Last Scenario - Part 18

Jan 23, 2010 13:40

Last time on Last Scenario... We went to the capital only to find that there was no resistance from the Republic or the Imperial forces. And then...

- ;_;

- I-It looks like there's more cutscenes anyway, though...
Captain: We estimate there are around 200 men missing. Most of them died at the capital, but we have no exact count.
Drakovic: It can't be helped. If anyone is left behind, I'm certain the new emperor will treat his prisoners well. Have everyone board the ships.
Captain: Sir, if you don't mind me asking... Where are we going?
Drakovic: Back home, of course. If the Kingdom thinks they can take control of our country, I'll make their lives as miserable as possible. If we can't face them in the open, then we'll fight from the shadows, break them down little by little.

Captain: Of course, Sir. We'll follow you to the end.
Drakovic: Good. Then let's go.
- With that, we're returned to Herzog...

Grauss: The Republic army is reported to have left the continent, and the imperial forces have all sworn loyalty to us.
Hilbert: When we came here, I never thought we'd end up playing such a major role in the war. I'm glad we could make a difference.
Grauss: I must admit my initial impression of you was wrong. You've all shown incredible courage. The men in this country could take an example from you.

- Pffft.
Wilhelm: That's fine, General. I owe you much, too. I couldn't have done it without you.
Grauss: You honor me too much. I only did my duty. It was your majesty's dedication that led us to victory.
- Actually, I think it was the six of us...
Wilhelm: You shouldn't trivialize your part. Everyone's efforts were important. We've all done what we could, isn't that right?
Thorve: Your highness, I must ask one question. What do you plan to do about Felgorn. I know he was responsible for your father's murder, but I beg you not to treat him as a traitor.
Wilhelm: Yes... I thought you would ask me about that. From what you told me, I can conclude that Felgorn was being deceived by Augustus. I am certain he only wanted to help the ocuntry, but that by itself doesn't clear him of his crimes. However, we can't ignore his years of loyalty to the empire, nor his final sacrifice for our sake.

Grauss: Yes. This is the decision we've reached. We can't hide the truth from the people. Even if we could, we have no desire to do so. The news of what he has done may upset many people, but we will take care to explain everything. Instead of damning him for his one mistake, we will honor Felgorn for all the good he has done for us. I will personally make sure that he will get a burial befitting a national hero.
Thorve: Thank you. I greatly appreciate it.
Hilbert: While we're on the subject... What about the things Felgorn told us before his death? The Kingdom was involved, that much is obvious.
Grauss: I was shocked when I heard the news. I never expected that the Kingdom would instigate a civil war here.
Matilda: However, if you go back, the cause of the Farin incident was never discovered.
- Oh, right. Farin Base... that is way back.
Matilda: The Republic base on the island was attacked by what was assumed to be the Empire, leading to the war. The civil war and the invasion of Pargon Island were a direct result of the Farin incident. I believe the Kingdom carried out the attack and made it look like it was the Empire. It might osund like a stretch if you think of all these events being manipulated, but it's pretty simple. Starting a war between your two enemies will always benefit yourself, no matter how it turns out.
Gruass: I will definitely have all this investigated. For now, that's all we can do.

Grauss: Yes... I can't say I completely understand the situation. The Havali are a race who live in seclusion, but they have some agenda of their own? And who is this Ortas?
Lorenza: Ortas is the Grandmaster, the military leader. He probably has supreme power over my people. We believe that they want to awaken the demons that have been sleeping for 300 years.
Grauss: Is this... about the great war? I wasn't aware that the demons were sealed, rather than destroyed.
Lorenza: It seems they are sleeping deep underground, but we know little more than that.

Grauss: The fact remains that it hasn't already happened. There may not even be any imminent danger. At the moment, we have to focus on rebuilding the country. Everyone is tired from this war.
Hilbert: I understand. We can't ask for more. There's nothing we can do about the situation right now.
Grauss: All of you deserve rest too. Don't forget that. You may all stay at the castle for as long as you wish. It's the least we can do for you. Of course, this goes for your families as well. We will guarantee their safety.
Hilbert: Thank you.
- Meeeeaaanwhile...

???: I've got no place left to go! It's not my fault this happened!

Helio: What's going on?
Earp: It's this man. He says he was chief general under Augustus, but he was demoted and placed on the frontier.
Tazar: Don't you remember me? I'm Tazar! I can't go back to the capital anymore! They know what I did!
Helio: Oh, yes. I know you.

Helio: You then joined the Empire, where you conspired against the Emperor in order to gain more power. Augustus made you chief general for a while, but removed you as soon as he was crowned the new emperor.

