Last Scenario - Part 39

May 28, 2011 22:39

- Last time on Last Scenario, we had this duel with Castor that didn't happen, and then we explored some ruins.

Hilbert: Why? What's wrong?
Moritz: We just got an urgent transmission for you guys. It came from the airship Lemuria.
Hilbert: What!?
Moritz: The situation's like this...

Tiamat: You tell me. I haven't seen his lackeys around either.

Alison: He's not anywhere on the ship. That short stop when we landed on the island... did he leave at that point? But he ordered our departure himself. If he's gone, he must've snuck out intentionally... Why...?

Tiamat: That bastard...
Alison: ?
Tiamat: Damn him, he found it. He found the Cluster!

Tiamat: I won't let him get away with that. He'll pay for this...
Alison: Hey! You know where he's gone to?
Tiamat: Hahaha... I'll deal with him later. I've had enough of this waiting. I'm going to end this once and for all.

Alison: What are you doing? You have no authority on this ship!

- I'm not sure that's-

- -a good idea...
Tiamat: Authority? What gives you the right to order me around? Your rank means nothing to me. From now on, all that counts is the right of the strongest. You want to try to stop me, woman? You wouldn't stand a chance.

Soldier: Colonel...
Tiamat: Forget about her! I'm your master now! If you don't do what I tell you to, you'll regret it!

Tiamat: But until then, I will kill anyone who dares to go against me. Is that understood!?
Alison: Stop it!

Tiamat: What is it now? Haven't you had enough yet?
Alison: We were already planning to return to the Kingdom for maintenance. Our engineers found out that several of the fuel containers have minor tears. We don't have the means to repair them on board.

Tiamat: Hmph. How long are these repairs going to take?
Alison: I... I can't say. A couple of days, probably.

Tiamat: But no one is allowed to leave the ship unless I say so. And we're not going near any large cities. I don't want any surprise attacks.

Alison: I'm sorry...
Soldier: What you said about the fuel containers, is that actually...?
Alison: No, it's a lie. This was all I could do to buy us some time... but it still won't save us.

Hilbert: So Castor has left the airship without a word... That has to mean that he's found what he'd been looking for all this time. Why else would he just abandon the ship?

Lorenza: We have to stop her!
Moritz: The message said they've landed under the pretense of needing repairs. It included the exact location of the ship. It's hidden in the deep forests of the Kingdom. It's obvious that she wants you guys to do something quickly.
Thorve: This isn't going to be easy. It said that Tiamat threatened the crew into doing her bidding. We can't expect any cooperation from them.
Matilda: Even aside from the threats, you can't expect them to just welcome us on board. They believe that if they help Tiamat now, she'll let them go afterwards. But if they let us do the job, they'll permanently lose the ship to us, the enemy.
Hilbert: I'm not worried about the soldiers on board. I don't think most of them would try to stop us. I'm more worried about Tiamat.
Thorve: We don't know her true power, but no doubt it's greater than anything we've seen before.
Randolph: But the matter is clear. We must act fast if we want to save Entalar and capture the Lemuria.
Hilbert: Definitely. Moritz, you know where the ship's being repaired, right?
Moritz: Yeah. Let me know when you want to go there.

Lorenza: Please, hurry...
- We're now given control.

- Would what work? =/
Bergheim: No, no, that's a terrible idea. Worthless. How about this, then? Just you wait! I'm already coming up with backup plans for you! You'll need me when the time comes!

Moritz: Got it. We're off!
- Meanwhile.

- Tiamat is pacing.
Tiamat: Arghh!! Enough of this! Why are these repairs taking so long? You said it would only take a few days!
Alison: That was only an estimate! It's because you didn't let us land in Condor that it's taking longer than expected. If we had direct access to manpower and equipment, we could've been done by now.

Alison: What? But-
Tiamat: Aren't you listening? I said get everyone back inside. We're leaving. This has taken long enough. I'm running out of patience fast.
Alison: But we're not done yet with repairs! We need to think about our safety!

Tiamat: If you're worried about your safety, you'd better stop making me angry. All I care about is getting to Entalar. We're leaving! Now!
Alison: . . . .
Tiamat: Move it!

Moritz: We can't take this ship through the forests, but we can get close enough.

Hilbert: What's going on?
Sailor: There! Behind the woods! It's the airship! It's taking off!
Hilbert: What!?

Moritz: We're not going to make it in time!
Hilbert: Isn't there anything we can do!?

Bergheim: Use it as a ramp! Make this ship fly! Boom! Right into theirs!
- Wait, what?

Bergheim: What!? If you're doubting my calculations, why don't you check them yourself?
Randolph: Oh! I certainly will!
Hilbert: We don't have time for this! Randolph, is it possible?
Randolph: I... I guess it's possible, in theory. The ship's flying low, and we can go fast enough. Certainly, we can fly, for a short while. But what do you think's going to happen when we land?
Hilbert: If we can send this ship flying over the Lemuria, we can jump down and get onto it like that!
Zawu: You can't be serious. If the aim is only slightly off, we'll crash into the ground and we'll all die. There's no one who could pull off something like that.

