Last Scenario - Part 23

Apr 01, 2010 15:51

Oh, man. Man. I am so, so sorry this took so long. Between going ages without computer access and having a ton of other projects to work on, I just never got around to uploading the images. Thank my brother for reminding me of this.

- Last time on Last Scenario, we BLEW STUFF UP. Hell yeah~

- Having destroyed the first Entalar seal, we report back to the enthusiastic yet inefficient Konrad.
Randolph: Good. Let's take a look at it. We need it to find our next destination.

Randolph: By a digging site, I mean a place that would contain considerable amounts of biorite. Well, we established these locations through measurements and extrapolation. It's not 100% accurate, but it'll be close enough.
Ethan: What we're looking for is a place with a high biorite concentration, somewhere south of the Empire.
Konrad: We determined several of those - for example, here, here, and here. But most of those are at the bottom of the ocean...
Ethan: That's not right. It was definitely on land.
Randolph: Well then, how about here? This seems to be a small volcanic island.
Ethan: A volcanic island... Yes. I think that's the place.
Randolph: Excellent. We'll start searching there.

- As the map shows, it's pretty far southeast of here. Well, let's get sailing.

- Here we are--

- ...oh, what the heck? D8

Hilbert: Then what's this?
Randolph: Oh, how foolish of me. This should've been in the records already. What you see here is, essentially, crystallized energy. It's naturally occuring, but very rare.
Matilda: Forget about that. How do we get past it? It's repelling us when we try to go near.
Randolph: Well, the easiest way is to wait a year or two for it to decompose.
- Oh, that's just dandy.
Hilbert: I... don't think we have that long.
Randolph: Of course not. The other way is to go around it, but that seems difficult on this kind of terrain...

- Now you tell us.
Randolph: He should know a way to remove the crystals.
Hilbert: Where does this man live?
Randolph: Haha, well... I'm not quite sure myself. You see, he's a little... eccentric, so he moved away from the city to live by himself.
Matilda: Eccentric? Coming from you that worries me a lot.
Hilbert: So, you don't know where he lives at all?
Randolph: Well, he's still somewhere in the Empire, that's for sure.

- I really wonder where this guy could be!

Randolph: Bergheim! Open up! It's me, Randolph!
???: Randolph? You mean... 'Top of the class' Randolph? 'Look how smart I am' Randolph? That Randolph?
- Oh boy...
Randolph: My my, is this how I'm being remembered?

Bergheim: Of course, I clean regularly. Even a little dust would be murder on the delicate machinery I build. Now, what do you want?
Randolph: Come on, no need to be so stiff. We haven't seen each other for a long time, after all.
Bergheim: You're still the same as always. I don't care for small talk, just tell me what you need.
Randolph: All right, all right. We need a way to destroy a few solid energy crystals. You must've built some kind of tool to do that, haven't you?
Bergheim: Yes. I have.
Randolph: Good, good. Can you give it to us, then?
Bergheim: G-Give it to you? You want to take the product of years of my research away from me? For free?

Bergheim: Would you even credit me? Would you tell people 'The great Bergheim made this all possible'?
Randolph: Of course! We'd be very grateful. Besides, you know how it works. Just make another one.
Bergheim: Randolph, your audacity never ceases to surprise me.

Bergheim: I don't want to hear you beg for it any longer.

Bergheim: That's Thorve, isn't it?
Randolph: Yes, it's him.
Bergheim: Ehh, really? I didn't know he came back... I'm surprised to see you working together again after you used to curse him so much, Randolph.
Randolph: Bergheim! There was no need to say such things in his presence! What are you thinking? Is this some way of getting back at me? Just give us that device!
- Randolph is angry... huh. That's an interesting one.

Received 'Bergheim Ray'!
Randolph: We certainly will!

Hilbert: Thank you?
- Back to the crystals...

- Take that!

- This place, though you can't tell yet, is quite full of lava.

- "You may not have realized this, but stepping into lava could be hazardous to our health."

Randolph: There seems to be a path further down... but it looks dangerous.