Helio: It's a bit shameless to ask for our help now, isn't it?
- It is now safe for you to turn off your computer, Tazar, because you've just been shut down.
Tazar: But I...
Helio: Haha, don't worry. I was just joking. We won't abandon any of our allies.
- I'd call that less than reassuring, coming from him...
Helio: In fact, I think I can arrange a position for you as guard captain of an important facility of ours. It will not be a difficult post, and it might just be temporary. You'll be fine, I'm sure.
Tazar: Thank you! Thank you! I'll do anything you ask!
Helio: Go to the harbor. Our ship is the one with the blue sails. Tell the captain Helio sent you. We'll meet you there soon.
Tazar: Yes, yes. I'll go immediately. Again, thank you. I won't disappoint.

Earp: If I'm right about what you're thinking, this is cruel even by your standards.
Helio: Are you worried about him? He's a worthless man, both as a person and as a leader. If it's that way, then we should try to get even a little use out of him, no?

- And that's all the cutscenes for now...

- Well, all the cutscenes about other people in any case.
Hilbert: If you need anything, you could ask the castle servants. They'd get it for you straight away.
Joanna: It's not just about getting certain things. It's nice to be outside, among other people.
Hilbert: Hmm. Now that I think of it, you've been out a lot lately.
Joanna: Well, it's because I have a hard time getting used to living in a castle. But don't worry, it's not like I don't like it. I never even dreamed I'd be living in a place like this.
There is a knock at the door

Hilbert: Both of you are together? That's unusual.
Matilda: Hilbert, we need to talk.
Hilbert: You using that tone is unusual too. What's wrong?
Matilda: It's been three weeks since Wilhelm took the throne. We all needed a break and I'm not complaining, but... Hilbert, what do you intend to do in the future?
Hilbert: You mean after this?
Matilda: If there even is an 'after this'. We've found a safe place here, and we know its people are good. If we wanted to, we could stay here for the rest of our lives. Don't tell me you never even thought about that?

Hilbert: To tell you the truth, I haven't really thought about the future at all. I guess I naturally assumed we'd have something to do next.
- Who do you think you are? An RPG protagonist?
Matilda: It's not that simple. Were you planning on going after the Kingdom? We can't just blindly attack them. The Empire can't help us at this point beyond protecting us here.
Hilbert: Yeah, I know that's not a good idea. I guess the quietness caught me off-guard. I even forgot that I wanted to become a hero...
Matilda: Are you having doubts about that?
Hilbert: No, it's not like that, not at all. It's more that... I'm already being treated like a hero around here. But I'm still the descendent of Alexander. People have even been trying to control me.

Hilbert: We may need it if another war like 300 years ago happens again...
Matilda: Yes, that's something to think about. That still doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful about what we do. Anyway... forget about that for now. That's not the main reason I'm here. Lorenza didn't come with me for nothing.

Lorenza: Do you remember? When we first came here, I went through the tunnels under the city with Thorve. Down there, I had this odd feeling, as if something was calling out to me. It was the same feeling I later had at the ruins near my old home.
Hilbert: You mean, the place you thought there were demons sleeping.
Lorenza: Yes. I want to go back there to confirm it. Randolph was interested too.
- More... ruins...?
Hilbert: Sure, I'll come, if that's what you want. What about the others?
Matilda: Thorve will come too and Ethan said it was fine with him, so I guess we're complete.
Hilbert: Okay. We still have the key to the tomb, so we can go whenever we want to.

Joanna: Enjoy yourselves.
- Thanks. The ruins really are a lovely vacation spot. Wish you could come with us, except there are monsters and stuff.

- And so, we are given control once again. I know, let's go see Valentin! :D

Valentin: Now that I have this kind of opportunity, I was thinking I might go into politics. Of course I have no idea if I'd be any good at it, haha.
- would be the best. politician. ever.

Peter: It was a move that made him popular with the regular people. He valued individual skill highly. Even if he was a traitor to the crown, no one can say he was a bad leader.

- I believe these two are a reference to something, though I forget what.
Reuental: Felgorn had no ambition when it came to seizing power. He never betrayed the Emperor for selfish reasons. If he did have that ambition... he would've really been a terrifying person.
- But enough of this. We do have a more important mission, after all.

- Which is to say, Hex.

- B)

- Now, where was that Ether Well... oh, right.

- For that, of course, we'll need a boat.

- But first, let's have our fortune told!

