MegaMan Legends, the red-headed stepchild. (Part 1)

Nov 10, 2008 22:55

Intro post!  I've been lurking for a while, and the idea of doing one of these dealies has been kicking around in my head for a few months now.  And so I shall!

You guys, I really like MegaMan Legends.  Probably too much.  It's not perfect, and it's showing its age, but darn if I don't feel all warm and happy when I play it.  It's like visiting an old friend.  Why yes, I'm a shmoop.  :D

This is the N64 port, since that's the version I have (I didn't track down a Playstation to play the other two games in the series until a few years later).  Doesn't make much difference to you all; just thought I'd throw it out there.

The premise, in case you're not familier with this particular series, is a little different from the other MegaMans (Men?)  I know it doesn't seem at all related, but it is part of the main timeline.  Right at the end of it.  >.>

Well, the manual is wrong on a couple things, i.e. the Mother Lode has nothing to do with the Caskett family.  Roll just feels the need to finish what her parents started, or somesuch.  And there's the usual replacement of Rock with MegaMan, because we Westerners can't keep track of two names for one person.  9_6  But enough of my flapdoodle!


When you start a new game, Roll tells you good luck in this chirpy, happy voice. I don't know, I think it's kind of sweet.

The intro Sub-gate is pretty easy, as you'd expect. Let's just lift this broken door, and...

Our gallant hero! :B

Anyway, Rock and Roll have found the refractor chamber, and are chattering about how awesome that is, since they're dirt poor and all.
There's a weird graphical glitch in this rom, so this refractor is magically invisible. Think of the plumb-bob in the Sims, and you've about got it.

And of course, as soon as he takes it, the ruins freak out a la Indiana Jones. Stuff shakes, he runs away and so on.

In some ruins, like this one, nothing will attack you until you take the refractor. Then you have to fight your way back to the surface.
Fffff, zakobons. These only take a couple shots.

Unless you're a failure like me and let them charge you. addalskfjklds >(

The 'it' Roll's referring to is a lot of activity she noticed on her radar equipment. As the Spotter, she directs Rock so he doesn't get lost and lets him know what's going on around him.
I guess you could compare her to the navigators in Megaman X, but a lot less annoying.

I wasn't fast enough to catch it, but a zakobon just zipped by through that hallway up ahead.

I can't remember the name of this one, but its shtick in to drop from the ceiling and crush you. Then it pops back up to the ceiling and does it again, until you either move or die.
It can shoot, too, but mostly it does the crushing thing.

Or you can just stand back and fire at it, and it won't do much of anything. |3 I AM A NINJA

This puzzle took an embarrassingly long time to figure out. I blame the glitch that won't show transparencies. INVISIBLE BARRIER :[

So, just shoot the switches until they go pop, and the barriers disappear (or they would if you could see them in the first place).
This takes us to our first chest. A power raiser! Not bad. :) This little guy is an upgrade for the buster; the main weapon for the entire game. The buster is worth precisely jack at the moment, so let's fix that, eh?

Yeah, wow. Those aren't even bars at this point. Just...dots. D:

That's more like it!

And as for the chest on the other side...ta-da! 560 zenny. SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF MONEY

Now to try the other formerly-blocked hall. I missed the first text box: (Roll: I'm seeing a large blip in front of you.)

Not at all ominous, I'm sure!

Without any warning whatsoever, a Hanmuru Doll charges at Rock as soon as he's through the door.
This one is actually pretty decrepit and slow. The normal Dolls we'll see later are much faster, use more attacks (this one just slams its arm down) and have both arms.

The easiest way to kill this thing is to circle strafe it. That way, you're always able to stay ahead of its attacks and always able to fire at it.
Come to think of it, you can beat just about anything by circle strafing. e_e;

Rock does his dorky grin thing and flounces off. :B


Why hello there, huge phallic tower!

Puzzled, Rock wonders why his ride's not there. ROLL, YOU'RE LATE. :|

dun dun. dun dun. dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN


The dramatic effect is somewhat lessened by the Doll's scurrying little feet.

Looks like we've run out of phallic tower.


You damn kids stay off my lawn!

Off they go in their happy fishboat.


Roll! The mostly helpful, nearly punctual sidekick.

And here comes Rock to :B it up.

Anyway, another cutscene. Roll was late because the engine's being a bitch.
They squeal over the refractor they got, and then Rock drops some serious exposition about finding the Mother Lode.
And Roll's parents! Even though it...really had no place in the coversation, but...

But no time for that! YOUR ENGINE ASPLODE

Roll keeps the ship from dropping like a rock.

Their grandfather (well hi, Gramps!) tries to keep the engines going.

...Rock looks out the window. And points out an island that Roll can easily see. Super work there, Rocky.

Anyway, Roll decides to set down here rather than crash into the ocean.

Again! Again! :D

"It's pretty bad. I guess." Here is a minor cutscene. It's voiced, but it also has scrolling text boxes.
The text scrolls in time with the VA, though, so it can be hard to catch all the text before it scrolls away.


Just insert "We won't be able to set" right before that. Pause in predictable places, Gramps!

