Last Scenario - Part 33

Aug 19, 2010 22:02

- Last time on Last Scenario: Mission Accomplished! Unfortunately, what we accomplished was raising more questions and, uh... well, does it help the Republic Freedom Army if we cross out one of their options?

Randolph: If the situation were any different, I'd be ecstatic about this discovery. It's a shame, but I'm sure we'll get a better opportunity to study it in the future.
Drakovic: Well, I can't say it came entirely as a surprise. Thanks for trying, anyway.
Hilbert: So uh, does this mean you're going to have to dig the tunnel to Stonewall yourself now?
Drakovic: No, I've decided to do away with the tunnel idea altogether. It'd take too long.
- Where we're going, we don't need tunnels.
Drakovic: Frankly, it was a silly idea in the first place, but the discovery of those ruins could've saved it. Anyway, I feel like I can think more clearly now.
- I know I can, now that I'm done with those platforms.
Drakovic: Don't worry about anything. I'll have a new plan by tomorrow.
Hilbert: So you've got nothing else for us to do at the moment?
- He means, besides playing Hex.
Drakovic: No, just go get some rest for now. I'm sure you can all use it.
Hilbert: We'll come back tomorrow, then.
- Later that night...

Drakovic: Want to have a seat?
Matilda: Is that part of your strategy as well?
Drakovic: I strategically prepared a drink for both of us. Does that count?
- Totally.

Drakovic: And for better or worse, neither have you.

Drakovic: I didn't want to show it at the time, but it didn't sit well with me to fight against an old friend.
Matilda: Don't think I've already forgiven you, Drakovic. All of this happened because the Republic was greedy and couldn't keep their hands off the Empire.
Drakovic: You would've done it too, wouldn't you? If you'd still been in the Republic army. You wouldn't have refused your orders either. So why is it different? Because I'm higher ranked?
- No, because you're an NPC.
Drakovic: Do you think I didn't warn the Colonel about the dangers of the mission?
- And I'm sure he listened!
Matilda: It's different... because I've personally met the people on the other side. I probably can't expect you to feel the same way.
Drakovic: Maybe so... but don't get me wrong. I wasn't entirely against it. I still think it would've been better for the Empire in the long run.
Matilda: Let's stop arguing about this. It's nothing that can be changed.

- Yeah, she got to stick a spear in Newick's face.
Drakovic: You're always in the middle of things. People are thinking of you guys as heroes.
- That too.
Drakovic: But me, I just sit here and make plans. I just ask others to risk their lives for me.
- If you're going to angst, don't. It doesn't suit you.

Matilda: I guess I was wrong. You really have changed.
Drakovic: I take my job more seriously than it may look like sometimes. I worry, Matilda. I worry a lot. There are days when I do nothing but worry. But I can't let it show to my men. They need strong leadership more than anything.
Matilda: You really are a good leader, huh?
Drakovic: Right now, the Republic is me. That may sound self-centered, but it's the truth. If I fail here, the country as we know it will be gone forever.

Drakovic: You become cautious, afraid to take action. You think, what if it goes wrong? What if I miscalculated? You want to sit back and wait for the perfect opportunity. You wait, you wait, and you keep waiting.

Drakovic: We don't have any advantages here. We simply can't win through conventional means. If I have a plan that could win us this war, I need to do it, right? No matter the risk.
Matilda: So you have a plan?
Drakovic: Maybe.
Matilda: *sigh* And so you immediately slip back into your old habits.
Drakovic: But Matilda, I need to thank you. For the first time since we got back, I can rest a little easier. Now that you're here, my mind's no longer as clouded. I can look at the situation as it really is. Because right now, it's no longer me who's the last shining beacon of hope for the Republic.

Matilda: Hey, don't start pushing the responsibility on me all of a sudden.

Matilda: It was your quick thinking that got us out of there.
Drakovic: Ah, but if I remember correctly, my plan would've never worked if it weren't for your bravery.
Matilda: All right, how about we share the responsibility this time?
Drakovic: I can live with that.

