Last Scenario - Part 31

Jun 09, 2010 12:03

- Last time on Last Scenario, we did our best to pick up the pieces after the commotion in Entalar. Time to head out and see what Wilhelm's up to.

Hilbert: Yeah, we're leaving.
Moritz: All right, get on board. I'm dying to see what this ship's capable of.

- Whooo~ I like it. It's pretty~
Hilbert: Wow, it looks impressive.
Randolph: It's hard to believe they'd build something like this just to leave it here to rot.
Moritz: I didn't catch much of it, but I guess they built this ship in case they'd ever need it. Maybe they just needed something to od. I'd get bored after years in these caves too.

Moritz: Sorry if I sound impatient, but I'm anxious to test something.
Hilbert: Test something?
Moritz: Yeah, they told me this ship's special, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Thorve: Special... how?

- ...
Randolph: A ship... that can go over land?
- ...heck...
Matilda: How is that possible?
- ...yes...!
Moritz: The mechanics are still beyond me, but it floats on some kind of cushion.
Randolph: Interesting. I'd like to study it more closely during the trip.

- Oh no you don't.

- We have somewhere to be first, Emperor's letter be damned.

- Incidentally, this ship is faster than the first one. If I wanted to completely map out the seas, I could do it more easily than with the original Brunhild, but I'll save that for a later time.

- Oh lookie here, a pillar puzzle. :|

- Aaaand the doors open!

- The enemies are almost pathetically weak after everything we did in Entalar, so this place shouldn't take long to clear.

- As you've seen, the way to solve the puzzles is to make all the pillars disappear.

- And no one said it had to be two at a time.

- ...oh boy.

- Glad that's done... Dx

- It prevents sleep and poison. Gee, I wonder if that's a hint about the boss.

- afjdks;jf;lkdsafs

- I really love being a lucky guesser at times like this.

- ...well, at least this one won't try to attack us. I mean, they wouldn't pull that twi-

- -&(*@#.

- True to prediction, it goes right ahead and poisons the party.

- ...aaand, there's the sleep.

- Note to self: bring more than two anti-sleep accessories in the future.

- Despite lack of preparation, it goes down. Eventually.

- Increases Intelligence, causes slow status.

- Okay, fine, let's actually do what we're supposed to. Spoilsport.

- WAITWAITWAIT what's this? o:

- There are four little colored circles on it. Huh. OH WELL GUESS THIS IS FOR LATER ON.

- ...anyway.

Grauss: You should've let us know you were coming. We would've prepared a more suitable reception for you.
- ...someone hasn't changed.
Hilbert: Did we come at a bad time?
Grauss: No, not at all. You're welcome here any time. We were just worried about your safety. When we lost contact with you and the Brunhild, we were fearing the worst.
Hilbert: Yeah... We've been through a lot, but at least everyone's still safe. More importantly, how are things here? The message we got wasn't very descriptive. I hope nothing bad happened.
Grauss: No. In fact, things have been going extremely well. Everyone is working hard to rebuild the empire.

Grauss: I apologize for the confusion, but it would be dangerous if the contents leaked out.
Hilbert: Huh? Who was it from, then?
Grauss: Come, let me take you to see the Emperor first. We'll discuss this in private.

- ...huh? Oh, a brief timeskip. They should warn us about those.
Wilhelm: An entire race of people... completely erased from our history?
Grauss: I can't believe all of this was covered up by the same people we've treated as heroes. These are serious crimes that our ancestors have committed. It's no wonder they wanted revenge.
Hilbert: But hopefully we can change their minds and put an end to the hatred.

Hilbert: Yes, I agree. The fact that it was covered up is what caused all these problems in the first place.
Lorenza: I feel the same way, but I don't think this is the right time. Above all else, my people need time to come to terms with what happened and restore order in Entalar. We are not ready yet to make contact with the world outside.
Wilhelm: I see... I will leave it up to the Havali themselves to decide when the time is right. But in any case, Lorenza, on behalf of the North Empire, I give you my fullest support. We'll need to do our part as well on the long road towards coexistence.
Lorenza: Thank you, your Highness. I appreciate it very much.

- Oh. That.
Wilhelm: Yes... That's right. As you've probably already heard from the General, it didn't come directly from us.

- So... Drakovic, then.
Matilda: There are still people actively fighting against the Kingdom occupation?
Grauss: Yes, and they're surprisingly effective too, considering their low numbers.
- That last part sounds like a description of our party.
Grauss: The Kingdom had an easy time seizing the island, but these rebels aren't giving them a minute of peace.

- Told you~
Matilda: You've got to be kidding... It's Drakovic?
Grauss: That's his name. The message was signed personally by him.
Hilbert: Let me guess. He wants our help?
- No, actually, he just wants us to bring some fast food over.
Wilhelm: There were two requests, actually. One was that you would come to assist him. The other was about the release of the Republic soldiers we took prisoner.
Grauss: We're talking about 500 men total. For a small group of rebels, that could make a major difference.
Hilbert: So basically, he wants us to go and bring his men back to him.
Thorve: It's a clever move. The Empire can't actively support the rebellion, or they'd risk war with the Kingdom. Even if you are opposed to the Kingdom, your Highness, you can't afford another war at this point.