"We've been pushing her so hard...haven't been taking good enough care of her."

Once again, my screenshotting skillz fail utterly. You get the idea, though.

He pronounces Kattelox in a way that makes me think of a live cow on a bagel. CATTLE LOX?

"Since, y'know, you were completely unhelpful in the crash and everything. Just a suggestion"

Hello, token cute animal thing!

Then why did you...?

Data is basically a save point and an inn combined. He moves around depending on what missions you've done, but he's generally easy to find.
He'll also give you hints on what you need to do next, which is useful if you don't play the game for a while and come back. He also does a saucy dance.

HINT HINT go away

I can already see that this island is quite metropolitan.

The cops in these games drive like freakin' maniacs, I tells ya.

TREE. :[

"No need for paramedics, I can see that you're all completely unharmed just by looking. I'm an inspector, you know."

This cop has the most fey voice you can imagine. All breathy and gentle.

B-but we just landed here. We're not staying...

Ah, one of THOSE places.

I love how you need to become a citizen of the city to enter it, but anyone who falls from the sky can become a citizen in about an hour.

The cops are getting a kickback from the Chamber of Commerce, I see.

Your money is welcome here! Also, you can't even get into the city without passing through the market first. They know what they're doing.

Oh, breathy police officer. :)

Off they go, at ludicrous speed!

The city walls aren't too far from the crash site.

Hey look! Some guy staring at a door. He's probably important.


Hobos? Bugs? Wouldn't the reaverbots kill anything else that got inside? That's kind of what they're for, after all.

That's life in a scavenger culture, I guess.

That's enough of the salvage guy. Moving on to yet another cop, who's pacing around this little ship.

TREE. :[

Well, technically it's just sort of floating above the no-parking zone.

D'awww. Our first encounter with servbots. Ain't they cute?

It's their ship, then. And we'll be seeing a LOT of those ships later.

Not the most independent little guys.

A better shot of the ship.

Apple Market! First impressions are very important. Unfortunately, your first impression of Kattelox City is a crappy depressing stripmall.

There's always that guy. Every game ever made has that one guy.

So someone hung up some banners that say "Apple" on them, and everyone said, "Oh, well I guess we'll just name it Apple Market then."

The neighborhood thugs, chillin' and illin' at the stripmall.

Hi there! I'm- wait what?


Everyone here is very friendly. And by friendly, I mean intensely xenophobic.

Damn dirty foreigners, with your accents and your strange customs!

Shizuka! The only Japanese-sounding name in the game. I wonder where she's supposed to be from?

First stop, the tailor's!


As a fellow menswear wage-slave, I feel his pain. BUY SOMETHING OR LEAVE. IT'S BEEN THREE HOURS. GOD.

Now for the record store.

In the Playstation version, you can listen to CD samples, but there wasn't room on the N64 cartridge. :(

This girl just stands in the corner and bends her knees from time to time.

Yep! There she goes. There she goes again

Why waste the trip, after all? Too bad for us, we can't listen to them in this version.


Vegatable stand...OF THE FUTURE!

Salad's just the thing for a crash. Cures what ails ya!


Yeah, standard def TVs are pretty cheap now that HD's out. Except this is 8000 years in the future... :o


Don't tell me the full body armor gave it away! Shucks!

Pretty gullible 'round these parts. ME?  NO MA'AM. JUST A DIGGER-THEMED MALE STRIPPER, THAT'S ME.

Enough of that lady. Let's see if the salesclerk can hook us up with some sweet airship parts.

This whole civilization revolves around salvage I swear to god. It's like a PG-rated Mad Max.

Embrace tomorrow...TODAY

Okay, I would actually shop at a place called Hip Bone. It's so punny.
Man, they were getting really lazy with the window textures on this store. More than usual, even...

Paging Dr. Brown to the Brown Room for a Code Brown.

The whole 'room floating in cold black space' thing wasn't so noticeable back in the day. Kind of creepy now, though.

Because us English speakers can't possibly keep track of the fact that MegaMan is a "nickname" and Rock is a name. DURP DURP

STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER! Seriously, where did this even come from? They've never met and he's, what, fourteen?

"Why don't you come up and see me sometime?" Oh, creepy stalker lady! :3
I'm also digging the implication that Rock's a closet crossdresser male tomboy.

I don't know, I just kind of like her hairclip. I shall dub thee...Fishgirl.

That one? That one painted on the wall?

So many opportunities to be a total dick in this game. But I'll be nice this time.


Crap, hit the wrong button. I'll just insult her later, then.

Bitch, don't be playin' I ain't your sugardaddy.


And that's all she had to say about that.

The bakery is actually a really easy, if tedious, way to get zenny. But it turns your armor black if you overuse it.

Um...sure it is. (What dog?)

Get away from me, delusional child.

That's what I THOUGHT.

The little house thing outside the gates is actually housing for the shaft leading down into the ruins.

Which pretty much guarantees there isn't much fun stuff down there. They'll let just anyone into THAT ruin, let's go to a GOOD one.

Parts of what, we're not sure. Parts of reaverbots? Abandoned equipment? Looting dead diggers?