Matilda: I'll be sure to prepare for anything.
- The next morning...

Hilbert: A favour?
Drakovic: Yeah. It's nothing dangerous, but you might think it's not worth your time. You know what the enemy general looks like, right?
Hilbert: Yeah. Why?
Drakovic: Can you go keep an eye on the Stonewall gates for a while to see if he comes out?
- Why, is it his birthday?
Drakovic: That's all you have to do, really. Just look out for him.
- Should we bring party hats?
Hilbert: Well, I guess we can do that.
- Party hats aren't very ninja-like.
Drakovic: Thanks, it'd be a big help.
- Off to Stonewall! \o/

- This is going to be the best birthday party ever.

- At least we're not conspicuous.
Hilbert: We've been here for two hours now, and there doesn't seem to be any movement.
- All the ice cream is melting.
Thorve: If you ask me, there's nothing out of the ordinary going on in the city.
- And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?
Hilbert: How long do you think we're supposed to stay here?
- Let's count. "Are you one? Are you two? Are you three?..."
Matilda: I don't know, but it feels like a waste of time.
- " a zoo, you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too~! ♫"
Hilbert: ... A waste of time, you said?
- That would be the best party ever!
Matilda: Huh? Why do you ask?
- ...wait, no. Worst party ever.
Hilbert: It's weird. This doesn't feel right. It almost seems like he's stalling.
Matilda: What, you mean Drakovic?
- Is this supposed to be a surprise party?
Matilda: You think he sent us here to get us out of the way for a while?
- Wait... Matilda, is it your birthday?

- You forgot your own birthday!?
Matilda: I didn't think it was suspicious, but now that you mention it...
- He's probably waiting.
Hilbert: I think we should go back.
Matilda: Yeah, we've been here for long enough. Let's go.

Drakovic: Oh, you've come back. I guess there was no activity at the capital yet?

Matilda: You didn't really think the General was going to come out, did you?
Drakovic: We don't have time for this. You have to get out of here immediately.

- what
Hilbert: What!? They've found this base?
Matilda: But how do you know they're coming? We didn't see any troops leaving the capital yet.
Drakovic: I know because I leaked out this information myself.
Matilda: You... What!?
Hilbert: But... why would you do that?
Matilda: Have you gone mad all of a sudden? Why didn't you tell us about this earlier?
Drakovic: If I'd told you, you might've tried to stop me.

Matilda: All right. Tell me what your brilliant plan is then.
Drakovic: We're only a small group, so they're not going to send their whole army out to fight us. As soon as our scouts see them coming, we'll retreat into the mountains, and ambush them. Everyone's ready to give it their all. Defeating these first troops should be easy. What's the General going to do then? All he can do is send even more men. He knows this may be his only opportunity to destroy us, so this time he'll go out in full force.

Drakovic: A team like yours should have no problem breaking into the council hall and rescuing the Consul. If the enemy general's still in town - like I think he will be - even better. Take him out too.
Matilda: This is ridiculous. What makes you think he's going to fall for this in the first place?
Drakovic: Why do you think that general returned to the island, when the Republic has already been defeated? There's only one explanation. They sent him back specifically to get rid of us. We're dangling a piece of meat in front of him that he can't possibly resist.

Drakovic: Long enough for you guys to succeed. That's all we have to do. If we're on the verge of defeat, we can always pull out. We can always build another camp elsewhere.
Hilbert: Matilda... let's do it. It's too late to stop it. All we can do is make the best of it.
Matilda: Drakovic... You'd better come back alive. Otherwise I'll have no one to blame for this mess.
Drakovic: Just have faith in my plan, and I'll have faith in your strength. Just like the old days.

Matilda: We'll definitely get the Consul out of the city.

- Meanwhile...

