Radiant Historia, Part 4

Aug 19, 2012 16:44

Welcome back to "Let's Play Radiant Historia!" with Lady Nighteyes (and her excessive amounts of snarky jokes). Thanks to all the cutscenes, maybe an hour and a half of playtime has elapsed, yet it's taken me three updates to get here. Luckily, after a few more cutscenes, the game opens up quite a lot; while the plot still keeps you on a pretty strict path, you can jump to any point you've reached on said path, plus there's just more exploration and sidequests and fun stuff like that.

Anyway, last time, our hero was attacked by some random soldier, who then turned into sand for some reason. They are currently in the process of trying to figure out what the hell that was about.

Rosch: Hmm... You don't think this was Granorg's doing, do you?
Stocke: No... Something about it seemed strange. An assassin would have acted faster.
Rosch: ...True. And then there's the way he died...

Sonja: It's a mysterious phenomenon that causes people to turn suddenly into sand... I've read about it, but this is my first time seeing it up close.
Here's hoping it's not infectious.
Rosch: I'd always dismissed it as some old wives' tale.
Stocke: It's real enough, apparently. But what would cause a person to turn into sand?
Sonja: The essence of life, Mana, is found in all living things. They say that when one's Mana is lost, one turns to sand.
*to the tune of Ride of the Valkyries* Expos-III-tion, expos-III-tion, EXPOS-III-TION!
Stocke: Is losing Mana different than dying?
Sonja: With the Sand Plague, the cause and effect are reversed. Normally, when people die, the Mana leaves their bodies. But that soldier's Mana left him first, causing him to turn to sand and die.
I would love to see the chemical composition of that "sand."
Rosch: So basically, the Sand Plague drains a person's Mana.
Sonja: It would seem so. But I have no idea what would cause that...
Stocke: Could it be connected to the desertification?
Sonja: Maybe, maybe not. No one knows yet what's causing the desertification either. It's supposed to have begun sometime around when the empire fell several centuries ago... but did the desertification cause the fall, or was it the other way around?

Rosch: What's going to happen to the continent?
Stocke: That's over our heads. Let's just do what we can.
Sonja: ...You're right.
Sonja: Well, I should get back to work. Oh, by the way... I was told not to let word of this get out.

Stocke: ...Told by whom?
Sonja: My boss. You know, that thaumatech scholar Fennel in the lab next door. I told him a moment ago about the soldier that died, and he said not to tell anyone else.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Stocke: I'll keep that in mind.
Sonja: That's it from me. You two are free to stay as long as you like.

Rosch: Hey, Stocke... Have you given any thought to joining my corps?
Rosch: It'll be just like how it was before Heiss started up Special Intelligence.

Stocke: Why now?
Rosch: I'm working under Lt. General Raul to head up a new corps. I need a good adjutant. More than that, I need one I know I can trust. It'd be a weight off my shoulders to have you around.
Stocke: Then... you want me to quit my post under Heiss?
Rosch: You'd have to, yes. Lt. General Raul will handle the transfer from Specint to the Lt. General's command. We can take your subordinates along with you, too. That'll be no problem.
Stocke: But can you sway Heiss?
Rosch: That, I don't know. But he'll either be convinced or coerced. The Lt. General will see to that. It's not up to Heiss; it's up to you. Whatever you believe is best, that's what we'll do.
Stocke: ......
*screen flashes white; sound of glass shattering*

Stocke: (It's happening again... the White Chronicle is shining!)

So it is.

Just like last time, this is accompanied by a weird heartbeat sound in place of music.
That's... Rosch!
He's dead...!
And... is that me with him!?
Did I... kill Rosch?
Stop... Stop this!
Don't show me such things!

Stocke: (In what kind of future would I ever do such a thing...?)

"Er. Yeah. Hesitation. Right."
Rosch: I'm not asking for an answer right now, mind you. Look, I need to go to the upstairs hall to greet the new recruits. Just think about it and let me know your answer whenever you're ready.

Stocke: Leaving Heiss for Rosch... This isn't a decision I can make lightly.
He starts to walk out of the room, but the screen flashes white and this happens:

Stocke: Is it... calling to me?
Stocke: I do still have questions for them... I should go back there.