Zawu: Don't be an idiot. It can't be done.

- And suddenly, Zawu is the only sane woman. I always thought that was Matilda's role.
Moritz: Now you've done it. This kind of challenge really gets my blood pumping again.

Moritz: All hands, abandon ship! I repeat, all hands, abandon ship!

Griffin: What about yourself, Captain?
Moritz: I have to stay. Someone's gotta steer this thing, right?

Griffin: I'll see you later then, Captain.

Moritz: If you can't fight, then get lost!
Bergheim: But... But...
Moritz: No buts! Out! Out!

Hilbert: Everything that's happened in my life up till now has been insane. Compared to everything else... this isn't so bad.
Moritz: All right! Hang on tight!

The screen shakes
Moritz: Get ready! Here we go!

Hilbert: Moritz!!

Moritz: Ahh... that was close. I'm amazed that worked.
Matilda: What happened with the captain always going down with his ship?
Moritz: It's the second ship I've lost. You get used to it. But I'd sink a hundred ships if it meant I'd get to fly this thing.
Hilbert: We're not there yet! We have to find Tiamat first!
Moritz: I hope you don't mind if I tag along.

- ...oookay. Here we are: on the Lemuria.

- Moritz seems to have taken over Hilbert's role of stating the obvious.

- Most of the rooms are pretty empty. I don't get it, why don't these people keep random treasure chests around?

- As it's not an old ruin, the main enemies are security-type things, or soldiers.

- It's also a bit of a maze, which can be annoying. I think of it as practice for when I have to navigate this thing regularly.

- Oh, a random treasure chest! Also, this place will clearly be our shop.

- And there's a save crystal here for us already! How considerate!

Hilbert: It's over, Tiamat.

Hilbert: You have nothing left.
Tiamat: Ha... Hahaha... Are you kidding me?

Tiamat: He'll get what's coming to him. Once I've destroyed Entalar, I'll take revenge on him as well!

Lorenza: I remembered, just now.

Lorenza: But... just once, he mentioned a name. It belonged to a woman that I had never met before. Her name... was Esmeralda.

Lorenza: But... the woman by that name no longer exists. She died over 300 years ago. Because you killed her.
Tiamat: Hahaha... Yes... You're right. I killed her. She, and all the others at Raka Mural... they all had to die. And when Esmeralda died, that's when I awakened. That's when Tiamat was born.
Lorenza: You poor, poor woman. My grandfather longed for Esmeralda, enough that he spared your life in the vain hope that she'd return. But he has come to understand it now. That Esmeralda is dead, and you are not her. You are only a shell of the woman with that name. There is nothing inside of you but emptiness.

Lorenza: These centuries of torment have to come to an end. Her spirit should finally be allowed to find peace.
Tiamat: Esmeralda was weak. She couldn't bear the weight of the things she discovered. She had to become me in order to survive.

Tiamat: I want to destroy everything. This lifeform that populates the planet is hopelessly broken. I'll set fire to the entire world. Burn it down to ashes. Everything must return to the source. And then, we can all start over from the beginning again.

- Tiamat is the same as before, but much stronger. She's physically powerful and light is her weakness. Let's do this.

- ...she can also do that.

- M-Shields and P-Shields are equally necessary; unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to use the former.

- It's a very difficult fight; basically, you have to keep your defenses up or you're a goner.

- With luck and a few retries, she can be beaten.

Tiamat: I'll get you... I'll make you pay for this...

The screen flashes
Matilda: Eaaghh!!
Hilbert: How can she still have this much power left!?
Tiamat: Hahahaha!! So this is how far I can go if I let go of all inhibitions... Look! All the energy of the biorite on this ship has been channeled into my body!

Tiamat: Hahaha... As soon as I've reached my limit, all the energy will be released at once! The explosion will tear this whole ship apart!
Hilbert: What!?
Tiamat: Hahaha... I don't care about anything anymore. I just want to destroy you. If I'm going down... I'm taking all of you with me!!

Tiamat: Ghhhh... Let go of me!!
Alison: Quick, Ethan! Open the hatch! Use the lever to your right!
Ethan: Alison! Wait!
Alison: There's no time! If you don't do it, we'll all die!

Alison: And you, you all have to keep fighting! Do it! Now!

Alison: Thank you, Ethan.

Ethan: Colonel. You were always my best.
Alison: I apologize. I can't salute you back...

Tiamat: Aahhhhh!!!

Hilbert: No!!

An explosion is heard; the screen shakes

Hilbert: It's over... Now it's just him left.
Moritz: Hey! Let's hurry and turn this ship around!

Next time on Last Scenario... is it really time for the final showdown? Well, if I'm honest, not before we do a whole bunch of sidequests. Still, hang in there. Soon!

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