Radiant Historia Part 2

Aug 05, 2012 13:18

Last time on "Let's Play Radiant Historia!", we watched cutscenes, stole everything in sight, bought some stuff, and watched more cutscenes about how scary and ill-fated this mission is. This time, we find out exactly what goes wrong to merit all the ominousness. Let's get started!

Here we are in the first dungeon-y area of the game, which we will be going through over and over and over because there doesn't seem to be anywhere on the entire continent that you don't have to pass through Lazvil Hills to reach. Walking down triggers a cutscene. (If you hadn't noticed, there are quite a few of those in this game.)

Raynie: Looks like the Granorg army hasn't made it out this far yet. Think they're on their way?
Stocke: Most likely. Now's our chance to hurry onward.
Raynie: Oh, well in that case...

Marco: Oh... You're talking about the path near the river?
Raynie: That's the one. We used to use it all the time.
Marco: The Granorg army would be less likely to spot us on that path, too.

Stocke: ......?
Raynie: Hey, Stocke. Marc and I can lead the way from here.
Marco: We're eager to show you how useful we can be.
Marco, what did I tell you about talking like a robot?

Stocke: ...Good enough. Lead the way.

Raynie: Will do! C'mon, follow us!
There's an immediate transition to...

Stocke runs to where Marco's yelling, and...

Stocke: In front of you! Look out!

So much for "You could also count observation as a specialty."

Welcome to the first fight in the game. It is against a flaming chicken.

Well, okay, technically it's called a Dodo, but who's counting?

It's so hilariously weak that it only took two hits to kill, but I smacked it a few extra times. It's the only way to be sure.

Now we have an entire FIFTEEN EXP. :O

I thought we'd already established that?
Marco: Naturally. You realize we used to be mercenaries.
So why are YOU guys at level 1?
Raynie: We might not be up to your level, but we're no slouches.
Translation: "You have better stats than we do."
Stocke: Is that so?
Raynie: So you can trust us to do our share, y'know. People on a mission together ought to be able to trust each other with their lives. I hope we can get to that point.
Stocke: ...So do I, actually.

And here I was thinking Marco was shocked to encounter a stoic video game protagonist who's not as grouchy about it as Squall Leonhart.
Raynie: It does look like it's gonna rain, now that you mention it.
Stocke: Let's hurry to the rendezvous.
They leave heading south, it starts raining, and the screen pans north...

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Sorry, HIGH COLONEL Obvious.
Dias: Indeed. Still... this cacophonous deluge will let us go undetected, but it benefits the enemy just as well. Do not limit your focus to your own situation.
Incidentally, I think Dias is the only guy in the game who's prettier than Stocke.
Big guy with no portrait: Yes, sir...
????: Are you concerned because of the tip we received?
Dias: ...Conditions are ideal for vermin to be scurrying about.
????: Worry not, Sir. I am Palomides, the Executioner. I shall crush any vermin beneath my heel.
Well, THAT'S not a foreboding name at all.
Dias: Hmm... I have lofty expectations of you.
Palomides: I will not allow control of the situation to slip away, Sir. Be at ease in commanding the operation, High Colonel Dias...
Dias: So I shall.

Dias: I care for it not at all.
...Well, that didn't sound good. Anyway, back to our heroes, who have apparently made it along the path without any more deadly flaming chicken attacks.

Raynie: Well, he's not here. Think he's dead?
Stocke: Don't jump to conclusions.
Marco: Why don't we wait for a bit?
Raynie: But if we don't hurry, they'll invade Alistel! Then I can scratch one more place to call home...
Marco: Raynie...
Stocke: "Call home?" Do you mean Alistel...?
Raynie: ......
Marco: We told you earlier that we used to be mercenaries, yes?
Raynie: Marc!
Marco: I don't see any reason to try and hide it. He should know.

Marco: Anyway, yes, we once belonged to a mercenary troop. But one day, our entire force was annihilated. Raynie and I are the only survivors. It was after that when Heiss took us in.
Stocke: Heiss did that...?
Raynie: Heiss was really nice to us. This is what he said: "You survived, which marks you as necessary to this history. Come with me, and let us write history together... history as it should be."
Given the title of this game, I'm sure that is in no way foreshadowing.
Raynie: That's why Marco and I are here.
Stocke: "Write history," eh?

Marco: Hello, what's that I see? Someone's coming... It must be our spy!
Raynie: Freakin' finally!
Yeah, I bet standing in the rain in that outfit is a really unpleasant experience.
Stocke: Wait... Something's wrong...