We need juuust a bit more expositional cutscene before we can get on with things.
Teo: Hello, Stocke. We summoned you this time because there's something we need to tell you.
Stocke: I have a question for you as well. A moment ago I saw a future where I kill Rosch. What was that about?
Lippti: Please calm yourself, Stocke. Our reason for summoning you is directly related to that.
Teo: You went back and averted the deaths of Raynie and Marco. Rosch's death happens further in the future, but it too can be averted in the same way. Even should that future come to pass, you can revisit it and change history. And this is the primary juncture at which you may do so.
Stocke: Primary juncture...? Don't tell me... History branches again here?
Lippti: That is correct. You are quite sharp.
Only about half the time. The other half he's so slow on the uptake it's kind of adorable.
Lippti: Look upon the path forward that you have chosen.
This little animation is tricky to convey with screenshots, but I tried. Basically, a bunch of columns rise from below the platform where Stocke is standing, followed by an extra-long flight of stairs, and the whole thing assembles itself into the gate-thing in the last one.

It even has built-in places for the twins to sit!

Teo: You can return to this point in time and space with the White Chronicle. A node has been formed here.
Stocke: A node...
Lippti: Your decision now will have a profound effect on history. If you ever want to change that decision, return to this node.
Stocke: So this is an important choice?
Teo: That's right. Whether to align yourself with Heiss or Rosch is a more vital decision than you know. Your decisions to stay on as an agent or join the corps with Rosch will change your life.
Of course, a great deal of the game relies on you making BOTH choices at some point, so it actually doesn't matter in the long run.
Stocke: Heiss gave me the White Chronicle. I don't understand why... But he obviously knows what it can do. That may be reason enough to part ways with him.
Lippti: There are many potential paths laid out before you now. Make a decision, explore its consequences, search for possibilities. That is the power of the White Chronicle.
Get ALL the bad ends!
Stocke: Search for possibilities... So it's more important to experiment, eh?
See? Even Stocke agrees with me, and he's the one who has to experience all the horrifying ways everything can go wrong!
Teo: We're not saying you should make your decisions carelessly. We just want you to know that you needn't be overly cautious.
Don't worry, that will NOT be a problem.
Teo: To search for possibilities in the shadows of history, without anyone finding you out... That's your true mission.
Stocke: Who better than an agent like myself, then? But I want to know one thing.
Teo: What is it?
Stocke: What's the point of all this? Before, my immediate goal was to save Raynie and Marco, but according to you, the White Chronicle is meant to bring about a "true" history. Safe to assume, then, that it's not for my own personal gain. So what is this "true" history? If I do nothing, what would happen?

...Well then.
Stocke: What...?
Teo: It's no exaggeration. This world is on the verge of destruction.
Lippti: I'm sure you've noticed. You know well the nature of this war and what form its conclusion must take... As the desertification continues with no end in sight, man will make war over arable land... the end result will be total extinction.
Teo: You will prevent that from happening by creating a history that won't perish.
Lippti: Of all the endless possibilities that fade into darkness, there is but one razor-thin path of light. You must find it.
No pressure.
Stocke: ...I understand. In any case... I'll do what I can for now.
Teo: That would be best. Becoming anxious over having to save the world isn't necessarily to your advantage. Just do what you think is right. That may be all you need to reach a favorable history.
Stocke: Well, when you put it that way... Sure, I'll try it.
Lippti: Ah... There is still one more thing we must tell you.
Teo: Your journey will be hard. You will not go through unscathed. As a result, we're considering healing you and your comrades through the nodes.
Stocke: You can do that?
Teo: Oh yes.
I imagine him having a really smug look on his face when he says that.
Teo: But we will require Mana Crystals to use this power. You won't be able to heal your wounds whenever you want.
Lippti: I have here some Mana Crystals. Take them with you.
Stocke: All right. I'll be sure to use them wisely.
Lippti: We will always be close by, watching over you... Until we meet again, Stocke.
I'm not sure if that's comforting or creepy.

Stocke: (Well, no matter. I have a decision to make. To join Rosch's corps or not...?)


I have (nearly) full run of Alistel at this point, so we're free to go shopping or grab any random treasure we missed.

...Or I can already know what I want to do first and go talk to Rosch about it.
Rosch: Will you stay as Heiss's man, or join my team?
Stocke: (This is where history splits... I need to think carefully about this decision.)

Stocke: ...Rosch. Sorry, but I'm going to continue working under Heiss.