Who doesn't love a bookshop?

Such an intellectual, that Rock.


Yowza! We've hit paydirt!

No nekkid ladies for you, Rocky. Though I love that the fear of getting caught is the ONLY reason he won't do it.

Well, after the girly magazines, I can see how a novel would be a let-down. NEEDS MORE BOOBS.

Apparently, this the the wife of That Guy.


Wouldn't it suck if you left home without your card and got locked out of town? Locking yourself out of your car or your house is bad enough, but...


Cheerful spot.

She says to the boy wearing dig armor.

Well, that's what salvagers do, anyway. Diggers mostly focus on refractors. Most of our special weapons are going to be made out of crap we find in the ruins, though.

I take it that was a 'yes or yes' question, then?


Well, there's our first quest. It's pretty short and easy.

Just to show you what happens if you try to get through a gate without your card.

Ooh, a trash can~

Give it a kick! The lid didn't fly off, so that means something's in there.

I don't know, garbage maybe?

Not sure why someone would throw away money, but hey!

Oh, THERE'S the dog. Okay.

Trash can number two, about to get beat.

Trash picking is sort of like digging in a way, right? DON'T JUDGE.

Now that we've accepted the quest, Data's waiting outside the market.

Just in case you get killed by the weakest reaverbots in the game. Don't let it happen to you.

Better do it before I forget, though.

Ulterior motive, go!

Actually, that's a very reasonable attitude.

Off to the ruins!

It's kind of easy to get turned around in these things, since every corridor looks about the same.

The zakobon can't reach me, so it'll just sit there, pooping bombs.

Whoops. It got me. :B

Heavens to mergatroid! Exit, stage left!


The sausage things are mirumijees, the absolute weakest thing in the game. All they do is fling their tiny bodies at you.
Even at the beginning of the game, they barely do any damage at all.

Every now and then they sit up and look around. Sort of cute. :)

I'm coming, Man's voice!

Just a quick note since I forgot earlier, the red eye on the lifebar means an enemy is targeting you. Kind of a nice heads-up.
Mirumijees only take one hit, even from the weakest weapon. Usually I don't bother killing them (they're so cute!), but it's necessary for this quest.

Ah, there he is! Being held captive by...a flock of mirumijees. That's all kinds of speshul.

He does this great "Eww, icky things!" dance until you've killed them all.

Even if I just stand here, they don't really do anything. DUDE, MIRUMIJEES. GET A GRIP.

Aww, all out of mirumijees.
Mirumijee. It's fun to say out loud. Mirumijee mirumijee mirumijee. I play gin rummy with a mirumijee.

They're gone, you can...stop that now.


Following this, Teisel and Glyde should be called Green Man and Brown Guy, but they never are. Oh, MegaMan game...

Come up and see me sometime :*

*eyebrow waggle*

And he really does run fast, as my lack of screenshot attests. Makes you wonder why he didn't run past the mirumijees in the first place.
mirumijee mirumijee

Smacked right into a zakobon on my way out but it's all cool.

Back topside, and Roll's staring at a junked-out van.

Such an odd thing to call someone, why oh why...

That's all she has to say for now. We'll just leave her to drool over her fixer-upper.

"Not sure why he kept winking as he said it."
Okay, I'm done now.

Off to collect our reward!

But first, why are the thug kids running around in circles?

Aww, Bensley!

BEST STREETGANG EVER. All right, now to collect our reward!

When you're actually playing, the character animation shows who's talking. I...can't quite remember now. :o

Okay, it's the wife.

And then for some reason they sometimes use a dialogue tag. Game, make up your mind! And remember the closing quotations while you're at it!


Awwww, mine parts! Man! I wanted something cool! See if we ever help him again.
To be fair, they're not a horrible weapon, but I don't use them. I have a tendency to step on my own mines.

And now he just digs without a spotter. Apparently, she just doesn't think he's worth the effort anymore. XD

That's more like it! Although, since they're salvagers, you'd think they'd sell the car rather than leave it out to rust.

How is it that airships are the main form of inter-island transportation, but NO ONE sells parts for them?
I don't know, maybe Katteloxens just don't travel?

Sir, you say "stuff" an awful lot for an older gentleman.

I kind of want that zakobon, actually. A ZAKOBON OF MY OWN, TO POOP BOMBS AT MY ENEMIES.

I'm going to go ahead and use the less ridiculous name.


Off to give Roll the good news!

There she is, still staring wistfully at the van. Staring and staring and dreaming.

I never understood why there were airship parts underground. Airships don't work down there!
But then, Roll can fabricate buster parts out of just about any old crap you find laying around, so...

Baw, she talked too fast for me there.

Sure, now you pause.

No, it's just mines. :(

(Psst, now Rock is talking!)

Shove a "We can" in there. Sorry, guys. D:

And now it's Roll's turn to talk again. I wish they used the dialogue tags consistently, jeez.

Or not. It's just mines.

And into the car we go, to do something frightening to Rock's right arm.

Stay tuned for the next installment, when the plot starts!


capcom, megaman legends

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