Marco: Hell...! He's being pursued! Aren't those Granorg soldiers!?
Stocke: We have to save him!

Offscreen voice: You're not getting out of this alive, Alistel spy!

Stocke: Are you all right?

Messenger: You're...!
Stocke: Relax. We're on your side.

Stocke: Stay low and hide behind us! Raynie! Marco! The spy's life takes priority!

Soldier: It doesn't matter! However many of them come, they're no match for us!
Another soldier: I hope you're ready for us, Alistellian dogs!

Conveniently, there are now two fewer soldiers than there were in the cutscene.

An interesting feature of the combat system in this game is the ability to push your enemies around so you can hit a bunch of them at once. Unfortunately, the only movement skill I have at present is Push Assault (knocks the target back), so I can't hit that last guy at the same time.

...Though considering how little damage they do, this is not a great hardship.

New skills for everyone!

Marco: I thought something like this might happen, so I brought medicine just in case! This is my last bottle...

Messenger: ...You're a real white knight. Thank you.
I think you mean RED knight. #coloridentification101
Stocke: That's what we're here for. So then, are you alone? What's become of your escort?
Messenger: Dead. They're advancing much faster than we expected. Truth to tell, I didn't think I'd survive this far. I'd begun to despair that the intel we recovered would never make it into the right hands...
Stocke: You learned a lot about their armaments, correct?
Messenger: Yep... I even have detailed plans for the operation they're undertaking right now. If I can just get these back home... Well...
Stocke: Got it. We'll escort you the rest of the way to Alistel.
Raynie: Well, well... Looks like the first stage of our mission's complete.
Marco: It'll be hard going from here on, though... Our route home runs straight through the bulk of Granorg's army.
Seems like a poor choice of route.
Raynie: Don't forget about the ones on our heels, either.

Offscreen voice: There's been no word from the detachment that went on ahead!
Another offscreen voice: He must've escaped into Lazvil Hills... Find him!

Stocke: You two take point. I'll bring up the rear. Don't let them get the drop on you.
Marco: Leave it to us!

Raynie: Hey, we're already putting our lives in each other's hands. See? That didn't take long.
Stocke: Apparently not. Now move.

We get control back long enough to run into the next screen and grab this, but heading right on that screen triggers another cutscene...

Raynie: Which way? North, or should we try our luck down south? If you ask me, passing over the northern bridge would be the fastest way.
Messenger: No, we can't go north. The enemy will already be there in force. It may take longer, but we should pass through the south.
Marco: Then I suggest the path near the river we took coming here.
Raynie: Yeah. That'd be safer--
*menacing clicking noise, as of a crossbow loading*

Raynie: Look out!

Okay, a BUNCH of crossbows loading. Unfortunately, I missed most of the bolts, but one of them hit our friend the spy.
Raynie: No!
Marco: I- I can't believe they ambushed us here...

It sure took him a while to run those twenty feet or so.

Stocke: Later! Be on guard for the next attack! I'll hunt for the sniper!

By which he means he'll run south, pull out his sword, and stand there for a few seconds before declaring that they're gone.
Stocke: He got away... His objective must have been only to kill the spy.

The screen pans right to reveal a bunch of boxes blocking the way.
Stocke: A blockade!? The Granorg army must have put this up... Something's wrong about this. They're too well prepared...
Stocke: ...I should head back to the others.

Awkward silence is the best silence!
Stocke: ...The spy's already dead, I see.
"Marco, you really suck as a healer."
Marco: Then... we've failed, haven't we...?
Raynie: I shoulda been more careful!
Stocke: Snap out of it! Stay on task! Beating yourself up because the mission failed will only get you killed! We have an obligation to report this turn of events. Don't you want to protect your homeland?
Raynie: ......!
Marco: ...Stocke's right. We need to at least tell them what happened here.
Raynie: Yeah... Let's go!
Stocke: The south route is blockaded. We'll never get through. Our only choice is to head north.
Marco: B-But... the spy said that the enemy was already clustered up north...
Stocke: There's just no other way.
Raynie: Guess we'll have to break through some enemy lines...
Stocke: That's right. Brace yourselves.
We're back in control now, so the first thing I do is head down where we just said we weren't going.

Unfortunately, these still look pretty impassible, so we head up where we're supposed to go.

...And promptly get spotted by the guys behind us.