Hilbert: Okay.

Randolph: It would be severely harmful if we stayed here for long.
Thorve: But it's still possible to get to the other side through here, if we hurry.
Randolph: Certainly, and it's probably our only choice too. It's nothing serious as long as we don't have to spend a lot of time down here.
Thorve: Should we go back and tell the rest to come, then?

Randolph: It surprises me... You didn't even confront me about what Bergheim said. Maybe you didn't think it was true?
Thorve: Does it really matter? It's in the past.
Randolph: I can't say I don't feel a little guilty, especially after how I lectured you when you returned.
Thorve: You lost your son, Randolph. I can't blame you for being irrational at a time like that.

Randolph: Or do you think you deserved to be blamed?
Thorve: Randolph.

Thorve: Why do you keep pushing the issue? Do you just want me to admit I'm still hung up on it?

Randolph: He had it the worst, since he was there to hear it. You may not have known about this, but... Throughout all of it, he didn't defend himself once. He didn't get angry or sad, he... He just kept a straight face, with this guilty look in his eyes.

Randolph: And now he's gone as well.

Randolph: I feel like an idiot worrying about what I said that long ago when even you already left it behind you.

Thorve: Randolph...

- With that cutscene over, we head off to brave the most likely timed area ahead of us.

- Actually, what it does is damage your HP every couple seconds. Nasty.

- Good thing it's not far.

- ajfkd;sjfkljdsaflkdsaf

- Ahem. Anyway, this is probably the seal...

- ...which is guarded by a living clock with no speed. Huh.

- I'm serious. This thing is slower than Mati--oh, this attack? It causes the Amnesia status effect (lowers Int).

- The real pain, honestly, is when it starts trying to put your whole party to sleep.

- It does drop some nice jewelry though!

Hilbert: We've reached the second seal. Randolph, you'll destroy this one too?
Randolph: Of course. Let's get to work immediately.

Randolph: Precision is not that important here. We're not concerned about keeping the rest intact.
Thorve: Randolph.
Randolph: Yes?

Thorve: He knew what you were going through, so he just let you vent, regardless of how he felt himself. He wouldn't have held it against you, nor do I. Stop worrying about it.
Randolph: Haha, it's kind of embarassing, isn't it? I got all flustered when Bergheim made that remark. I wasn't ready for all that to come back to me.
Thorve: Let's forget about it, Randolph. We've got more important things to worry about.
Randolph: Yes... you're right.
There is the sound of an explosion

- Without further ado, we get outta there.

Hilbert: But if it's in the middle of the Kingdom, will it be hard to get inside, Ethan?
- Of course not. We're ninjas.
Ethan: I can't tell from here. The complex itself will be heavily defended. After all, that's their strategy, to protect the last seal. I haven't been there in years, so things may have changed.
Matilda: Do we stand much of a chance if we walk in through the front door?
Ethan: We stand a chance. We may even make it to the seal. But as soon as the alarm is raised, thousands of troops could be sent in. We wouldn't make it out alive.
Hilbert: So we need to get in without being noticed.
Ethan: If that's at all possible.
Hilbert: We should at least go see if there's a possibility before we give up. Where is it?
Ethan: Yes, it'd be best if we checked out the area first. If we're trying to get close, the nearest city would probably be Lawshire.
Moritz: Lawshire, huh? I've heard of it before, but I'm not sure where it is.

Moritz: There you go. Good work, Griffin. Well, anytime you're ready. Just give me the word and we'll go look for it.

- Before going to Lawshire, however...

- We're going to look into a certain 'Tower of Penance'.

- ...wait, what?

- ...okay. Never mind. I'm out of here.

- As I was saying! To Lawshire, with no detours whatsoever!

- Whose woods these are, I now do know/For they're in Kingdom land, and so/Without a doubt, I tell you now/Lawshire awaits us right below

Ethan: Be careful. The Rosehart army has a strong presence in this city.
Hilbert: But unless there are any people here who've fought us before, they won't recognize us. We should be fine as long as we don't attract any attention.

