What do you think are the best causes to support, and why are they important?
There are many good works to choose from. Do you help people far away, people who are close, future people, little people, suffering people...?
I have been dipping a toe into the sea of good works (by giving small amounts to organizations or friends' pledge drives) and now
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The important thing to me is that I never say how much or to whom, and I actively work to keep off thank-you rolls and donor lists, which is harder than you think. Charity done in public for attention/recognition isn't charity at all, it's just PR dollars (see the repugnant Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, name-endowed hospitals or schools, etc). Ditto charity with stipulations (I give you this money to teach my point of view). It's uncomfortable enough sharing with the IRS, I can't imagine how shameful it would be to have an entire foundation named after me. Every time I think about Bill & Melinda gates, I just cringe for them. What's more egotistical than spending billions of dollars to tell the world what awesome people you are?
Interesting that altruism in the extreme can become shameful. I hadn't considered where the line where humility ends and egotism begins.
I'm very excited to start giving to good causes, because I feel like I should have started helping others much earlier in my life. I didn't volunteer in high school and college...just didn't "get it" til recently. :)
Also interesting that political donations are outside of your charitable giving budget - worth thinking about. Thx.
Anyway, giving feels awesome. Glad you're doing it!
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