Have We Sent Him a Protocol Sheet?

Mar 30, 2007 15:05

Ladies and Gents the Queen (well... OUR queen ::wink::) is in Italy today and we have PICTURES!!! YAY!!!
Ok, there are probably more out there, but I was just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited when I found these i just HAD to post them right away!

(Just in case anyone was wondering, the interview went REALLY well! ... the first lady I met with said that she felt really comfortable talking to me, and that I "sparkled"!! how's that for a compliment!? but, sad to say, it's not the kind of job i'm looking for, so even if they make an offer I'm going to turn it down :-( ... darn! maybe monday's interview will be more of what i'm looking for! ::fingers crossed!::)

Ok, right, NEWS AND PICTURES!...  (YES, i realize i'm updating two days in a row *GASP* *DIES OF SHOCK* but that doesn't mean you don't have to leave a comment!  MAHAHAHAHAHA!!)

So yesterday our Dame was in a town near Lecce in southern Italy where she finalized the sale of the farmhouse-soon-to-be-country-estate-fit-for-a-star. While there, she went to a restaurant where someone (to whom I am indebted!) took pictures!!! YAY!!!

(sorry they're so small, but there's nothing I can do about it!! at least we have pictures right?)

Here she is coming out of the restaurant... 

through the window? (gee, this photographer was enterprising!)

The restaurant made her a cake with her face on it!!! (as The Queen!) how AWESOME is that!! (nice to see her being treated like royalty!)

These next ones were taken TODAY! woohoo!! As Dame Helen and Hubby Taylor Hackford toured the provincial capital of Lecce in southern Italy.

Here she is holding local guidebooks! (looking gorgeous as usual!)

Grr! why did it have to be so small!?!! LOVE this picture!

Outside the city's Basilica... (LOVE baroque Italian architecture!)

... looks like half the city council was acting as tourguides today! ;) ...

Good heavens! they are PRECOUS!!!  

SECOND on today's agenda:

I found this really cute clip of the New York Film Festival Press Conference!! It's REALLY entertaining!! (except for James Cromwell's bit - what killjoy! - but everyone else is absolutely charming :D !!)... and our Dame you ask? AS WONDERFUL AS EVER!!! of course!

So, In honour of the clip.... NYFF PICSPAM! (though you've probably seen these all before!)

LOVE the face!!!

Awwwwwww!!! Happy Helen!


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