jump out at him as he runs past.

A soldier hiding behind the other pillar also tries to jump out, only to get a fireball to the face from an offscreen Raynie.

They set her city on fire, threatened its king and a little kid, AND just tried (and failed miserably) to attack the guy she has a bit of a crush on. Think fast, bozos, or you're going DOWN.

An understandable reaction, but not one that's getting you anywhere fast. Try again.

Soldier #2: Here! Peace offering! Please let us go!

What the...?
Soldier #2: I-It belonged to one of your strategists or someone...
Marco: Strategists? Could he be talking about Hedge...?
Soldier #2: Yeah, yeah, it was something like that!
Raynie: That snake! He sold out Cygnus!
Soldier #1: Th-That's right... He was talking on and on about you guys...
Stocke: ...What did you do with him?

Soldier #2: I got the armlet from his corpse.
Raynie: The Dias Knights must have fallen on hard times if they're looting corpses.
Soldier #2: Hmph... High Colonel Dias would never stand for such behavior. I snuck it off the corpse when we dumped it in the desert.
Soldier #1: S-See...? Amazing craftsmanship, isn't it? Go on, look at it!
Oh, shut up.
Stocke: It's true... This matches the armlet Hedge wore.

They bolt.

Marco: Are you all right, King Garland?
Marco, don't you DARE try to heal him. I like him too much to gamble with his life like that.
Garland: Dammit... I should've dealt with him properly. Guess I've gone soft...
Raynie: What do we do now?
Garland: ...It'll be nearly impossible to get revenge for this. I don't like it, but I'll gather the survivors and lay low in the desert. I'm the ruler of my subjects, after all. They come before any vendetta with the enemy...
Raynie: Yeah, you can get back at them someday.
Not if we do it first~!
Raynie: Right now, you gotta make sure your people are safe.
Garland: Yes... Stocke, what will you do?

Looks like he has the same idea I do.
Garland: ...All right. You seem to have some sort of plan in mind. Be careful.

Hello to you too.
Stocke: They knew about the plan. That's why they ignored us and went for Cygnus.
Lippti: So then, what will you do now?
Stocke: First, let me ask something. This armlet belonged to Hedge... Is a Chronicle's holder involved with his betrayal and death?
...uh... well, technically, YOU are, but I assume that's not what you're asking.
Teo: That's right. The presence of the Black Chronicle can still be felt here.
Stocke: Then it's simple. I'll prevent Hedge's betrayal before it happens.
Teo: That should do nicely. The armlet will come in handy for that.
Stocke: Hedge's own possessions, eh?
I'm already preemptively sad that I won't get to see the look on Hedge's face.
Lippti: Nothing will prove his death more concretely. Well then, Stocke. Take care.


This is when Hedge left last time. Shall we try doing that again?

This whole scene plays out exactly the same way, with Hedge being a jackass, Garland kicking him out, and a general tacit agreement that we're friends now and we're going to quietly forget that whole thing with the slaver. However, afterward...

Hedge: Curse you, Garland! You'll live to regret banishing me!

I'm just going to have to try to imagine the look of abject terror on his face right now.

Hedge: Th-This... It's my armlet. Why do you have it!? What!? Why is it covered in blood!?
Stocke: It's proof that I can see into the future. ...And the death of people like you is especially clear.
You're enjoying this, aren't you.
Hedge: Th-This can't be! I-It's not possible! Why!?
Stocke: If it's not possible, then how do you explain the armlet? Although, if you don't value your life, why not keep heading toward Dias and try your luck?
Okay, yeah, you're REALLY enjoying this.

Hedge, of course, runs off in a panic.

Stocke: (Based on what Lippti said, Hedge isn't supposed to die here. Guess that means I don't need to bother finishing him off.)
Or he'll just die of dehydration. That's also a possibility.

Well, that's one problem solved. Next time, things go down the way they're supposed to. Nighteyes out.

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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