Rosch: I see... I'm disappointed, but it's your choice.
This is for your own level-scaling-related good, Rosch.
Rosch: To be honest, I really could have used your support. I want you on my team, Stocke. But if that's the path you choose, I'll respect your decision.
Rosch: ...Good luck, buddy. I'll be awaiting your return.

...And Rosch leaves, looking like a kicked puppy.

Up we go to Heiss's office, to see what the boss-man has in mind for us this time.

Stocke: ......
Heiss: What's the matter? You look like there's something on your mind.
Stocke: ...It's nothing.
Heiss: Ah... All right, then. To business!
Heiss: The job this time is to apprehend a certain person. You're still convalescing, but it shouldn't be a challenge.
Stocke: "A certain person," eh? Who is it we're talking about?
Heiss: His name is Vlad. He's the leader of a rebel faction who opposes the Prophet Noah.
Stocke: A rebel faction... General Hugo requested this, didn't he? Everyone in Alistel is at the beck and call of the Prophet...
Heiss: Hah... a man in my position has nothing to say about that.
Translation: Yes, he did.
Heiss: But it's true... Faith in the Prophet Noah is the fuel that drives this nation. And we can ill afford to condone anyone who'd throw a wrench into the works. ...Does that not satisfy you?
Stocke: No, that's fine. Tell me more about this Vlad.
Heiss: We haven't found out what he looks like yet, but we do know something of his movements.
Stocke: Set some bait, have you?
Heiss: They're nothing special, as rebel factions go. From what I've heard, there's a similar Resistance in Granorg. Theirs seems to be giving them a great deal of trouble... Ours, on the other hand, poses little threat. They fall quickly into our traps.
Let's make it a sport! Competitive Resistance-squashing! If we get all the other psycho dictatorships together we can make a league!
Stocke: So where am I headed?
Heiss: Start at the item store in the first ward. The owner there is one of my informants. Find out anything he knows about Vlad and take whatever measures you deem appropriate.
Stocke: You want me to capture him, not kill him.
Heiss: They mean very little in the greater scheme of things, but we can learn much from them.
Stocke: Understood. I'll begin at once.
Heiss: Wait. Take this with you.

Stocke: What's this for?
Do not question people giving you random bags of money, Stocke.
Heiss: Rumor has it that Vlad is quite resourceful. You'll need that money to prepare yourself when you stop by the item shop. It isn't much, but it's surely better than nothing.
Stocke: ......

Events show up on the Chronicle display, but you can't warp to them like nodes. Handy for helping you keep track of the plot, though.

...And off we go.

There's a distinct lack of NPCs standing around town at the moment because of the rain.

Shopkeeper: A swordsman in red... you must be Stocke. Heiss told me you'd come around.
Stocke: And here I am. Tell me what you know about Vlad, and I'll take it from there.
Shopkeeper: Vlad should soon show his face at the bar in the Second Ward.
Stocke: How will I know him?
Shopkeeper: Oh, he's hard to miss. He always wears a robe.
Which, given the sprites, means he will not in fact be showing his face.
Shopkeeper: In this weather, I doubt the bar will have many patrons... Once he shows up, you should be able to spot him right away.
Stocke: All right. I'll be on the lookout for a robed man.
Shopkeeper: I've let the bartender in on the plan. He's supposed to supply Vlad with false information. Once you see him make contact with the bartender, the rest is up to you.
Stocke: Got it. Thanks.
Shopkeeper: What, leaving so soon? You seem a mite twitchy. This is an item shop! Why not buy something while you're here?
Shopkeeper: In fact... I believe Heiss specifically mentioned that the swordsman in red would spend a little cash.
Stocke: ......
I suspect this particular "......" is accompanied by a glare capable of nailing this sleazebag to the wall.

Fine. Jerk.

This looks like a bar.

...Well, that was quick.
Barkeep: What "goods" are these?
Robed Man: The offering to the Prophet.
Barkeep: Ah, yes, that... I have it right over here...
Robed Man: Sorry to trouble you, barkeep.
Barkeep: Make sure you don't open that until you're back home...
Robed Man: Absolutely. Until next time, then?
Barkeep: By all means, come again.

Says the guy in the ridiculously distinctive bright red cape-scarf-thing.
Stocke: (I'd better not make a scene in here. I'll do this outside.)