- Since no one will give us a boat ride (:'[) we're forced to actually follow the plot and go to Alexander's tomb.
Lorenza: Yes, it was right here. I'm sure of it.
Randolph: How about it? Do you sense anything?
Lorenza: It's hard to tell... I need to concentrate.

Lorenza: No, wait... It's not one being, there are more. They're all calling out to me at once.
Randolph: Can you describe what exactly they're trying to tell you?
Lorenza: Hmm... It's hard to say... It's only a faint feeling.

Lorenza: It's more like they can sense I'm near, and are trying to make their presence known to me themselves.
Randolph: So you're saying, there's nothing that could tell us more about them.
Lorenza: It's hard enough to describe as it is. There are no words or thoughts.
Randolph: Interesting, but not very productive. I have another idea. I want to run a few geological tests here. Lorenza, I will need your help for some of this. It will take a while, so the rest don't have to stay.
Thorve: That's fine with me, but to the Empire this is almost like sacred ground. I'm not sure if we're allowed to do any testing.
Randolph: Don't worry, I won't do anything that could cause damage. At least not without permission. I'll report my findings to you once I'm done.
Hilbert: Okay, go ahead. Good luck.

Randolph: We certainly made some progress, but don't get your hopes up too much. By running some tests, I was able to estimate the depth that those calls were coming from. Unfortunately, it appears that the sleeping beings are around 50 meters underground.
Hilbert: That deep? Does that mean the tomb was built on top of something?
Randolph: I'm quite sure of it. I ran some seismic tests, and they suggest an open space at that depth. There appears to be a tunnel complex underground, probably man-made rather than a natural cavern. It's all very interesting, but as Hilbert said earlier, we can't just dig a hole inside Alexander's tomb.
- Uh, actually, it was Thorve who said that.
Matilda: Dig a hole? Are you seriously thinking about disturbing that place? Did you forget that we're talking about sleeping demons here? You don't know what'll happen.
Hilbert: Yeah, Matilda's right. We wanted to prevent them from awakening. We shouldn't do anything that could accidentally wake them up. The damage would be enormous.
Randolph: Now, now. Calm down. Don't just blindly accuse me of doing something rash. I thought this through very well. Let's look at the facts and be rational.

Randolph: This is further supported by the sleeping demons calling out to her, as it were. Moreover, the Kingdom as well as her own people are looking for her. You're afraid of what would happen if we disturbed the resting place of the demons, yes? Then tell me, if it were that easy to awaken them, why would the enemy need Lorenza?
Thorve: Randolph makes a good point. Everything suggests that Lorenza is required to cause the Awakening.
Lorenza: Yes, I believe so as well. Only one of the elder's bloodline can do it, and I may be the only one left. It's possible my grandfather is still alive, but he is very old. Maybe he's too weak to perform the Awakening.
Randolph: Regardless, I see no harm in investigating this further, as long as Lorenza stays at a safe distance. Much the opposite, it would greatly help us understand what we're up against.
Thorve: But even if it's important, can we really get permission from the Emperor for this? To reach that place, we'd have to overturn the whole area, including Alexander's final resting place.

Randolph: No, getting permission would be impossible, especially considering the risk to the capital. But remember, you found another site just like it, one that's far from civilization.
- The Ether Well, guys. Have you been listening to me?
Hilbert: Of course! We could go back to the ruins north of Nolan Vale. There was something just like it there. We weren't willing to go any further last time. There may be something we missed.
Randolph: Exactly. Shall we go, then? I think even Lorenza should come with us. There won't be any issue as long as she doesn't come too close.
Matilda: Hold on for a moment. I'm fine with going back there, but we'll need transportation.
- Like. I. Said.
Matilda: Last time, we hitched a ride with that guy from Lunei Village, but we can't depend on him forever.
Hilbert: After all we've done for the Empire, they could at least lend us a ship. That's what you're saying, isn't it?
Matilda: Exactly. There's no way they would refuse.
- Booooaaat~~ <3

Hilbert: It doesn't have to be a large one. As long as we can cross the sea with it, anything's fine.
Grauss: Out of the question! I won't just give you some second-rate ship!
- he getting annoyed at us because we're being considerate?
Grauss: I will arrange a worthy vessel for you, with a good crew. Supplies will be taken care of as well.
- Well, hey. If we get a ship shop, then it's all cool. :)
Hilbert: Thanks. We owe you.
- Other way around, dude.
Grauss: Don't say such ridiculous things. What we owe you can't be repaid with just a ship. I'll take care of everything. Wait at the port, northeast of the capital.
- If we'd just done this all along... *sigh*

- Hey, a unique sprite. He must be the guy who has our ~*~boat~*~

- This is Moritz. He's cool.
Hilbert: Yes, I'm Hilbert. Is this the ship that General Grauss arranged for us?
Moritz: Yep, that's right. She's all yours. I'll take you anywhere you want.
Hilbert: Thanks. Now it won't take long to go back to Nolan Vale. But I'm surprised. The general got a ship ready for us faster than I expected.
Moritz: Haha, he's a crafty one, that Grauss, even though you wouldn't think so from talking to him. He knew I had a cousin in Fardorf who got saved by you guys. I couldn't refuse to help out.