Captain: Yes, Sir. The rebels are hiding in the mountains, right outside the city.
Castor: And you've confirmed this rumour?
Captain: Yes, Sir. It's not a rumour. I personally sent scouts to confirm it, and they reported that there is indeed an army camp there. We've even spotted the rebel leader, former Republic Commander Drakovic.
Castor: Ah, this is excellent news. Captain, the fifth and sixth division together should be more than enough to deal with them. I'll give you command. Overwhelm them before they have a chance to organize themselves. Don't return until every rebel is either dead or captured.
Captain: Yes, Sir!

- Well, here we go.

- They won't see us standing here or anything.
Hilbert: Do you think there'll be few enough troops left that we can break through them?
- We're not conspicuous.
Matilda: Who knows. All I can tell you is that we'll have a much easier time than the men back at the camp. They're risking their lives to buy us time, so we'll have to do whatever we can to succeed.
Thorve: Quick! Hide! Someone's coming!

Earp: The rebel army was waiting for us. The sixth division was ambushed as soon as they entered the camp. They've been almost completely wiped out, and the fifth division is struggling.
Castor: So they were ready for it... Could it have been a trap?

- Good choice. That's not what we wanted you to do at all.
Castor: Only the first division will remain here. Everyone else must join the battle.
Earp: A-Are you sure?
Castor: Even if it's a trap, they're finally out in the open. This is a golden opportunity. They won't be counting on us to send a massive force. They think they can whittle down our numbers like this. No matter how clever they think they are, they won't last long in a straight battle.

Earp: Yes, Sir. Helio is still at Serinal Port, and Flynn is inspecting the harbour as you ordered. Should I call them back?
Castor: No, it's all right. We don't have the time. Earp, I want you to lead the reinforcements personally. Go and leave straight away.
Earp: But Sir, what about you?
Castor: Haha, you think I'm worried about the likes of them. If they show up here, they'll be forced to fight out in the open. They won't stand a chance.
Earp: Understood, Sir.

- Still not conspicuous.
Hilbert: There they go...
Matilda: Damn, I wasn't expecting that many of them. Did they really send out their whole army?
- Yep. Weren't you watching the cutscene?
Matilda: We'll have to act fast, or there'll be nothing left of Drakovic's forces.
Hilbert: All right, is everyone ready? At least we know the way, so we can head straight for the council hall.
- Let's do this.

- See? They didn't notice us.
Hilbert: Hmm... We're some unexpected guests, I guess?
- You really need to work on your snappy one-liners, Hilbert.
Guard: They're suspicious. Get them!
- Suspicious. But not conspicuous.

- This is a difficult battle.

Hilbert: Now to get to the other side of the city...
Thorve: The city won't be a problem. If we blend in with the crowd, the guards won't notice us.
- Because we're not conspicuous.
Thorve: But the council hall itself will no doubt still be well-protected.
- Like the gates were?
Hilbert: We'll worry about that when we get there. We've been through worse.

Hilbert: We could take them, but... I don't want to draw too much attention here. The barracks are right around the corner.
Thorve: Wait a minute...

- Thorve what are you doing
Thorve: You... You are all Republic soldiers, aren't you?
Soldier: Used to be. There ain't no Republic anymore. Now we're stuck guarding this place for the Kingdom... but it's better than getting laid off.
Thorve: Wouldn't you want to get back at the Kingdom if you had the chance?
Soldier: Shh! Don't talk about things like that! If they hear you...
Thorve: Did you know that, as we speak, the Freedom Army is fighting against the Kingdom troops? We're here to kill the enemy general and rescue the Consul. If we succeed, victory will be ours.
Soldier: Wait... are you serious? We're that close to winning?
Thorve: You have two options: either let us pass, or we'll force our way through.
Soldier: Well, I sure don't feel like dying here to save the Kingdom.

