Last Scenario - Part 20

Jan 29, 2010 16:07

Last time on Last Scenario...

- ...We defeated Tiamat, only to be confronted with some strange behavior from Ethan.
Hilbert: You're not making any sense. What are you talking about?
Ethan: Hilbert, I've been hiding a lot of things from you.

Ethan: I lost some of it, yes, but I remember much more than I pretended to. I had a reason to keep it from you, but it's no longer a valid one. I should've told you much earlier.
Hilbert: You mean... there's important information you've been keeping from us all this time?

Hilbert: I'll go get them, okay?

Ethan: . . . .
Hilbert: What's wrong?
Ethan: Look, I'm not good at this. There are things you may not want the rest to know about. Part of the reason I hadn't told you yet is that... I didn't know how you'd take it.
Hilbert: Come on, we're a team. I don't want to hide anything from the rest. What is it? I have to know now.

Ethan: You were being used. You aren't 'destined' for anything. You just happened to be their victim.

Ethan: All of this, it was all just part of their plan. Zawu was their agent who carried it out for them. They... They have been deceiving you all along.

- Ouch. That had to hurt.

Matilda: Hey, Hilbert. What's wrong?
Ethan: It's because of me. I'm not the person I said I was. The story of my memory loss was more or less a lie.
Matilda: What! What did you do!? Don't tell me you're a traitor!
- Okay, he won't if you ask nicely like that.
Hilbert: Let him talk.

Ethan: Before I was locked up in that prison, I was the original Number One of the Kingdom's Omega Team. We were a personal task force for General Castor, the man who's now the Kingdom army's supreme commander. We knew Zawu well too.
Thorve: I'm surprised you held such a rank, but we already knew that you used to be a Kingdom soldier. What I want to know is, what is your relation to Zawu? How did you come to meet her?

Ethan: I don't remember.
Matilda: Another lie?
Ethan: It's not a lie. There are still gaps in my memory. What I do know, is that Zawu is acting as an ambassador between the Kingdom and the Havali. She is the one who gave Castor and I our positions. In a sense, she was our superior.
Thorve: You make it sound like the Kingdom is nothing but a puppet state of the Havali.
- Well, judging by what we've seen from Ortas...
Ethan: That may be true. The Havali are definitely using us.
Randolph: But, you mentioned the Havali. Tell me more about your relation to them. What are their goals?

Ethan: But just like you, we believed that the Awakening meant the revival of the ancient demons. We thought the Havali had the power to control these demons.
Thorve: But that was a lie.
Ethan: Yes. I was having some doubts myself, so I began to investigate. I discovered that the demons we believed in didn't exist, and that the Havali lost the great war. What I didn't know about at the time was that most of the Havali were sleeping underground. That explains why they were still being passive, and why they needed Lorenza.
Thorve: So, was this discovery the reason you were imprisoned?
Ethan: Yes. There was an intelligence officer in the Kingdom who found out what I was doing.
- Gee, I wonder who.
Ethan: The truth is, he wasn't supposed to know about this either. He just discovered it by himself. I wanted to protest to Castor about what he was doing, but this man saw an opportunity for promotion. The reason I got locked up was because that man told Castor about it. It figures that he ended taking my place on the Omega Team.
- Technically speaking, blue-haired woman took his place. Helio took her old place. But whatever.
Thorve: So essentially... there's little that we didn't already know. But why did you keep all of this a secret from us until now?

Ethan: A promise to the man who released me from that prison...

Ethan: My name... Oh, I still remember. How long has it been? Months? Years? I don't know...

There is a sound of a door opening
Ethan: What's that?

Ethan: A... A light?

- Wow. That looks uncomfortable.
Phantom: That's a good question. It took me a long time to figure it out myself. If you need to call me anything, call me Phantom.

Ethan: Yes, I'm Ethan, but... What am I doing here? I...

Phantom: When you remember more, there'll be a lot of things I want to ask you about. There's probably a lot that you want to know about me too. But first, we need to get out of here before they raise the alarm.

A bell sounds
Ethan: What's that?
Phantom: It's the alarm? They must've discovered that you're gone. I made sure I wasn't detected when I got inside. I didn't think they'd check on your cell that often.

Ethan: What's-
Phantom: Ssh! Speak quietly. Look outside. They're all over. They've got the place surrounded.
Ethan: Is there another way out?
Phantom: I went through a ventilation shaft on the side of the building. It was unguarded, but I doubt that's still the case.
Ethan: I'll try to break through. It's better than being locked up again.
Phantom: No, you won't get far.

Ethan: What about you?
Phantom: I'll go through the front and buy you some time.
Ethan: You can't do th-
Phantom: No time to argue. I'm the one who got you into this mess. Listen, we have to move quick. First of all, take this.