- Meanwhile...

Castor: I humbly offer this island to you.

- This is Alfred the Somethingth. He's not cool.
Alfred III: Some say that I made a mistake, that a man barely thirty years old is not fit to lead an army.
- He's thirty!? Man, I'm glad SCF got over the whole making people look way too young thing in time for Exit Fate...
Alfred III: Surely your victory here will silence these voices for good.
Castor: It's all just because I rose above them at a younger age. I'm not worried about their petty jealousy.

Alfred III: It's been fourteen years since my father lost this island to the republic rebels. He died shortly after the war, his dreams of a strong, united kingdom shattered. When I took the crown, I swore that I would reclaim what they stole from my father, no matter how long it took.

Castor: Pargon Island is only the beginning, your majesty. You can't be satisfied with just this island. We will take more. No, we will take all.
- World domination? Oh, come on...
Alfred III: Yes, with time. But first, we have to subdue the people here. I heard that there've still been attacks on our forces?
Castor: Nothing but desperate actions from a few stubborn enemies. They'll be destroyed soon enough.
Alfred III: Either way, I am charging you with taking care of the Pargon province until peace has returned here.
Castor: Yes, your majesty.
- Okay, we get it. Now back to us.

- Huh. Why does that name sound familiar...?
Moritz: She's seen every corner of the planet, I'll tell you. Make yourselves at home. You want to depart, let me know.
- First, let's look around a bit.

Griffin: Come to see me if you ever forget where you're supposed to go.
- Griffin's second in command here, iirc. He's pretty cool too.

- This is cozy~ It's not a free inn, though. Or an inn at all.

- There are, however, some halfway decent shops. That being said, let's head to our destination.
Moritz: Is it time to go? Just say the word.
Moritz: Okay, just a few words of advice. We can travel any sea or ocean you want, no problem, but getting off is a little trickier. We can only land on beaches, so make sure there is one where you're going. Remember to look at the map if you're ever lost. You can find all places you've visited before there.


- Oh, and here's a look at our map. It's a bit spotty in places because we obviously haven't been everywhere. I could fill out a lot of it with this boat, but I'd rather wait until I get a better, faster vehicle to do that.

- That doesn't mean we won't look around a bit before going to Nolan Vale, however.

- The desert area on this island is a bit... strange.

- By which I mean there's absolutely nothing there. I guess it's not important. Moving on!

- Whose woods these are, I've got not clue/Nor why they're where we can sail to/But as this screencap clearly shows/These glowing rocks won't let us through

- ...Ookay, I've been thinking for several minutes, and I'm still not sure how it's at all possible to get to that castle. Ever.

- Here we have the Kingdom towns of Northbridge and Southbridge. No prizes for guessing which is which.

- This is the obligatory snowy town. Since we're not supposed to be here yet, they probably have cool equipment for us.

Tony: They say it's real dangerous inside the forest though, so my mom told me I can't go there.
- I'm getting serious Where's Waldo vibes from this kid's clothing...

- Day-um.

- ...facility?
Olivia: Oh well, it doesn't matter to me. Maybe they just need some kind of resource that's only found here?
- ...A facility, huh...

- After extensive Hex playing, we go out to finish exploring. What an unremarkable island this is!

- We can also revisit this place...

- ...buuut let's not.

- Dammit, who makes an island with no beach!? Did the game designer mistake us for people with an airship?

- ...So close... and yet so far... T_T

- Unfortunately, the door here is locked, so we can't get in.

- Okay, okay. Actually heading for the Ether Well now, promise!

- Hey, remember this place? It's where Zawu sicced that Riftgate thing on us! Good times, good times...

Next time on Last Scenario, we revisit the Ether Well. What will we find there? Demons, apparently. Sounds fun.

Also, as a bonus, this update comes with two (yes, two!) vaguely mindscarring images. Enjoy... or, alternately, get brain bleach. I blame my brother in part for these.

'Til next time~

last scenario

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