Nice of him to just stand there in the rain in the middle of the plaza like that.
Stocke: Are you Vlad?
Vlad: What's it to you if I am?
Stocke: I'm to bring you in.
Vlad: ...Ah. I wondered why you were dressed differently than your average soldier. You're Specint's hatchet man. Dedicated to your work, I see.
Stocke: Shut up.
Yeah, seriously.
Vlad: Don't you ever get to wondering? Take the Prophet Noah's guidance. Is General Hugo still giving the people the truth? It's been five years since the Prophet's been seen in public... What's he doing with himself?
Stocke: I couldn't care less. My mission is to apprehend you, and that's what I intend to do.
I think standing around in the rain is doing nothing good for Stocke's mood.
Vlad: Such obedience... More like a lapdog than a rat terrier. If there's one thing I hate about dogs like you, it's all the blind loyalty.
What is with all the people in this game insulting people with rat and dog metaphors?
Stocke: I told you once to shut up.
Vlad: And if I don't?

Vlad: Sorry, but I won't be hounded to my grave!
Oh god, now you're stooping to PUNS? This calls for swift annihilation.

Since Vlad is about as fast as Stocke, the easiest way to deal with him is to swap turns with him with the "Change" command. If you can keep him in the back row where he can't deal as much damage, all the better.

This is for all those stupid metaphors.

Unfortunately, he does not appear to have gotten the lesson. :/
Vlad: But I swear, the Prophet will be--

Where did you come from and why the hell didn't you help?
Vlad: Ngh...

Marco: That was amazing, Stocke. I'd never have guessed you were still on the mend. If you can handle a sword that well, you should have no problem getting back to work.
Stocke: You were here?
Marco: We were called as backup in case anything happened. But you handled it yourself just fine. We'll be waiting back at Heiss' office.
Stocke: All right. I'll see you there.
Upon wandering back over:

Raynie: Heiss is waiting in his office.

Stocke: ......
Stocke: So what did we manage to wring from him?
"Please tell me there weren't any more dog metaphors."
Heiss: Hmm... Yes, you should know. They were hatching a plot to plunder the army's supply of explosives. The shipment was originally meant for use at Alma Mine... I assume they have less savory intentions for the explosives.
Heiss: Well, the rebels are weak, and few in number. We can easily foil their plots before they start. The real problem here is if the explosives don't reach Alma Mine.
Stocke: If the explosives don't reach their destination in time, the repercussions would be severe.
Heiss: That's it in a nutshell.
Stocke: So... am I tasked with preventing the heist?
Heiss: No, no. I already have an agent dealing with that. I had a more delicate mission in mind for you.
Stocke: ...Tell me more.
Heiss: I won't mince words here. This mission stands a chance of putting an end to our long war against Granorg. There's no one else I can trust with such a vital mission... no one but you, Stocke.
Stocke: What's the objective?
Heiss: You will begin by heading to Granorg. More than that, I can't say now. The situation changes hourly. Once the final order is given, you'll be contacted on-site. It may seem like a roundabout way of doing things, but such are the difficulties of the mission.
Considering how COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY Heiss is, this doesn't sound shady at all!
Stocke: ...Very well.
Heiss: To start, you'll have to update yourself with the current best way to enter Granorg territory.
"Cross the border."
Heiss: To that end, you'll liaise with our border contact at Lazvil Hills. He's on another mission in the Alma Mine now, but he'll come to Lazvil when he's done.
Stocke: If it's a simple border crossing, wouldn't we just pass through the Sand Fortress? I don't see the need to pick up any special intel for that.
Ah, but that's because you don't know about the invisible beartraps out front. (No, really. I'm serious this time.)
Heiss: And if I told you that the Sand Fortress is on the verge of being recaptured by the enemy?
Stocke: Is it really?
Heiss: It's an old story now with any border stronghold. We capture it, the enemy takes it back, and we reclaim it again in an endless cycle. Control of the Sand Fortress is too fluid to be reliable for this mission.
Stocke: Hence the need for the most current information. I see.
Heiss: You'll rendezvous with the contact under the bridge at Lazvil Hills. Wait there. He'll come to you.
Stocke: All right.
Heiss: Oh, and I said this earlier when we met in the medical facility, but you'll have those two along as your subordinates for this mission again.
I'd sorta gathered that, what with how they're standing in the room while you're giving details of this supersecretultraclassified mission.
Heiss: It's a difficult mission, and you'll need to work together to accomplish it.