Phantom: Now, I have a task for you. I don't think I'll get the opportunity to do it myself. I may be asking a lot from you, but I think it's a fair trade for getting you out of here.
Ethan: What is it?
Phantom: There's a young man in the army of a country south of here. I met him recently by chance. He holds the seal of Alexander.
Ethan: The seal of Alexander? So, what about him?
Phantom: It could be a good thing, but it could also be very bad. I couldn't do anything at the time. I was barely capable of thinking, but that encounter woke me up.
Ethan: So, what am I supposed to do?
Phantom: Find out if he is an ally or an enemy. That is all. If he is indeed an ally, you should help him any way you can. But if he turns out to be an enemy, you must stop him any way you can.

Ethan: I'll do my best.
Phantom: Good. Now run, quick!

Soldier: Who's this old man? Did he escape from a cell?
Soldier: He's got to be from here. Just look at him. Go and check with the captain to make sure.
- End flashback.

Ethan: I had to determine if Hilbert was a victim or not, and in both cases, if he was a danger.
Matilda: A victim? A danger? What are you talking about?
Thorve: It's not that strange, Matilda. The one who gave Hilbert the seal of Alexander is Zawu. We now know she works for the Kingdom and Havali. Even before this, we already came to the conclusion that Zawu was trying to use Hilbert.
Matilda: But that's in the past. We've gone our own way since then. They wanted to control Hilbert because he is the descendent of Alexander, but he broke free. Their plan has already failed.

Ethan: You... you still seem to believe that Hilbert was destined from the beginning. Don't tell me you never even considered the possibility that he isn't related to Alexander?
Matilda: Wh... What are you saying?
Thorve: I'll admit that I had my doubts at first, but at the time I thought it didn't matter if it was true or not. I guess that over time, we all came to believe that it was the truth.
Ethan: Before I met you, I found it hard to believe that Zawu found and approached a real descendent. But as I spent more time with you, even I almost started to believe it. This is why Hilbert is a victim. Zawu specifically chose someone who would buy what she told him.
- She did a pretty good job of that.
Ethan: A normal person would've been skeptical, but Hilbert truly believed it.
Matilda: Hilbert... is this really true?
Hilbert: I... I guess so...

Lorenza: Why would they go through all this effort to convince Hilbert to fight against the 'demons' if the 'demons' are actually their own allies?
Ethan: That's a question I can't answer. This is probably something Zawu came up with on her own. But... I can safely say that it's no more than a backup plan. In their grand scheme, it probably wasn't even a big loss.

Matilda: Hilbert!
Ethan: I'm sorry. It's my fault. I don't know how to say something like this.
Matilda: It's not your fault. This is ridiculous. I'll go talk to him.
Thorve: Don't you think we should let him be alone for a while?
Matilda: It didn't work for me, and it won't work for him. He needs to hear what I have to say. I'm going after him.

- At this point, you play as Matilda. Let's talk to the rest of the party first.
Thorve: Just keep his own feelings in mind. Be careful about what you say.
Lorenza: I feel sorry for him. He's been trying so hard.
Randolph: I'm still having trouble processing all this new information. It's probably not as bad once you see the whole picture.
Ethan: I should've said it earlier. I just couldn't do it.

Matilda: I can't do that. If I leave you alone, you're only going to stand there and sulk.
Hilbert: Don't waste your time on me. I'm just an idiot.

Hilbert: What's the point? It was all just a lie.

Hilbert: I wanted to be recognized. She just... told me exactly what I wanted to hear. What kind of person lets himself be led on like that? I'm just a fool who believes anything he's told.
Matilda: You're acting like a fool all right. What about everything we've accomplished so far? So you think you're just a normal person after all? Would a normal person have made it this far? We helped end the civil war in the Empire. Isn't that worth anything to you?

Hilbert: You don't understand. You just don't understand. It's not about the lie I believed in, it's the fact that I believed it. I feel like I'm just a pawn... like no matter what I do, it's all part of someone's scheme.

Hilbert: I don't know what I should do anymore.

Hilbert: I know! I know, but... Before, I had a reason to fight. It was necessary for me to fight. Right now, it feels like it's only going to make things worse if I keep fighting.

Matilda: Hilbert!
Hilbert: Just leave me be. I want to think about this on my own.

Randolph: Anyway, Ethan, I'm curious about something. You were also encased in biorite at the prison. Could it have been some kind of experiment? Just like us, the Kingdom is investigating the material. Was it to test the effect on humans?
Ethan: Who knows... No, actually, it's probably as you say. There must be great power inside the biorite. The Havali used it to sleep for centuries.
Randolph: Yes, and no doubt they want to use that power for their own good. But to touch on the subject you brought up, the Havali can sleep for a long time without aging. The effect of the biorite on humans seems to be more harmful. Or perhaps I should say it has side effects. Pardon me for saying so, but you don't appear to have changed for the better.
Ethan: No, you're right. The time I spent in that place was... only about three years.
- Holy crap... he spent three years encased in biorite!? I think that might count as a fate worse than death...
Ethan: Compared to their 300 years, it's nothing. And then there's the memory loss too...
Randolph: Exactly. You did lose some of your memory, correct?
Ethan: Actually, I'm worried about that.
Randolph: Worried that you forgot something important?