Soldier: I heard a rumour that you defected to the Empire... but you really came back for us!
Soldier: You've gotta do it. We'll be praying for you.
Soldier: No, I've got a better idea! Is it all right if we spread the news about the battle in town? We'll get everyone together and rile up the people! I know a lot of us have been waiting for this!
Thorve: Be careful what you do. There are still plenty of enemy soldiers here. I don't want a civilian bloodbath to happen in town.
Soldier: You got it.
Thorve: Oh, is the General still inside?
Soldier: Yeah, I tihnk so. I haven't seen him come out.
Thorve: Good.

- Quick stop to save here...

- Meanwhile...

Major: We've lost all contact with the eastern wing. Either they've fled, or...
Drakovic: The enemy general's better than I expected. Looks like he sent every single man he could spare. How long will we last at this rate?
Major: Not much longer. If we don't do something fast, we'll be annihilated.
Drakovic: But it's too soon. If we retreat now, Matilda and Hilbert won't have enough time. What's more, we're getting swarmed. Even if we try to escape, we'll lose a lot of men in the process.
Major: Sir, if I may speak freely... We all want to survive this battle, but the most important thing is that we win. If there is any way, any way at all to ensure victory, please do it. It's better than dying for nothing.
Drakovic: You're right. I understand. I'm changing the plan.

Drakovic: Lead as many as you can to Stonewall, and try to take over the city. If they sent such a large portion of their army here, we may have a chance.

Major: S-Sir!? Why are you going back?
Drakovic: I'm the Commander. It's me they're after. If I run in the direction of the camp, they'll definitely come after me.
Major: But that's madness! You'll-
Drakovic: Trust me. I have a plan.
Major: Commander... We'll do everything we can to take control of the capital!

- Back to us!

- Plenty of soldiers to fight, that's for sure.

- And here we are.

Castor: But I never expected that it'd be you people again. Even you have come, Ethan.

Hilbert: Your army's not here to protect you. We're going to take back this country.
Castor: It must be fate, Hilbert, that we keep meeting each other. But only one of us can prevail in the end. Last time in Entalar, I was holding back. I just wanted to test your strength. But this time, you have no chance of winning.
Zawu: Castor, don't do this.
Castor: It's you who shouldn't be doing this, Zawu. It's pointless trying to oppose me. I've broken the Republic, the Empire, and even the Havali. Even you all are no threat to me. No one in this world is my master.

Matilda: I won't give your backup time to get here!
Castor: Oh well. If that's how you want it...

- Castor is stronger than last time, naturally. He has the same moves, however...

- ...not that that's a good thing when practically all of them cause status effects and/or massive damage.

- Like last time, though, it's a matter of staying alive and dealing as much damage as possible.

- The key is to keep defenses up, mainly. He eventually goes down.

Castor: Hold on... Let me get up again...

Castor: H... Huh?
Hilbert: You've lost, Castor.
Castor: No, no... I can't lose. I never lose.
- Actually this is the second time.

Castor: No!! I... I will not bow down to anyone! I'm the one in charge! Me! I won't be at your mercy!!

castor: I... I can't do anything. It's... It's just like that time. It's just like Cromwell again.

Hilbert: Brother?
Castor: Wait! Don't leave me, brother!!

Castor: No... Don't tell me... You don't recognize me anymore? You... You saved my life!
The screen flashes
Ethan: Ugh...

Female Soldier: It's the Empire! They're still here! Quick! Kill them all!

The boy nods
Female Soldier: What's your name?
Boy: E... Ethan.

- ...
Female Soldier: You can drop that sword now. I'll protect you.
- what
Ethan: Please...
- (If you saw that coming... you're lying.)
Ethan: Please... protect my brother.
Zawu: Your brother?

Ethan: Castor!
Castor: E-Ethan... I'm so scared. I wanted to do something, but... but...
Zawu: Are you two... the only survivors?

Zawu: Everything will be all right.

Next time on Last Scenario, the Republic is free at last, and we're left to pick up the pieces... or as many as we can find.

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