- It's great to be main characters~
Wilhelm: Yes, we reached the same conclusion.
Grauss: He's got some nerve asking this, considering how the Republic was marching on our soil just recently. But he knows that the Kingdom is a much larger problem at this point, for us as well.
Matilda: General, if the Emperor gave you the order to invade another country, you would obey, wouldn't you? Even if you didn't agree with it, your principles wouldn't allow you to refuse. It's the same for him.

- \o/
Matilda: This time, he's in charge himself. I'm certain he wants nothing more than to liberate Pargon Island.
Grauss: I would obey my orders, yes, but I'd still carry responsibility for my actions. But regardless, you're right. The Kingdom is our largest concern at the moment.
Wilhelm: We've already discussed it, and we're willing to release all the prisoners. However, whether you go or not is entirely up to you.
Grauss: Another thing. There is something strange about his request that maybe you can explain. Although he asked for the prisoners' release, he explicitly said not to let them go yet. He would 'give us further instructions at the right time'.
Matilda: That sounds just like him. He probably already has some clever plans with those men. But I'm no strategist. I can't tell you what they are. You'd have to ask Drakovic himself.

Matilda: You don't have to ask me twice. Thorve and I are definitely going to help out. What about you, Hilbert?
Hilbert: Of course. It's my homeland too. I won't let you go by yourselves.

Lorenza: I'll come no matter where you go.
Randolph: Yes, there's no need to ask. It's what we came here to do, after all.
- Ethan and Zawu express their agreement through the Kingdom custom of remaining completely silent.
Grauss: I will personally inform the prisoners about what's going on. They'll need to get ready to leave at any time. We don't know what this man is planning.
Hilbert: All right. We'll leave as soon as possible. Let's hope everything goes well... It would be good for the people of Pargon.
- Mean-whiiile:

Castor: Our alliance with the Havali has ended. Their grandmaster was killed by the enemy.
- "And by 'the enemy', I mean 'me personally'."
Alfred III: H-How could this be? We were certain that nothing would happen to them. And where is Zawu? Hasn't she returned with you?
Castor: I'm afraid she is no longer on our side, your Majesty. She betrayed us. Moreover, the alliance was based on a lie. The Grandmaster only sought to use us for his own gain. Perhaps it's for the better that it came to an end.

- And then Castor died for no good reason.
Alfred III: No, stop that. Get up.
- Haha. I totally got you with that last one, didn't I?

Alfred III: I need you, Castor. You've brought us many victories. Instead of being punished for what was out of your control, you deserve to be rewarded for your loyalty.
- I mean, I bet you totally thought "oh no, they're going to actually kill off Castor randomly".
Castor: I humbly accept your gratitude, your Majesty. Please, tell me what you would have me do.
- Except then they didn't.

- Not that it would really be an 'oh no' situation.
Alfred III: They're nothing more than an annoyance, but I'm growing tired of it. I want you to return to Pargon Island and strike this rebellion down once and for all.
- He is our enemy.
Castor: Ah, that insignificant bunch? Very well, your Highness. I'll return to my duties on Pargon Island. Allow me to excuse myself.

- Yes, by being put in charge of an important mission.
Castor: Of course not. He's lost a lot of allies all of a sudden. He doesn't want to lose me too. A little show of humility is all that was necessary.
- Important missions are totally consequences.

Flynn: Are you all right, Sir?
- See? He knows it's a consequence now!
Castor: Oh... Yes. We're going back to Pargon Island, that's all. It's just that...

- I mean, hello. Important general having to deal with silly little rebels?

- That has to kinda suck.
Castor: I would've liked to speak to him longer.
Helio: Are you regretting your decision?
Castor: No, there's no use for regret. What's done is done. We've ultimately come out stronger. Trust is of vital importance. I know I can expect absolute loyalty from each of you. Together, we could take on the entire world.
- I bet he'd much rather be fighting main characters like us--

- --oh, wait.
Helio: I'm not sure about your decision to bring that woman here with us.
- Huh? Who are w-- oh, right. Tiamat. Crazy Havali lady.
Earp: Yeah, we all feel the same way about her. She could turn on us at any time.
Castor: Relax. I know she won't, at least not yet. As long as she believes that she needs us, she'll be under our control.
Flynn: But still, she's dangerous. I really don't think we need her at all.
Helio: She's a liability. What is the benefit of keeping her around?

Castor: You know the story, right? Or at least the essentials. She was sealed by Barasur, about forty years before the great war. Years before Havali and humans met. Logically, that should mean she's never met humans before, right?

Earp: I see... So you think she's seen humans before?
Castor: All that I know is that things aren't adding up. I think she's hiding something... something that's closely connected with how she became so powerful. I want to know just what that is.

All: Yes, Sir!

With that, we return to the party. Well, it's been fun -- next time on Last Scenario, we see Drakovic again! And help with some rebel stuff... or deliver fast food, I forget which. That's all. Bye-bye for now!

last scenario

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