Ethan: They were the things I wanted to remember the most, so I tried hard not to forget. And it worked. Those things, I remember as clear as day, but...

Randolph: So, you know nothing about your youth? Is that what's worrying you?
Ethan: The things I remember are those that I wanted to remember the most. Does that mean... that I forgot that which I wanted to forget the most?

Randolph: But that also reminds me of something else. This man you called Phantom.
Ethan: I never found out who he really was, or what happened to him.
Randolph: About that, I've noticed several similarities between you. The affected look, the fact that you were both attracted to the biorite, and the memory loss.
Thorve: Are you suggesting that this man was in the same situation as Ethan? That he was sealed in biorite too?
Randolph: It's an interesting thought, no?
Thorve: Interesting maybe, but none of this is helping us in any way. If anything, it raises more questions than it answers.
Ethan: Yes. I don't know either.
Randolph: *sigh* Forget about it for now. We have more important things to worry about...
- I believe it's bedtime for our party at this point.

Matilda: Captain? What do you need us for this early in the morning?
Moritz: I just got a message you might want to hear.

Matilda: Get up, Hilbert! I said get up! Now!
Hilbert: What do you want?
Matilda: We got some news you need to hear. Now that the Republic is gone, the southern parts of Pargon Island have fallen into chaos. Groups of bandits have taken control of the area through force and are doing as they please. The kingdom army is still busy restoring order to Stonewall, so the south is being neglected.
Hilbert: So...?

Matilda: I've had enough of this. Didn't you tell us that your town was attacked by pirates before? You know what they're going through. You said you'd become a hero. You promised you were going to defend that town, weren't you? That was long before you met any of us. That promise had nothing to do with being Alexander's descendent.

Hilbert: Joanna...
Matilda: You're going, even if I have to personally drag you there.
Hilbert: Joanna, I... I...

Matilda: That's sounding better already.
Hilbert: I'm still not sure about my future, but... you're right. I can't sit around while my hometown is in danger. I have to do something.
Matilda: Good. Now you're sounding more like your usual self. Let's not waste any time. Moritz already took us to Pargon Island. We can leave right away.

Hilbert: Yes, we are. Aren't you coming with us?
Ethan: No. I think it'd be best for both of us if I stayed behind. Besides, there are some things I want to investigate.
- Fine. Mess up my party, why don'tcha.
Hilbert: It's your choice. I wouldn't mind if you came along, though.

Dwight: I-It's not my fault! One of those men forced me to clean his armor. I ran when he wasn't looking!
Rat: You gota make sure they don't see you! I told you that several times!
Marv: Shut up, you two. We've got to make a plan. That's what we're here for.

Dwight: So, w-what's the plan?
Rat: I got it. We just need to take one of these guys down. If we do that, everyone will see that we don't have to take this.
Marv: Yeah! We'll make everyone stand up to these guys!
Rat: It's a great idea, right? If we start a real war, they won't stand a chance against all of us. We'll be the saviors of this town. All we have to do is light the fire.
Dwight: B-But... what if no one helps us?
Rat: . . . .

Rat: This is it. We gotta do it now.
Marv: Right. We'll do it.

Rat: You go first.
There are sounds of fighting from outside

- The main character.

- These guys are pretty- no, they're really easy. Pfft.

Hilbert: Are you all okay?
Rat: Of course we're not okay! Have you seen the state of this town? What are you doing back here at a time like this?
- Kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, and guess what we're all out of?
Hilbert: Don't get me wrong. I didn't come here just to save you three. I'm here for everyone who lives in Whitelake. I'm here because I promised I'd protect this town.
Rat: Ha! What do you think you can do?

Rat: What!?
Dwight: Yeah, he's right. We didn't have the guts to attack them in the end.
Rat: Tch... So what are you going to do now?
Hilbert: We have to get rid of all of them. Do you know where their leader is staying?
Marv: Yeah. He took over your old home, since it was empty anyway.
Hilbert: My home!? All right, here's the plan. We'll move from the west of the town to the east. We'll make sure each area is safe before we move on.

- It's pretty simple. You just look around and fight bandits wherever you see them. They're pathetically easy, as stated earlier.

- :)

- All that's left is to take care of their leader now...