Marco: Let's make this another success.
Stocke: Sounds good.
Raynie: We'll wait for you outside the castle. ...Please excuse us, Heiss.
Heiss: Mmhmm. I'll be expecting as much from you as I did before.
Marco: We'll do our best to live up to your expectations, sir.

Stocke: Excuse me? Is gathering info on that one of our objectives?
Nah, it's just more cryptic foreshadowing.
Heiss: No, but... it would hardly be a waste of your time to find out. I suspect that once you know, you'll feel that it was better for you to have discovered it. So that's something to look forward to.
...Or you could just TELL US.
Stocke: ......
I choose to interpret that as Stocke agreeing with me.
Heiss: That will be all. Prepare yourselves first and then head to the bridge at Lazvil Hills.
Stocke: ...Understood.

All right, I think he's done spouting exposition at us now. Let's go.

A wild cutscene appears!

So much for "Top Secret."
Rosch: Aren't you pushing your luck a little too far with this one?
Stocke: ......
Of course.
Rosch: It's the heart of the enemy's territory, for goodness' sake.
Stocke: I know the risks.
Rosch: No, I don't think you do. Remember who's headquartered there. Queen Protea's two personal attendants, major figures in Granorg's military...
Stocke: Dias and Selvan, right?
Rosch: Right. On the one hand you have the Court Knight Dias, the most active of the Granorg army, and on the other, the scholar Selvan, with an iron grip on their Parliament. Plus, Palomides the Executioner, Dias' right-hand man, is supposed to be there too.
Rosch: Going to Granorg is putting yourself amongst the wolves. Nobody would do that unless they were willing to throw their life away.
...You do realize you are both in the ARMY, right, Rosch?
Stocke: I won't necessarily come into direct conflict with them.
Rosch: But there's no way to guarantee that. If you were to be found out... not even you could wriggle your way free of that.
Says you.
Stocke: Rosch. This is hardly the first dangerous mission I've taken. And I've never gone about any of them intending on getting myself killed.
Rosch: Can you promise me you won't become another casualty of this damned war?
Stocke: ......
Rosch: Stocke, come on... How long are you going to keep working for Heiss? I don't know what's gotten into him. He's been at odds with the army all the time lately. ....I worry sometimes that he's just using you.
Stocke: ......
At this point, I'm just cut-and-pasting that line, it appears so often.
Rosch: Do yourself a favor, man. Come back to the army. Let's work together, just like we used to.
Sorry, dude. Wrong timeline.

Stocke: Even if Heiss is using me... It's my call to make. Not yours.

Stocke: Besides, it's all the same to me if I'm working for the army or Specint. I'll do whatever job comes down for me if it's for the sake of Alistel.
Stocke: That's all.
See, Rosch, this is why you need to be careful when he stops talking. It just means he's saving up words.
Rosch: Even if it leads to your death?
Stocke: Rosch... why are you so hung up on that? You're a soldier. You know as well as I do what we were in for when we signed up.
Glad someone pointed that out.
Rosch: Right, of course. But...

Rosch: I sensed Death on you, and my premonition almost came true! Maybe this time it really will!
Stocke: ......
Rosch: Dammit! I'm trying as hard as I can, and you...

Rosch: Sonja... I don't mean to be rude, but stay out of this. This is between us two...
Sonja: Well, from my perspective, you seem to be projecting your worries onto him.

Rosch: ...Ugh. You always seem to know just where to hit where it hurts.
Sonja: I'm worried about Stocke too, but...

Stocke: I'm touched by your concern. But I'm not planning to treat this as a suicide mission. I'm just doing what's necessary for my country.

Rosch: So that's the last word as far as you're concerned, huh? I'm going to hold you to that!
Stocke: ...Feel free.

Sonja: It's because that's the only way there is... For you... and him...

Suddenly, Historia!
Lippti: You have chosen a path which diverges from your friend's. But your paths will cross again someday... I'm certain of it. Now, let us add a new chapter to the White Chronicle.

Which I do, because reasons.

I think a Chronicle chapter break is a pretty good place to put a "TO BE CONTINUED," don't you? Join us next time and you'll finally get to see that first bad end I promised you. For real this time.

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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