- Lawshire is really a nice town, as this screencap proves! Er, but anyway. Let's look around.

Ethan: Wait, that was...
Hilbert: Ethan?
Ethan: Let's go after her. I know that woman.

Ethan: Oh, I see... you've been promoted to Lt. Colonel. It's been a while.

Ethan: Don't you recognize me?
Alison: Hold on... You... You're Ethan?

Ethan: Died? Yes, that's what you were supposed to think. In truth, I was imprisoned, and used in an experiment. That's how I came to look like this.

Alison: I can't believe it...
Ethan: There are many things you don't know. You are now commander of the forces here, aren't you? But, do you know about the building nearby? The seal?
Alison: That's classified information. I don't need to know. It's some sort of defense mechanism, that's all I was told.
Ethan: That's not what it-
There is a knock at the door

Helio: Important matters.

Helio: Efficiency has gone up, costs have gone down, and you are rated highly by your men. However, while I can't fault your administrative skills, your combat experience is lacking.
Alison: I do what I can, Sir.
Helio: Don't misunderstand me. You are one of our most valued officers. But it would be a shame to have your reputation tarnished by something you are not fit to handle. If what I'm about to say has you worried, I can send someone else to take your place here.
- Oh, great; I think I know where this is heading...
Alison: I appreciate your concern, but what exactly is the matter?

- Goddammit, Helio. :|
Helio: They're highly dangerous professionals. We should not take them lightly.
Alison: A... A terrorist attack?

Alison: I don't even know exactly what its purpose is, and yet it's being targetted by terrorists...? I can't help but wonder, why would they choose a location like that?
Helio: They must've heard rumors about it being vital to the nation's safety. Even if they don't know the specifics, they think that destroying it will severely hurt us.

Helio: Access to information should be limited to those who absolutely need to know.
Alison: Yes, Sir. I understand. I have no more questions.
Helio: Now, I'm afraid we don't have much time, so it would be best if you'd give me your decision right now. I can't stay here myself, so I'm leaving this matter to you. Will you transfer elsewhere or not?
Alison: Thank you for the offer, but I can't abandon this post. I'm sure you understand. I'm still a soldier. I'll stay here and take care of it.
Helio: As you wish. Once I've finished my own business, I'll come back to see how things are proceeding.

Alison: It can't be a coincidence that you're here right now. You are the one who's trying to destroy the seal, aren't you?
Ethan: Yes.
Alison: So you really turned against us...
Ethan: As I said, there are many things you don't know. I left because I found out what they are. That man whose orders you follow now is the one who sold me out. He can't be trusted.

Alison: Helio is not a bad person; he's only doing his job. He's always treated us well.
- I dunno... Can you really be 'not a bad person' and run something like the Biorite Facility?
Alison: And no matter what, you're still alive. That's what's most important.
Ethan: Alison, that seal, it's not for the Kingdom's own protection. It's...

Alison: I'm necessary here. I wouldn't even know what else to do.
Ethan: Do you think I'm lying to you, Alison?
Alison: No, I don't think you are. We've just taken different paths. I would like you to come back to us, but... I know that's no longer possible.

Ethan: Alison!
Alison: The second drawer, on the right side of the desk. My official seal is in there. If anyone were to steal it, they could easily forge orders from me.
Ethan: Alison?
Alison: The captain right outside is preparing for a delivery to the place you want to go.

Alison: After this, we'll be enemies.
Ethan: Be careful. You'll have to face responsibility for this.
Alison: Even if I didn't help you, I know you'd find a way to do it. This way, at least, I can prevent you from getting hurt.

Hilbert: Ethan, what should we do?
Ethan: Just like I'd expect from her. She was always one of my best men... We'll do as she said. It doesn't matter how we get inside. We can't waste this opportunity.

Next time on Last Scenario... will this seal be as easy to destroy as the other two, or will unforeseen difficulties prevent the party from accomplishing their goal? And what of Entalar, the mysterious Havali capital? Tune in next time to find out what happens!

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