As the party enters Hilbert's house, there is the sound of blades clashing

- ...This is my house.
Castor: Hmm? Who are you? Are you a part of this sad bunch?
- This is my house.
Hilbert: What? No! This is my house! Who are you?
- Won't you get out of my house?
Castor: Haha, it is? I'm sorry for making such a mess of your home.
- This is my house.
Matilda: Be careful, Hilbert. I think he's a Kingdom officer.
- It's not your house.
Hilbert: What!?
- Please get out of my house.
Castor: Your friend is right. I am indeed a Rosehart soldier. In fact, I am in charge of all the forces on this island.

- Wait, I thought that was Felgorn...
Hilbert: You're the invasion leader? I don't believe it. Why would someone like that come here by himself just because of some bandits?

Castor: He was a former captain in the republic army. I gave all officers the opportunity to surrender to me. If he'd done that as well, he would've still been alive. But instead, he fled like a dog, and terrorized the countryside that he was supposed to protect.

Castor: But those who have no regard for the lives of civilians, who live like animals, for greed or vengeance... I hate those kinds of people more than anything.
- I'm guessing there's a reason behind this.
Castor: It's my duty to bring back order to this land. The common men should not have to suffer.
Hilbert: And so, a general would come here in person, instead of sending his men?
Castor: It's hard to spare men at a time like this. Besides, it's a personal thing as well.

Hilbert: I didn't have a choice. I had to help everyone. When I was young, I swore that I'd protect this town no matter what.
Castor: Haha, and that's the whole reason? Something you swore as a child?
Hilbert: You don't understand. These kind of people attacked our town before, years ago. My parents... were killed by pirates, right outside our home. I couldn't do anything but watch. After that, I swore I'd protect my sister and everyone else here in case it happened again.

Castor: So that's the real reason? How interesting, Hilbert. It seems we're more similar than I thought.
- You know, making a 'not so different' speech is also a pretty surefire way to become a villain...
Castor: I was in the same situation as you. When I was sixteen years old, the imperial army destroyed my hometown. You must know what it's like, to feel completely powerless. There's nothing worse than that.
Hilbert: Yeah, I understand. I wanted to be strong so I could protect everyone I care about.
Castor: That's why I decided I needed power. Power so I'd never have to feel powerless again.

Castor: What do you think? Which of us is the strongest now?
- You wanna find out?
Hilbert: You want to fight me?

Hilbert: Was that man really a Kingdom general...? He didn't seem like such a bad guy.

Hilbert: It was... it was nothing. I had a lot of help.
Emily: How did you get this strong? What have you been doing when you were gone?
Hilbert: Haha, it's a long story... I wouldn't know where to start.

Cathy: Nu-uh. I've been fine. It's 'cause I knew you'd come back to save us, Hilbert.
Hilbert: Don't be silly. You won't get far by depending on me.
Quentin: No matter what you say, it's because of you that this town is free again. We all owe you.
Mary: That's right. There's no need to be so modest. I'm sure that everyone here is very grateful to you.
Emily: Yeah! Thank you, Hilbert!
- I think Emily might have a bit of a crush~

Marv: Everyone's right. I hate to admit it, but there's no way we could've done the same. We were wrong about you. I used to think you were an idiot, but you really changed.
Hilbert: Even you?
Cathy: Come on, Hilbert! Tell us about your adventures!
Quentin: Yeah! Tonight, we'll hold a big party just for you!
- :)
Hilbert: Haha, where to begin...

Thorve: Yes. In a way, it was a good thing that this happened.
Matilda: In any case... we're not in a hurry, so we might as well stay here for the night.
Thorve: Yes. It would be rude to leave at this point, after all.

Matilda: Yeah. We're about to leave. What about you? Are you staying here or not?
Hilbert: Of course I'm coming too! What did you think?
Matilda: You sound like you already forgot what you were like a day ago.

Hilbert: Because of the battle and everything that happened after it, I didn't think about it even once all day.
Matilda: Good. So you understand now how stupid it was to think like that?
Hilbert: It wasn't stupid. I really felt like... like everything I did was already planned by someone. It all just seemed so pointless. Why try to make a difference if it won't matter what I do in the end?

Hilbert: A year ago, no one would've expected me to be treated like a hero now. I have to focus on that, on the good things. I really think this journey has changed me for the better.
Matilda: As long as you keep that in mind, you'll be fine. Just look at me. I lost my home and my rank, but in the end I don't regret what I've done one bit.

Matilda: I don't know what he was going to do, but maybe he found out something useful.
- Meanwhile...

Castor: Zawu chose the wrong person. There's no way she could control you. You don't deserve to be the plaything of those two.

Castor: You can become my true rival.
- Oh, pick on someone your own level.

Well... anyway, we've finally got a point to cut this off. What is Castor plotting, and what has Ethan discovered? All this and more, next time on Last Scenario!

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