Raynie: Weren't they on their way up north?
Um. This IS the way north.
Stocke: No. This is a different unit. They must be part of the forces sent to hunt the spy...
Marco: Th- That's right... They'll be coming from behind us, too. What should we do, Stocke? Should we run for now?
Stocke: No... We'll end up flanked by the force headed north. We need to deal with them here.

Marco: We'll have to try, at any rate.
Stocke: Yeah... Get ready.


With them out of the way, we can head north.

While "two" may not seem like a lot of them, remember that this is video game land, where any time you see one guy, he actually turns out to be five guys and a flaming chicken.
Stocke: Careless fighting will only put us at a greater disadvantage...
Says you. Some of us want the XP, dammit.

...Or sometimes it'll just knock them back a bit so you end up hitting them over and over until it sticks.
Stocke: Let's knock them out and find a way through. Okay... let's go.

This is really handy for getting rid of enemies before they can actually hit you.

Stop taunting me!

Once you reach this bridge, another cutscene happens.

...Oh dear.
Raynie: It's High Colonel Dias... and Palomides the Executioner!
Stocke: ......
Dias: Alistel's rats should be passing right through here... Looks like our man was telling the truth.
Marco: Stocke, this is a problem! If we have to fight our way past them, it's hopeless!
Raynie: Don't go saying that! What choice do we have!?
Palomides: High Colonel, please, leave the rest to me. There's no need for you to dirty your own hands here.
Dias: No, there isn't. I leave them to you. I'm off to inspect the lines one last time before the invasion. I want them dealt with by the time I return.

Stocke: Raynie, don't be-
Raynie: You said it yourself just a minute ago! Someone needs to warn Alistel of what's happening here!
Man, Palomides sure is patient.

Marco: And no one's more likely to succeed at the task than you, Stocke.

...Well, THAT was odd.
Stocke: Enough! That's an order!
Raynie: Go, Stocke! You need to do this! I'll be damned if I stand by and watch more of my comrades die for nothing!

Unfortunately, the fact that we're already in the battle interface rather disproves that statement.
Palomides: Hmph... A spirited girl, this. But do you truly believe that you can best me? Learn for yourself why I am called the Executioner...

No fair KOing them before the turn display even comes up! >:(
Palomides: Hahahahah! Pathetic... You're far too weak! Is this the best Alistel can send against me!? And now your turn... Try and at least put up a decent fight! Though you'll die like the rat you are regardless...!

If it wasn't obvious, I'm screwed. As soon as Palomides gets a turn, he knocks you down to 1 HP and the battle goes back into cutscene-mode.

...And he makes the, frankly, completely reasonable decision to RUN LIKE HELL.
Palomides: It's useless to try escaping!
Palomides chases after our hero, but not fast enough to stop him from escaping the battle interface.

Well, this scene certainly looks familiar...
Stocke: Raynie! Marco!
Palomides: Loud though your cries may be, they won't penetrate the veil. The dead can't hear you now.
Stocke: ......!

Palomides: Yet in the end, their sacrifice will be for nothing... An only too appropriate end for the rats of Alistel!
Stocke: Ngh... I swear, Palomides...!
"In thirty levels or so, there will be a reckoning."
Palomides: What's this? You still believe you can best me? You needn't bother... You'll be rejoining your comrades soon enough. Or you could look to the Prophet Noah you rabble believe in so blindly... Pray to him with all your heart!
The screen pans left to show three more Granorg soldiers past the other end of the bridge
Stocke: (What do I do...? How can I possibly live through this...?)
Palomides: ...Here is my prophecy. You will die here! That is your fate! An ignominious death, forgotten to history! A history that will be written by Granorg!
Stocke: (No... It's too soon! I can't let it end like this!)

Stocke: (There's only one way out... Here goes!)

Unfortunately, he jumped off the edge of the bridge too fast for me to get a good screenshot.
Palomides: Either he chose his own death, or... did he expect to survive? With those wounds? In this current?
He's the hero. Of course he will.

Palomides: Let's leave no room for error. Go downstream and search for the body.
Soldiers: Yes, Sir! But... do you think we'll find anything?
Palomides: If you don't, we can assume he died and his corpse was swept away. If he did somehow live, then he can't go far... Seize him at once.

So, we're less than an hour into the game, and two of our party members are dead and the third severely injured and missing in action. Obviously, this is a great time to stop! :D Tune in next time to see how they survive (because seriously, there's no way this would be permanent).

radiant historia, atlus, screencap adventure

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